Saturday, May 31, 2008

Have You Ever Had A Cat Related Injury?

Besides cat scratches I've never had a cat related injury. I've gotten thrown off the occasional horse and received bumps, bruises, and barbed wire punctures. I hurt my knee sliding into base in a baseball game or two. And hit my head one night when I got tossed off the uSurf. But an injury from playing cat hockey?

Let me explain cat hockey. When the momma cats and kittens were sequestered in the bathroom we blocked their escape with a held out foot. The babies were tiny and yielded. The moms were allowed to come and go. The older the babies got the more it felt like fielding rapidly advancing hockey pucks. Those babies are fast and determined. But the maneuver was a forward motion much like a forward kick in karate but much lower.

Now that the kittens are free to roam most of the house they're trying to get back into the bathroom. This would be fine except Grandma Arly is pregnant, ensconced in the "birthing and nursery suite" and not thrilled with non-human visitors. She purrs at us then hisses at them in nearly the same breathe. (Yes, they are her kids and grandkids but you know how annoying family can be). So for four days I've scooted everyone away from the door with a sideways foot flick that doesn't resemble anything I learned in Kenpo Karate or Taebo. And with a bladder infection I've been in and out of the bathroom every hour.

Well last night the repetitive stress caught up with me and my knee hurt like hell. Both large tendons in the back were freaking out. (Repetitive stress is common in people with Cerebral Palsy). I iced my knee and went to bed but it was worse this morning. We were planning a WalMart marathon because of Jerry's trip on Monday. And here I was gimpy and limping. I put on an Icy Hot wrap and we headed off. The more I walked the better my knee got. I walked all over WalMart. I'm thinking it's just spasms and the movement and Icy Hot relaxed them. Painful but harmless.

But really, a cat / kitten induced injury? That's just weird.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Reasons Dieters Get Stuck & Solutions - Number One: Making Mistakes In The Grocery Store

Reason Number One - If you buy it, you will eat it!

Your first defense against getting stuck on your diet, plateauing, or even gaining weight while "on program" is making the right decisions in the grocery store.

Here is a perfect example:

I bought this Sam's Choice Roasted Garlic & Rosemary Chicken Kit at WalMart. Now my eyesight is not what it used to be I admit, and bifocals complicate the matter. I read the nutrition information and ingredients list while WalMart did that danged annoying "dim the lights every two minutes to save electricity" thing I absolutely abhor. It gives me a headache. At 300 calories, 9 grams of fat, 17 grams of carbs (I figured that was the sauce), and 37 grams of protein per serving (4 in all) I judged the product an acceptable choice. It wasn't until I got it home and looked at it in decent lighting I realized it had potatoes in it.

Now, if I was on a carbohydrate cycling phase that would be okay. But I wanted all chicken! I thought I was buying chicken! Not potatoes, for diet's sake. The product's name mentions nothing about potatoes. And to me the photo looked like chicken in the lousy lighting. On the bottom of the back of the box in small print it says "Roasted Garlic & Parmesan Potatoes". And if you really look closely at the photo a few of those yellow slices actually look like potatoes. Maybe I should have caught that. I still say the box is misleading.

Well, I cooked it and ate it anyway. I can't afford to toss good food to the dogs even if it's not the best choice diet-wise. But this just goes to show, even reading the package isn't always enough. I should have just bought a package of skinless chicken breasts and spiced it myself. Next time, I will. My attempt at buying a shortcut backfired. To top it off, the ingredients list was a mile long and had things that do not exist in my kitchen.

Solution Number One: shop carefully, read labels, and avoid buying packaged foods - even if they appear to be healthy. When at all possible, buy fresh whole foods and cook them yourself. The extra time spent will be worth it.

By the way, this product did not save me any time. The chicken meat was raw and frozen, and it took a lot longer than the "preparation time 20 Minutes" listed on the package. I cooked a hamburger in a separate pan and ate it before the chicken even cooked. Convenience my arse.

On the up side, I'm back down to 119 pounds today. And the cranberry extract supplement is improving my urinary tract infection. Yeah!

They're Taking Over! But They Are Soooo Cute!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why You're Not Going To Lose Weight? Can We Be Positive Instead!

This video is reminiscent of the post below I published last year. The video makes some valid points on why people get stuck in their weight loss efforts, plateau, or even gain weight while "on program". (There's a lot of that going around lately. I even gained a couple of pounds and few body fat percentage points in the last month). Though frankly, the title smacks of a negative attitude.

This also makes me think a series of posts on coping with plateaus, weight fluctuations, and weight gain might be in order. Let me think...I do make a pretty good guinea pig.

Diet Tips: Why You're Not Going To Lose Weight

5 Bad Habits That Could Ruin Your Fitness Goals

1. Allowing your “cheat days” to get out of hand.

Although calorie and carbohydrate cycling is a valuable tool in losing body fat and keeping your metabolism high, allowing yourself too many high calorie or high carbohydrate meals can easily stop weight loss in its tracks.

2. Not eating enough calories.

Many people make the mistake of dropping their calorie intake too low (approximately 1200 for women and 1500 for men) and then sustaining this inadequate intake for too long. Sure, you may lose weight faster at first, but if you eat too few calories for more than a few weeks you risk a damaged metabolism. One way to avoid this is to cycle low calorie and high calorie days. If you eat below 1500 calories for 5 to 7 days straight throw in an 1800-2000 calorie day or two. This signals your body its not really facing a famine.

3. Lifting weights that are too light.

Many people lift weights thinking they’re challenging their muscles adequately. In reality, if you do 12 to 15 repetitions without muscle burn or getting close to muscle failure (unable to perform a complete rep) you’re not challenging your muscles enough for growth. Many women are guilty of “aerobic” weightlifting with weights that are too light. At least once a week you should lifting heavy enough to push to failure and include performing a few partial reps. These last and most difficult reps are what produces muscle stimulation for growth.

4. Not doing enough aerobics.

How many exercise programs and products advertise “20 to 30 minutes of aerobics 3 times a week is all it takes to get in the best shape of your life!” This is even less than the government recommends and we know how trustworthy their advice is. Although this 20-30 minutes 3 times a week is enough for cardiovascular maintenance its not enough to create a large enough caloric deficit for fat loss. If you’re very overweight or unfit this is a place to start. But everyone should strive for increased activity for health and weight maintenance.

5. Doing too much aerobics.

Yes, you can do too much exercise and if preserving and building muscle mass is one of your fitness goals (it should be) doing more than 45 to 60 minutes of aerobics a day or more than five to six sessions a week can actually lead to muscle loss. Muscle loss equals a lower metabolism and less ability to burn fat. While not enough aerobic exercise is a minus, doing too much is too.

666 Calories!

I choose to believe this odd occurance is just a coincidence. And that after I entered my lunch calories into Fitday and got this spooky total, a Coke commercial entitled Feed The Beast came on television is just another coincidence...goosebumps anyone?

Pregnant Again!

When Jerry got home yesterday I said, "The good news is, I'M not pregnant."

He gave me a weird look. He knew something was up. I said, "Arly's pregnant again." Arly's one of our cats (the one pictured above that looks like she's smuggling a volleyball). She had been an indoor cat since we adopted her over two years ago but escaped out the back door awhile back. Well she seemed happy enough, so I didn't make her come inside. The side effect to that oversight is another pregnant kitty.

"Yeah!" Jerry said, somewhat sarcastically. "The kitten mill continues..." I told him it's only a mill if you sell them. I keep everyone.

Then he asked, "Did you bring her inside?" Not yet, I was kitten proofing the kitchen and living room all day, hiding wires and securing any objects they could topple. Then I turned the kittens out of the bathroom - they're 8 weeks old now - and set up a birthing box (the box my BioVibe came in) for Arly in the bathroom.

Lexi Checks Out The Proform BioVibe Box.

Yes, I'm a crazy cat lady.

Now, here's the kitty cat scorecard. Two one year old males Arly gave birth to last year, Wolfgang and Zen, are living outside. (I'm sure the mice are plotting a hostile takeover as we speak). My house cats are all ladies, Grandma Lexi - age 3, Grandma Arly - age 3, and their daughters Karma and Gypsy - both age 1 - are on house arrest again (no more knocked up cats, ha). And I have eight 8 week old fuzz balls bouncing off the walls. Well, when they're not posing for the camera and saying "I is cute!"

Bisou Speaks.

In other news, I have a urinary tract infection again (I always seem to have something, just got over colitis). Jerry has it too. We've been passing this damn thing back and forth since 1995. I lapsed on my daily cranberry supplement and whammo! A raging bladder. So I'm dragging a bit. I'm planning a full workout on my BioVibe so I can write a review but it keeps getting postponed...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weathering The Fitness & Diet Storms

The View From My Front Porch Yesterday.

I know my blog has turned into a photo blog lately. Too bad! (Just kidding). So today I’ll try to make my post fit my photos of thunderclouds and still be on topic.

We all hit rough patches and obstacles to our diet and fitness goals. Illness, injury, over-indulgences, long hiatuses from workouts and eating right, family and friends who sabotage, emotional turmoil, personal and career stress, and even happy events can derail the most diligent practitioner in pursuit of fitness, weight loss, muscle gain, nutrition and diet goals.

These two rocket scientists came out of a dry storage shed to investigate what I was doing out in the downpour, immediately got soaked, and then looked down trodden.

The storms of life are inevitable, folks. You can run for cover but you’re going to get wet once in awhile. You can pull a “poor me” pitiful wet puppy act or you can buck up, weather the storm, and after it passes get back in the proverbial saddle. (I must have mixed a few metaphors in there somewhere).

Here are my top ten tips for dealing with fitness and diet trip ups, minor failures, and all out ‘pinned to the mat and down for the count’ wrestling matches between your goals and your present reality:

1. Get over it! We all fail. Nobody has ever succeeded in a linear fashion. You are not a failure or doomed to your current body just because you hit the wall. Get up when you’ve recovered (physically, emotionally, or circumstancially) and start again.

2. Forgive yourself. I separated this from number one for a reason. I read a lot of dieters’ blogs and quite a handful run roughshod over themselves, denounce their character, even question their intelligence, because of a setback. And they do this repeatedly. If someone else treated them with that level of abuse they’d run screaming. (I would hope!) After you get over the pitfalls you WILL experience, DO NOT make them a personal flaw, nor should you take it personally in any way. It’s called life and it has its challenges.

3. Learn from your mistakes, missteps, misadventures, and the experiences you’d rather have missed. There is always a lesson to learn or a different viewpoint to ponder. Maybe when you’ve recuperated from an injury or illness you can better appreciate what health you still enjoy. Perhaps you endured a poor performance in exercise or diet. Either can make you view past triumphs with more pride and resolve to do better.

4. Make a new plan. Your new plan can include your current lapsed or stalled program. Just plan to start again and succeed (even if you face new adversities). I recently stalled out on my workouts and had to change my diet. I had to restrict healthy vegetables and fruits while adding back white potatoes due to a colitis flare. And my weight has inched up to 122 pounds and 22 percent body fat.

So what? I’m feeling better (colitis pain has lessened) and I know I can start over despite any ground I might have lost. I'm plotting my comeback as we speak. So can you. I’m excited as I plan my next phase and you should be happy that you can start again too.

5. Start again. Even if you have to take baby steps, jump back in with both feet. Make a new start. Every workout and every balanced meal counts. Exercise and eating right are cumilative. It’s not perfection that gets you to your goals. It’s doing right most of the time, having perseverance in the face of hardship, being persistent when the road is long and full of detours, embracing the value of down time when you must take time off, and seeking balance. When you need to swing the pendulum in the other direction realize it takes time and energy to get momentum again. Expect to start back at square one. More than once and maybe often.

6. Have patience. It takes time and diligence to reach your goals no matter what they are or how small or grand. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a fit body. If you don’t have patience you’d better be able to hold on for the short term. Live one day at a time. Repeat.

7. Try something new and different. Studies show variety in foods eaten, a varied calorie intake, macronutrient manipulation – particularly in carbohydrates – and including totally different workouts into your fitness plan can fast track your results and budge you off a plateau. Take an outdoor sports vacation, learn to ski or raft, attend different fitness classes like karate, spinning, kick boxing, water aerobics. Try outdoor sports like hiking, horseback riding, and mountain biking. Try different exercise videos, machines, and programs. Make variety a part of you fitness pursuits. Keep things fresh and you’ll be more likely to stick to a fit lifestyle.

8. It’s a lifestyle. Embrace the fact that being healthy and fit is a lifestyle. There are no quick fixes. You can’t be healthy and stay in shape your whole life because you did a program once for six weeks, or six months, or a few years. You get back what you invest. If you want to be fit and healthy for life you will have to put effort into your fitness and nutrition for life.

9. Learn your stuff while you embrace variety. The more you know the better you can cope with the storms. Educate yourself and keep trying new things. Read fitness magazines and books. Learn new cooking techniques. Hire a certified personal trainer and learn proper exercise form. Simply learning the pros and cons of different approaches of nutrition including low calorie versus low fat versus low carbohydrate and how they work can be an eye opener. Question everything and find what works best for you. If you’re presently off-program for whatever reason, reading, learning and planning your next move can be very motivating.

10. Most importantly, enjoy the journey. If you make your journey to better health and fitness a drudgery, or resent the fact you can’t get fit in 30 days, or have unrealistic expectations (lose 50 pounds by summer, get a six pack without dieting, look like a fitness model despite your personal genetics), you will quit and you will fail. Find activities and recipes you enjoy. Don’t stress out over obstacles or stalls. Roll with the punches. This goes hand in hand with number eight. If you cannot stand what you’re doing or eating, you can’t embrace it as a lifestyle.

On a Personal Note:

I got up off the couch last night and said oww. Jerry repeated it back “Owww!”

I said, “Hey, I hate to break it to you, but my old lover returned. I’m having an affair with Arthur again. Arthur Ritis. He always come into town with the rain. And I’m still seeing his brother Cole. Cole Itis.”

While we talked I mixed a drink. I forgot whether I added vodka and asked “Did I?” Jerry laughed.

I said, “Oh yeah, I’m still courting Al too! Al Zeimers.” Funny how Jerry’s the one who can’t remember where he left his shoes. Or keys. Or where the olive oil is. Or…well you get my point.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Photos

We enjoyed our three day weekend although it was cold and rainy most of the time. When the rain stopped - briefly - I took some photos of Jerry preparing the ground for the swimming pool. He said if I posted photos of him laying down rugs in the backyard people would laugh. Who cares! Everyone has to know by now we're rednecks. We get lots of free used carpet from the houses he remodels and it's great for weed control under playground equipment and around the swimming pool. And with carpet all over we can walk barefoot from the back deck to the pool.

We also played Horse-oply and Scrabble. It was a fairly relaxing weekend, but I was up late last night - until 10:30 - because the pizza tried to kill me. I had three slices instead of my usual one and a half and about burst. Then I woke up at 5 am and had to catch a couple of kittens and shoo them back in the bathroom. When they're loose they start chewing electrical cords, stereo wires, computer wires, and we have way too many (wires and kittens). I've got to kitten proof the house!

The big puddle in Fury's outer corral is rain water. Jerry said that's more water than when he left the hose on all night. (Hey, mister, the rain water doesn't cost money). And we're on our sixth day of rain, it's turning out to be an unusually very wet May here in Northern Nevada and I LOVE rain.

I'm taking today off. Maybe I'll even take a nap...

Monday, May 26, 2008

YouTube Lube

I spent a few hours yesterday searching for YouTube videos for my last post. I was surprised how few really good whole body vibration demos there are. Maybe Bruno and I will make one. That should be a riot. Last night I kept dreaming I was watching YouTube videos. So I'm passing on the pleasure (or agony?)

I had expected to get something done today, like a post. Then last night, just before pizza, I asked Jerry something work related and he said, "What makes you think I'm working tomorrow?" I had assumed he was working. He usually only takes off Thanksgiving and Christmas. I said, "why didn't you tell me?" And he said "you didn't ask." So I have two guys home demanding my attention. Which is a nice surprise once I got my clinched fist to let go of my mile long to-do list.

Happy Memorial Day.

Billy Ray Cyrus' "Some Gave All."

Travis Tritt's "Anymore."

Sort of appropriate for memorial day...

"I will remember you."

1960's Slideshow - Great Music and Photos.

Tribute to the 1970's - music and video clips.

Blowing In The Wind. Dylan looks so young in this video.

Switching Gears, For Willie Nelson Fans...

I dreamed about Willie and Merle the other night...Here's one of my favorite duos of theirs, Pancho & Lefty.

My favorite scene from one of my favorite movies.."The Escape Scene" from "The Electric Horseman" starring Robert Redford, Jane Fonda, and Willie Nelson. Best chase scene ever...sorry Steve McQueen (Bullitt is second).

I Want One! (Death wish, maybe?)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

BioVibe Product Review Part One - Whole Body Vibration Explained

My BioVibe has arrived...

I first saw whole body vibration machines at Brookstone starting at $4500 and upwards of $10,000. I didn’t pay that much for any of my vehicles. A TurboSonic X7 Whole Body Vibration goes for $15,995. I only paid $16,500 for my bare acre of land back in 1989! And the house (mobile) was $5500. (They have appreciated to about $150,000 but we'll never move. We love it here, and don't laugh they're paid off!)

Let alone would I pay that much money for a single piece of exercise equipment - all of mine together did not cost that much. Like most people, I coveted what I couldn’t have or wouldn’t dare waste that much money on. So after investigating similar products that were equally expensive I forgot about the whole thing.

Then in early May Home Shopping Network sent me a 15 percent off coupon. I went to their website and window shopped. And to my surprise and joy, I came across - really just stumbled upon - a ProForm BioVibe for a reasonable price (retail $499, HSN price $299, my 15 percent off discount price $254 with free shipping, and on a 4 Month Flex Pay schedule). I ordered one even before I watched the HSN BioVibe demo video.

I’ll explain the benefits of whole body vibration. But first off, I want to emphasize this isn’t a matter of just standing on a machine while it vibrates. These pieces of equipment are designed for whole body workouts that include squats, lunges, calf raises, push ups, planks, abdominal training, and more. Although just standing on a whole vibration machine stimulates circulation and a minimal amount of muscle you must perform resistance exercises on it to receive the full benefits.

The main benefit of adding whole body vibration to a resistance or muscle building workout is greater muscle stimulation and growth. Or technically explained as follows: (paragraphs in quotes are from this Wiki article on Whole Body Vibration).

“The mechanical stimulation generates acceleration forces working on the body. These forces cause the muscles to lengthen, and this signal is received by the muscle spindle, a small organ in the muscle. This spindle transmits the signal through the central nervous system to the muscles involved. Due to this subconscious contraction of the muscles, many more muscle fibers are used than in a conscious, voluntary movement.” (Issurin & Tenenbaum 1999 [8]). This is also obvious from the heightened EMG activity Bosco et al. 1999 [9], Delecluse et al 2003 [10]).

“Because more muscle fibers (also known as motor units) are activated under the influence of vibration than in normal, conscious muscle contractions the muscles are incited more efficiently (Paradisis & Zacharogiannis 2007 [11]; Lamont et al. 2006 [12]; Cormie et al 2006 [13]; ; Bosco et al. 1999 [9], 2000 [14]; Rittweger 2001 [15], 2002 [16]; Abercromby et al. 2005 [17]; Amonette et al. 2005 [18]). The immediate effect of WBV is therefore that the muscles can be used quickly and efficiently, rendering them capable of producing more force.”

This simply means that you recruit and use more muscle fibers and build muscle faster (as long as other muscle building factors are in place such as adequate protein intake, adequate rest, and stress control to limit hormones like cortisol and other catecholamines that can switch you from an anabolic state to a catabolic state). See Optimizing Your Hormone Levels Naturally.

“Another immediate effect of WBV is an improvement of circulation. The rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles at 20 to 50 times per second basically works as a pump on the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, increasing the speed of the blood flow through the body (Kerschan-Schindl et al 2001 [19]; Lohman et al. 2007 [20]). Subjects often experience this as a tingling, prickling, warm sensation in the skin. Both Stewart (2005 [21]) and Oliveri (1989 [22]) describe the appearance of vasodilatation (widening of the blood vessels) as a result of vibration.”

“In order to have any effect on the body in the long term it is vital that the body systems experience fatigue or some sort of light stress. As in other kinds of training, when the body is overloaded repeatedly and regularly, the principle of supercompensation will occur. This principle is the cause of the body adapting to loading. In other words: performance will increase.

This effect has been proven several times in scientific research for both young and elderly subjects (Roelants et al. 2004 [23], Delecluse et al 2003 [10], Verschueren et al 2004 [24], Paradisis et al 2007 [25]). In the only placebo-controlled study to date (Delecluse et al 2003 [10]) a significant increase in strength was found in the WBV group, when there was no improvement measured in the placebo group. This is a clear indication that the vibrations actually do have added value when performing static exercises.”

“From research into the structural effects of vibration training it can be deducted that the increased strength resulting from WBV training can definitely be compared to the results that can be attained with conventional methods of training. But there are indications that better results may be achieved with WBV in the area of explosive power (Delecluse et al. 2003 [10]).

Another important difference between conventional training methods and WBV is that there is only a minimum of loading. No additional weights are necessary, which ensures that there is very little loading to the passive structures such as bones, ligaments and joints. That is why WBV is extremely suited to people that are difficult to train due to old age, disease, disorders, weight or injury. On the other hand, it is also very suitable for professional athletes who want to stimulate and strengthen their muscles without overloading joints and the rest of the physical system (Cochrane et al 2005 [26]; Mahieu et al 2006 [27]).

Other than its influence on the muscles, WBV can also have a positive effect on bone mineral density. The vibrations cause compression and remodeling of the bone tissue Mechanostat[28][29][30][31], activating the osteoblasts (bone building cells), while reducing the activity of the osteoclasts (cells that break bone down). Repeated stimulation of this system, combined with the increased pull on the bones by the muscles, will increase bone mineral density over time. It is also likely that the improved circulation and the related bone perfusion due to a better supply of nutrients, which are also more able to penetrate the bone tissue, are contributing factors (Verschueren 2004 [24], Jordan 2005 [32], Olof Johnell & John Eisman, 2004 [33], Rubin et al. 2004 [34]).

Further more the Berlin Bedrest Study (BBR) proved that 10 minutes of vibration Training 6 times a week prevented muscle and bone loss in total bedrest over 55 days (Rittweger et al 2004 [3], Felsenberg et al 2004 [4], Bleeker et al 2005 [5], Blottner et al 2006 [35]).

In preventing falls and the bone fractures that they often result in, enhancing bone mineral density is not the only important issue. Increased muscle power, postural control and balance are also considerable factors. Studies involving elderly subjects have shown that all of these issues can be improved using whole body vibration (Roelants et al 2004 [23], Bautmans et al 2005 [36], Bogaerts et al 2007 [37], Kawanabe et al 2007 [38])."


Okay, now that the technical details are out of the way, in part two I’ll cover the actual product review. (The first thing I did on it was tip it over on top of me during a squat. Hilarious, but totally my fault).

If you’re interested in learning more about Whole Body Vibration check out the links and videos below.

Whole Body Vibration Industry Research

Whole Body Vibration Fitness Information

Iron Man Magazine article “Good Vibrations – Almost Effortless Muscle and Strength Gains: Old Movers and Shakers of Exercise Vindicated by New Vibration Technology

This CNN Power Plate video is in Spanish but gives an excellent demo of the exercises.

From Aesthetic M.D. - Origin of the Technology:

The development of vibration training came from a desire to improve bone density and muscle integrity in cosmonauts. The technology was originally developed to counteract the lack of gravity in space by the Soviet Union. After decades of research, this innovative machine has received endorsement by many professional athletes and is ensured to produce effective results for your physical therapy needs.

Variety of Applications:

• Increases muscle strength, flexibility, and range of motion
• Enhances balance and coordination
• Strengthens and enhances posture
• Improves circulation and increases blood oxygenation
• Boosts levels of Testosterone and natural HGH
• Decreases level of Cortisol (hormone released when we’re under stress)
• Improves muscle strength and tone, enhancing athletic performance
• Increases bone strength and density
• Improves mobility and flexibility. Builds muscle strength.
• Combats osteoporosis
• Reduces back pain and stiffness
• Produces the effects of 80 different exercises by minor adjustments in posture and body positioning.
• Can be used in many different rehabilitative capacities
• Work out all the important muscle groups of the body
• You can stand, sit, lie, or position a part of the body upon the platform to achieve a different effect.

It All Started with Space Research

Whole Body Vibration (WBV)research all started with cutting edge space research and NASA who studied the effects of vibration massage on bone mineral density. Today, 100s of academic research papers have been released highlighting the many positive benefits of whole body vibration training.

Common Research Findings

1. Vibration Training can achieve results in a much shorter period than conventional & intensive training methods.
2. Vibration Training is a low impact training method, suitable for a range of activities, fitness levels and physical abilities.
3. Vibration Training has many valuable benefits for Weight loss, Fitness,
Wellbeing, Injury Recovery & Active Ageing.

Impact of Whole-Body Vibration Training Versus Fitness Training on Muscle Strength and Muscle Mass in Older Men: A 1-Year Randomized Controlled Trial

Whole body vibration results in increased electromyography (EMG) muscle activity during unloaded contractions.
Thanks to the University of Windsor, now we know that squats loaded to 30% body weight get an extra 4-20% in muscle activity (low end for hamstrings, high end for lateral quads) from these vibrating platforms.

Vibration platforms are becoming popular training devices as of late and you may have seen ads for them in your favorite (or least favorite) muscle magazine. This is for good reason as vibration platforms provide a unique neuromuscular stimulus that's been shown to improve muscle strength and mobility.

This is why informercials and the like use fitness models to sell products. Talk about a bad product promo.

The video below is not the best demo either but at least in this one the woman didn't just stand still on the machine like the woman with a J-Lo butt did in the above YouTube video.

Rainy Day Hot Links

Swimming Pool Opening Postponed On Account of Rain.
This Photo Of Bruno Is From Last Year.

We are setting some kind of record for consecutive rainy days here in Northern Nevada. I've lived here eighteen years and cannot recall ever seeing three days of rain in a row. I feel like I'm back on the Northern California coast where I grew up. The only thing I really miss about Northern California is the rain and fog. I always loved the rain and fog and spending time inside on a cozy couch with a hot drink. Rainy days were always lazy days. Living in Northern Nevada, the weather is sunny 95 percent of the time with a few thunderstorms in the summer, and some snow in winter. For me, this unexpected stretch of rain is just delicious. Pardon me while I make hot cocoa...

Hot Links

Meet Molly, a pony abandoned in Hurricane Katrina, rescued, and given a prosthetic leg after an amputation. Simply amazing.

Why are doctors ignorant about nutrition? (Clue: only 6 percent study nutrition in medical school). This is a .PDF expose on economics as the driving force behind medicine and medical decision making. Why recommend a safe, effective and free solution to a health problem when the drug companies will stuff your pockets for recommending a dangerous and / or dubious drug choice?

Be sure to check out What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You (Hardcover) by Ray D. Strand M.D.

Check out Dr. Strand's Nutritional Medicine website. "Dr. Strand respects the strength of traditional medicine. But with its disease and drug-oriented focus, the body’s natural defenses have been overlooked. In spite of many life-saving medical advances, chronic degenerative disease remains at an all time high.

While learning more about the "root" cause of over 70 chronic degenerative diseases—oxidative stress—you too will realize that humanity’s best safeguard against developing coronary artery disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease, lupus, MS, Crohn’s disease, macular degeneration, asthma, arthritis, etc, is not found in pharmacology, but is found within our own bodies.

You don’t have to passively wait to see if the diseases you fear will someday affect you.

Learn how you can turbo-charge your immune system, antioxidant defense system, and repair system; making certain you secure the absolute best chance to win the war against the root cause of degenerative disease."

Check out Big Daddy D's Low Carb Life blog.

I'm Such A Loser has an insightful post on Eat Often To Lose Weight.

Eating frequent meals boosts your metabolism and is a proven approach to fat loss and muscle gain when combined with resistance training and cardio. Used by bodybuilders, fitness models, fitness buffs, and smart dieters, this approach is the main component of Michael Thurmond's Six Week Body Makeover a program which I've bought, tried, reviewed, and recommend.

Eat More, Weigh Less? By Christopher Mohr

Excerpt - Don't rub your eyes, do not pinch your cheek; yes you're awake, this is not a dream. While everything you may know up until this point has led you to believe you must eat less to lose weight, I'm here to question that theory-to an extent.

I'm not saying you can eat more food than your body can use and successfully lose fat, but I am saying that eating more frequently may help you break through a weight loss plateau. Hibernation season is over; it's time to get in beach body condition.

Here's two excellent articles from Tom Venuto - How To Gain Lean Body Weight Part One - Calories and Part Two Meal Ratios, Meal Frequency & Food Choices

Check out KaHunka In The Kitchen's video Quick & Easy High Protein Pizza to Pack on Muscle! (Personally I wouldn't eat a tuna pizza - where's the cheese ??? - but he's not hard on the eyes).

And from Tosca Reno, author of 'The Eat Clean Diet' - a video on the basics.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Excerpt From My Book "Weight Loss That Works"

Why Should I Lose Weight?

With news stories on the obesity epidemic surfacing daily, it shouldn’t be news that being overweight raises your risk of diseases. This is another “blind spot” many of my clients bring to the table when seeking professional help with weight and fitness issues. They do not read or pay attention to news stories touting the risks of being overweight or obese! It’s easier to bury their heads in the ice cream bowl.

Heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, some cancers, and metabolic syndrome are directly tied to overweight and obesity. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that often precedes type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Signs of metabolic syndrome include abdominal fat, high blood levels of triglycerides, low levels of HDL or "good" cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

The CDC recently admitted a math error leading to bogus numbers of 400,000 people dying yearly from obesity related diseases. The correct figure is estimated to be closer to 250,000 to 350,000 deaths per year depending on who you ask.
According to one new research study, annual obesity-related deaths “likely” are comparable to the 85,000 annual deaths from alcohol consumption or the 75,000 from infections (Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, 12/03). I would question this finding because when they say “likely” they sound like they’re guessing.

In a recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health, a group of CDC researchers found deaths attributable to obesity is affected by age and the risk substantially decreases with age. They wrote: "we observed over a 10-fold difference in the magnitude of the estimates, from 23,313 to 297,835 deaths, depending on age specific mortality relative risks." If this is true, you should be more concerned with your weight if you’re young. But the real issue isn’t death due to obesity, it is quality of life and premature illness which it affects.

Two of the leading causes of mortality today are still obesity and diabetes, and the co-morbidities that come with these conditions, heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer, including breast, prostrate and colon cancers. Obesity is still the number two leading contributor of preventable death in the United States today. The key word in the previous sentence is “preventable”. Nearly every scientist, doctor, nutritionist, fitness professional and personal trainer you ask will agree: obesity is preventable with exercise and a healthy diet. And the most effective treatment to date is also exercise and a healthy diet.

Overweight people have much higher rates of high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels and poorly controlled diabetes, conditions that contribute to blood vessel damage and blockages in the heart as well as the brain. Fat tissue is metabolically active, increases levels of hormones and other substances that can contribute to brain cell death and premature dementia. They also are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis or degenerative joint problems, sleep apnea, heartburn and acid indigestion, urinary stress incontinence and venous stasis in the legs.

If suffering with disability and disease, and reduced quality of life these cause, is not enough to convince you it’s time to lose weight and keep it off, try these motivators on for size:

Being heavy hurts your wallet:

• Overweight and obese people earn less than their thinner co-workers, take more sick days and spend more for health care.
• People who are obese spend almost $700 more on prescriptions each year, according to the Mayo Clinic.
• Obese people are not only facing health risks, they also have to brace themselves for sky-high insurance premiums.
• Insurance companies are taking a tough line on overweight and obesity, loading premiums by as much as 250 per cent for those with no other health issues and discontinuing coverage of obesity surgeries such as stomach stapling and gastric bypass procedures.
• People who gain 20 pounds or more typically increase their medical bills by $500 per year for three years.
• Obese people have 105 percent higher pharmacy costs, 49 percent more inpatient hospital days, 36 percent higher costs to the health plan and 39 percent more primary care visits compared with members with normal weight.
• People with extreme obesity, or body mass index of 40 to 50, have 78 percent higher medical costs than members with normal weight.

Carrying excess body fat affects your social life and your sex life:

In a new study released by Duke University’s Diet & Fitness Center patients reported difficulties in several areas of their sex lives. Obese people reported 25 times as many problems as people of weight levels considered healthy. Both men and women suffered from lack of sexual desire and enjoyment along with hampered performance.

Many reported avoiding sex entirely. The study results revealed many fat people share similar challenges on the sexual level, said study co-author Martin Binks, a clinical psychologist and director of behavioral science at Duke University's Diet and Fitness Center.

Two percent of the normal weight group interviewed as a comparison reported difficulties such as lack of desire for sex, compared with 50 percent of obese treatment seekers. Close to half of the obese treatment seekers, a whopping 42 percent, had sexual function difficulties, while 41 percent said they avoided sex.

The normal weight group comparison group responded to the same questions with 1.8 percent reporting sexual function difficulties and 2.5 percent reporting avoidance of sex.

For many, obesity becomes a contributing factor to infertility and pregnancy complications:

Infertility is a growing problem for many with one in six couples experiencing difficulties in conceiving.

One doctor practicing as a fertility expert estimates that 10 percent to 15 percent of her patients have weight-related infertility and weight is a contributing factor in other cases. Obesity can also affect a man's fertility, contributing to lower levels of testosterone, a diminished sex drive and lowered sperm production.

Overweight patients have a poorer response and a weaker absorption of fertility drugs. Many obese women are refused infertility treatment until they lose weight.

Babies are at risk as mothers' obesity doubles. The number of pregnant women who are putting themselves and their unborn babies at risk because of obesity has doubled in the past decade, a shocking new survey has revealed.

The study found that one in five mothers-to-be who came for their first prenatal visit between 2002 and 2004 was clinically obese. In 1990, the figure was just one in ten.

Experts say the obesity epidemic among pregnant women is particularly disturbing because studies show they are 50% more likely to die during pregnancy than those of normal weight.

Obese women are also far more prone to complications such as miscarriage, gestational diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, pre-term labor, and stillbirth.

There is evidence that babies are also adversely affected, suffering a host of prenatal and postnatal complications.

There are also psychological implications to obesity:

Studies clearly show higher levels of depression, guilt and lowered self-worth in the obese.

Almost every area of life is more difficult or less satisfying if you are overweight or obese: shopping for clothes (as well as furniture if you are very large), obtaining affordable medical insurance, career earnings and advancement, dating and finding a life partner, pregnancy and parenting, socializing and travel. Weigh these hardships against the temporal pleasures of overeating and inactivity and decide for yourself whether weight loss and weight control are worthy life goals.

If you are of normal weight, you owe it to yourself and your love ones to stay in shape. Good health and longevity depend a great deal on a healthy diet, physical activity, and an optimal body weight. The information and advice in this book can help you remain fit and healthy throughout your life. You will be much less likely to suffer the diseases that are killing Americans by the hundreds of thousands a year.

If you are overweight or obese it is in your best interest to lose the excess weight and include regular activity in your lifestyle. Even moderate amounts of excess weight can damage your health and compromise your quality of life. This book gives you the keys to permanent weight loss that can make all the difference in your body and your life.

The average sedentary person begins losing muscle mass as early as their late 20’s and if unchecked, by weight training or other resistance training, you can lose a scary percentage of muscle mass by middle age. This does not mean you will just be weaker. Muscle is your metabolism. Muscle burns fat even at rest. The more muscle mass you preserve or build, the more fat and calories you can burn. I’ll be repeating this later in the section on resistance training.

Copyright 2003-2008 By Juicy Britches Publications & Carol Bardelli
All Rights Reserved. No Reproduction or Reprinting Please.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Rainy Day Photos & 5 Cool Things About Low Carb

5 Cool Things About Low Carb

1. You can have Royal Stilton blue cheese on on your burger without guilt.

2. You can eat prime rib and creme brule and make your dinner companions envious.

3. Bacon bits on your salad can be bacon strips on your salad.

4. Cheese. More cheese. Luscious decadent cheese! More please.

5. You can max out on protein and actually build muscle. (Assuming you actually do resistance exercise to stimulate muscle growth).

Rainy day photos I took this morning, the first from my front yard, the rest at the school bus stop...our street is the last one before miles of open BLM land. Kind of why we're all living in horse heaven. You can ride for miles.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Blogger Limbo

This Product Review Coming Soon To A Blog Near You!

My Proform Biovibe is in the UPS Hub in Sparks, Nevada and should be out for delivery today or tomorrow. I'll review it as soon as possible.

I'm sort of in blogger limbo. I've got products ordered I want to review - like the one above - but they haven't arrived. I have a few topics I want to cover but not much time to research and write anything in depth at the moment. We're in transition between the school year and that daily routine, and summer vacation mode with all the excitement that comes with it.

On top of that, Jerry's about to go out of town to work and I'm making lists for what he needs to take. The work project is a house remodel and he'll be camping out in the house while he works on it. So he needs to take a sleeping bag, pillow (which he forgot last time), clothes, personal hygiene items, food, microwave, mini refrigerator, etc. And I'll buy enough groceries for Bruno and I so we don't have to trek into town while he's gone. (Our Smiths grocery store is 20 miles away and I plan on avoiding any long trips if possible. We have a small Mom & Pop store about a mile away if we need milk or something).

As for the schizophrenic nature of Northern Nevada - it was 97 degrees a few days ago - this morning it's snowing! Jerry scored three almost new air conditioners yesterday on Craig's List (we only needed one but the price for all three was unbeatable) so of course it's snowing now! It's not sticking but I had to bundle up to feed my horse. The high today is forecast for 57 degrees. And we're supposed to open the pool this weekend?! Ha.

I'm working on a Hot Links post, but for now all I've got to share is some cats and kittens antics on video. Pardon the video quality, I didn't use the tripod and it was a cloudy day. Guess I should have turned on some lights.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Summer Dreamin'

Local Weather Forecast - Click To Enlarge

We almost had it...summer was nigh. Last weekend we broke a heat record. The high was 97 degrees, Bruno was playing in his wading pool and our air conditioners were on high.

The high today? 61 degrees. That's a drop in the daytime high of 36 degrees. Typical freakin' Northern Nevada. Hopefully it will warm back up soon. Bruno only has eleven days of school left.

We're still planning on opening our swimming pool this weekend and I'm shopping for pool toys like these below (got to keep my son occupied this summer and me too!):

Skim Boarding

Amazon Skimboard Demo Video

Sub Skating

Amazon Sub Skate Demo Video

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Jerry!

Today is my husband Jerry's 59th birthday. Happy Birthday Baby!!! I Love You Most!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

I've Got Carabiners Under My Computer

Really, who ever heard that line before? Anyone? I had a few carabiners in my tack room and brought them into the house intending to attach them to our climbing wall. It's not like Fury would miss them. They're sitting on my desk and somehow ended up under one of the laptops. Hence "I've got carabiners under my computer."

I'm a little goofy today. My colitis pain has receded a little more (it comes and goes) and it's almost the full moon. I get loopy on a full moon. After a 2 1/2 day fast of protein shakes and fresh vegetable juice (I hit over 1200 calories both days) I'm on a refeed of approved foods only and had 4 ounces of hamburger and 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes for breakfast.

I don't care about a clean diet right now. Low carb has been shown the door and sent to Dolphin Bay for a spa week. (Did you all catch the episode of Workout set there?) I'm focusing on a high protein diet that will heal my colon. For now, it's low fiber, "soft" foods including most meat, white potatoes, other soft carbs, fats, cheese (the lactose is removed during the process of making cheese), and soy protein shakes (whey and casein are out for now).

Foods to avoid to get over a flare and to prevent flares include anything with fructose, (many people with colitis and other digestive disorders have fructose intolerance), no fruit, lactose, high fructose corn syrup, corn, nuts, seeds, beans, nothing high fiber including vegetables (some people cannot tolerate wheat). Normally I can tolerate fiber, and the occasional serving of nuts and beans, but after a flare I have to toe the line awhile.

I love my climbing wall and I've been given an assignment to take a Sharpie and mark where I want holds. Jerry will install them wherever I want. Yippee! We had too much fun this weekend. Check out my video below of Bruno climbing the wall and sliding down into his pool. That slide is nearly vertical and notice that he's climbing the wall barefoot. Kid is a daredevil.

To see footage of mom and dad climbing check out the video in my last post. For photos of construction of the wall see previous posts.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

You're Driving Me Up The Wall!

Video of The Bardelli Family Backyard Climbing Wall - Day One

All three of us took turns climbing. We're not done with the wall yet, Jerry's going to add more holds later.

Climbing Wall Construction-Screwing Around On A Saturday Morning

I thought of about a dozen suggestive titles for this post...

How about "Jerry really knows how to screw."