Monday, May 12, 2008

Is Recovery From The Weekend Possible?

Bruno Bungee Jumps at the RSVP Mothers Day carnival at Mills Park, Carson City, NV

Probably I'll recover...but not today. I had another insanely busy weekend. I'm treating my Monday like it's Mothers Day and doing nearly nothing. (Okay, I still have chores I cannot let go, but this is a way more restful day than yesterday). Saturday was a blur. It included a dump run and thrift shop finds, chores, and what not. I got a new living room rug as one of my Mothers Day gifts, in a lovely deep burgundy I adore. It compliments all my leopard and tiger patterned accessories, pillows, throws, and rugs. I always say my decorating style is "Africa exploded in a barn." I also took more photos. Notice my man vacuums. Nothing sexier than a man who cleans house!

I started off my Mothers Day by doing dishes. Jerry gave my 1978 Chevy Van "Betsy" a tune-up and she's road ready again. Then we spent most the rest of the day at a carnival in Mills Park in Carson City. Mothers rode free and we had a $10 off coupon for an all day pass for Bruno. The lines were long - it took 15 minutes just to buy bottled water. I got sunburned and must have walked 5 miles. Then we went to WalMart and shopped over an hour. We had planned to eat out but by the time we got done with all that it was after 4 pm and I talked the guys into settling for pizza at home. My calories were way off, I only ate 1276 calories and 43 grams of protein - both woefully low as I only had breakfast and dinner with a bottle of wine. Today is going better, I'm getting more calories and protein. Got to try to stay anabolic!

I got a few photos at the carnival but they didn't turn out too good. Jerry manned the video camera-mistake! He filmed half of it holding the camera sideways which I didn't notice until I uploaded. I can fix it but it'll take an extra 15 minutes or so. Boo Hoo. I'm still relatively new to digital video. I started taking photos back in elementary school when I took a photography class.

The kittens have moved into the bathroom. As soon as they're litter box trained they'll have the run of the house. I can't wait, white kittens on my dark red rug, that should be a sight.