I bought two packages of these Hebrew National Reduced Fat Beef Franks because unlike most hot dogs they're relatively high protein. Hot dogs are usually mostly fat, and like it or not, fat does not build muscle. Also I prefer to get my fat from sources like Omega 3 margarine, olive oil, flax oil, and fish oil. It's easy to get enough saturated fat but with Omega 3s it's harder to reach your quota.
These Hebrew National Beef Franks are Kosher (if you're not Jewish this is still a great choice for quality) and unlike most dogs made of premium beef cuts not formed meat. They're delicious and only 45 calories a hot dog with 7 grams of protein, 0 grams carbohydrates, 2 grams fat. If you're watching carbohydrates, or going the low fat route, these are just the ticket. I've eaten them on 100% whole wheat buns (not in the photo as I ran out and used Jerry's white buns), or you can pair them with sour kraut for a low carb meal. You'll feel like you're cheating!
Personal This & That
My calves are sore as hell. Too many rides on the Merry-Go-Round a mere few days after a leg blaster resistance workout will do that. Those frigging steel stirrups on those merry-go-round horses are killer. There's no padding like a real English saddle stirrups and I wore thin soled sneakers not riding boots. Besides I usually ride Fury with a bareback pad and don't use stirrups.
Jerry says the carnival counts as a workout, it wore us all out. Bruno fell asleep early Sunday night, not like him at all. If you haven't checked it out there's a short video in my last post of Bruno bungee jumping. He wants us to build a bungee jump in the back yard now. We're currently constructing a climbing wall - the homemade ones are called Woodies - like this one below. Ours will be homemade and expandable. When it's done, or at least phase one is, I'll take photos and video.
My first experience rock climbing was in high school. I took a class similar to Outward Bound and we had a nutty teacher named Mr. Armstrong who's sole goal in life was turning young people on to adventure. After that first experience I didn't get a
chance to climb again until I moved to Nevada and around 1996 I climbed part way up the Pyramid at Pyramid lake. At the time, you could walk up to it. A drought had lowered the lake's water level. (I'll look for the photo Jerry took and scan it in). But that's my total experience at rock climbing. I've wanted to try again since rock walls became popular but never got around to it. Soon I'll have one of my own!
The Pyramid at Pyramid Lake, Nevada

Contest Update
My latest DVD & Video contest give-a-way is over - nobody won. The answer was The Proform BioVibe.
Lately I can't give stuff away. Nobody seemed interested in the contest although I average 250 readers a day. You'd think with the economy downturn people would love give-a-ways and freebies. Maybe the contest was too hard? Oh well, I can sell the duplicate items and buy other stuff. I love shopping! Or maybe I'll have a no strings attached give-a-way? Anybody got an opinion?
More Woodies Than You Can Shake a Stick At! Thanks Don!
More Woodies on Video
Home Gym Climbing Wall
Crazy Closet Climbing Wall
Garage Bouldering Wall
Warning - Foul Language