Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Cowboy’s Southern Style Crab Dip

Dip is a popular party food and football games demand great party food. This dip is delicious, easy to prepare and fit into both low calorie and low carbohydrate lifestyles. Hearty and excellent served warm, this southern delight is also decadent.

Portion control is a necessary partner to any successful diet. Yet eating enjoyable and delicious food is essential to mental and physical well being. Eating anything is fine, just keep the amount you eat in check and don't overdue.

A Cowboy’s Southern Style Crab Dip

1½ tablespoons flour or almond flour (low carb option)
1½ tablespoons melted butter
½ cup milk
1/4 cup grated Gruyere cheese
4 scallions, diced
3 garlic cloves, diced
¼ cup butter
1 pound fresh crab meat, picked over
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon Frank's Red Hot Sauce
Salt and white pepper to taste
½ cup heavy cream
1 ½ teaspoons sherry
1 ½ teaspoons brandy

Combine flour and melted butter in sauce pan. Stir in milk and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Stir in cheese until blended. Sauté scallions and garlic in butter until softened. Add crab meat, lemon juice, Frank's Red Hot Sauce, salt and pepper to taste and heat until warmed through. Remove from heat and stir in cheese sauce, cream, sherry and brandy. Serve warm with vegetable crudités, or over fresh baked bread, biscuits or crackers.

Recipe courtesy of 'A Cowboy Cookin' Every Night Southern Style' by Carol Bardelli.

Muscle Building Nutrition What to eat to build muscle

Build muscle is, the food is as important as lifting weights recently. In this note may, with the blessing of more than 10 food:

1. Red meat: lean red meat is an excellent source of protein. It contains zinc, iron and vitamins that can help muscle growth.
2. Eggs: eggs, if you are trying to build muscles. Protein itself has a high biological value and they can easily be used by the body.
3. Fish: salmon, in particular is full of healthy omega-3 as well. Try to eat at least 2-3 times per week.
4. Chicken breast, chicken or turkey, is particularly rich in protein and is one of the most important products that can help the muscles.
5. Milk: can there be minerals, vitamins and calcium.
6. Curd is a very slow digestion of food is a popular muscle growth. Muscle Building Nutrition
7. Oatmeal: This complex carbohydrate, you can encourage your body a consistent supply of energy and growth.
8. Fruit: fresh fruit such as apple, kiwi, oranges and strawberries, you can give your body fiber, potassium, zinc, iron and minerals.
9. Vegetables: Vegetables such as tomatoes, spinach, peppers carats and we have to consider, be taken in their diet.
10. Nuts: contain unsaturated fats, and you should get more than 15% of calories from these products on a daily basis. Other good sources are olive oil, butter, nuts and oily fish. Think you drink it, lots of water, because it all the nutrients in the body. Make sure that the food you eat regularly (every 2-3 hours). to avoid refined carbohydrates like sugar .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

5 foods and supplements that prevent urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections, also known as UTI or cystitis, is common in women. Although men are less prone, they can get a urinary tract infection also.

Cranberry juice has solid research behind it proving it's not just an old wives' remedy for urinary tract infections. The most common cause of UTIs is an ecoli that naturally occurs on the body. When this ecoli manages to sneak into the urethra and makes it way to your bladder it causes UTI. Cranberry juice prevents the ecoli from sticking to the walls of the bladder. If it can't stick, it can't start an infection.

Cranberry extract in pills or tablets work the same way as cranberry juice. The extract is perfect for people who can't handle the tartness of cranberry juice. This inexpensive food supplement, taken on a regular basis, prevents urinary tract infections from ever taking root.

Pomegranate juice is a powerful anti-oxidant, but it's also been shown to have a similar action on ecoli as cranberry juice. POM Wonderful brand comes in many delicious flavors including Pomegranate Blueberry. Blueberries are acidic and can adjust your PH levels, making for an unfriendly invironment for ecoli. HINT Pomegranate-Tangerine essence waters also has benefits for people needing a diluted form of pomegranate juice.

Serrapeptase is a natural anti-inflammatory from silkworms. It comes in pill form and can help control the inflammation of many diseases including UTIs, arthritis, and nearly any illness ending in "itis." Serrapeptase also thins the blood and should not be used in conjunction with other blood thinners.

Acidic foods including blueberries, cranberries, green olives, pickles, artichokes, and vinegar help create an acidic PH level in your body. This wards of bad bacterias that cause UTIs. It's important to aim for an acidic PH only while fighting a UTI as many diseases actually thrive in an acidic environment. Afterwards, eat a variety of foods that achieve a balanced body PH. For more on eating for PH balance read Are You Eating Enough Alkaline Foods to Maintain Vital Health?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nutrition 101: What is a calorie?

Nutrition 101: What is a calorie?

Simply explained, a calorie is a unit of measurement. A calorie represents the energy in food, or more precisely Macronutrients. Macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Two of these, protein and carbohydrates, have four calories per gram. Fat has 9 calories per gram.

This means when your body needs fuel it can burn the calories in food for energy. If you eat more calories than your body needs at any given moment, it doesn't burn those calories but stores them as body fat. When you create a calorie deficit, whether through activity or diet, your body taps into it's energy stores. First, your body burns any glycogen stores in your muscles, which are limited. Then it taps into fat stores, which are nearly unlimited.

In scientific terms, a calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. Calories in food represent how much energy is in that food. This means an apple that has eighty calories provides your body with enough energy equal to raising that gram of water by eighty degrees. Except your body uses the fuel in the apple to do any number of functions.

If you eat a double cheeseburger and fries with a thousand calories, your body could heat that gram of water to one thoousand degrees. But your body rarely needs a thousand calories all at once, unless your competing in an Ironman competition. Your body will convert the extra calories into body fat. Unless you give your body a reason to retrieve that stored fat, like exercising or dieting, it pretty much stays in storage.

Cheeseburger 20 years ago had 333 calories well a modern cheeseburger contains 590 calories.