When Jerry got home yesterday I said, "The good news is, I'M not pregnant."
He gave me a weird look. He knew something was up. I said, "Arly's pregnant again." Arly's one of our cats (the one pictured above that looks like she's smuggling a volleyball). She had been an indoor cat since we adopted her over two years ago but escaped out the back door awhile back. Well she seemed happy enough, so I didn't make her come inside. The side effect to that oversight is another pregnant kitty.
"Yeah!" Jerry said, somewhat sarcastically. "The kitten mill continues..." I told him it's only a mill if you sell them. I keep everyone.
Then he asked, "Did you bring her inside?" Not yet, I was kitten proofing the kitchen and living room all day, hiding wires and securing any objects they could topple. Then I turned the kittens out of the bathroom - they're 8 weeks old now - and set up a birthing box (the box my BioVibe came in) for Arly in the bathroom.
Lexi Checks Out The Proform BioVibe Box.
Yes, I'm a crazy cat lady.
Now, here's the kitty cat scorecard. Two one year old males Arly gave birth to last year, Wolfgang and Zen, are living outside. (I'm sure the mice are plotting a hostile takeover as we speak). My house cats are all ladies, Grandma Lexi - age 3, Grandma Arly - age 3, and their daughters Karma and Gypsy - both age 1 - are on house arrest again (no more knocked up cats, ha). And I have eight 8 week old fuzz balls bouncing off the walls. Well, when they're not posing for the camera and saying "I is cute!"
Bisou Speaks.
In other news, I have a urinary tract infection again (I always seem to have something, just got over colitis). Jerry has it too. We've been passing this damn thing back and forth since 1995. I lapsed on my daily cranberry supplement and whammo! A raging bladder. So I'm dragging a bit. I'm planning a full workout on my BioVibe so I can write a review but it keeps getting postponed...