We enjoyed our three day weekend although it was cold and rainy most of the time. When the rain stopped - briefly - I took some photos of Jerry preparing the ground for the swimming pool. He said if I posted photos of him laying down rugs in the backyard people would laugh. Who cares! Everyone has to know by now we're rednecks. We get lots of free used carpet from the houses he remodels and it's great for weed control under playground equipment and around the swimming pool. And with carpet all over we can walk barefoot from the back deck to the pool.
We also played Horse-oply and Scrabble. It was a fairly relaxing weekend, but I was up late last night - until 10:30 - because the pizza tried to kill me. I had three slices instead of my usual one and a half and about burst. Then I woke up at 5 am and had to catch a couple of kittens and shoo them back in the bathroom. When they're loose they start chewing electrical cords, stereo wires, computer wires, and we have way too many (wires and kittens). I've got to kitten proof the house!
The big puddle in Fury's outer corral is rain water. Jerry said that's more water than when he left the hose on all night. (Hey, mister, the rain water doesn't cost money). And we're on our sixth day of rain, it's turning out to be an unusually very wet May here in Northern Nevada and I LOVE rain.
I'm taking today off. Maybe I'll even take a nap...