Jerry scored me a free Weider 8530 Four Station Weight Machine with attachments earlier this week on Craig's List. Today was the first opportunity I got to take photos of our newest Bitch Sister. She's in almost new condition. I haven't had a chance to do a real workout on her but we tried her out. The other two weight machines - known as The Bitch Sisters - are here to stay but now all three of us can workout at the same time.
I'm still fasting, on day two, because the colitis pain is still up there. But it's better. Seems like it takes me longer to get over a flare as I get older. I've got to be more diligent about what goes in my mouth (no nuts, seeds, beans, corn products, and particularly no high fructose corn syrup). The real problem is when it gets this bad nearly any food going through is an irritant including fruits and vegetables because of the fiber content. Hence the fasting.
An odd side effect of my six day lay off from weightlifting is a reoccurrance of tendonitis in my shoulders. (I've had intermittent tendonitis in various joints since 1980). One of the corrective therapies for tendonitis is working out, and for these shoulder tendons (for me, I'm not recommending anything to anyone) is pull ups. Pulls ups stretch out the tendons and they realign. Cerebral Palsy tends to tighten things like muscles, tendons, etc.
I found this out totally by accident. I had horrid tendonitis in my left shoulder for about a month when I received my Power 90X DVDs last May. After a few weeks of waiting for an improvement (my usual routine of infrared Light Therapy, heat, ice, Capzaisin rub, and Shiatsu massage were not cutting it. We're talking a bad ass case of tendonitis). I said "F It! It can't get worse." And I started P 90X. The first day is 'Chest & Back' with 8 sets of maximum repetitions of pull ups (for me it was 12-20 reps a set then). I did the pull ups on my Total Gym on an incline. Almost immediately the pain receded and the next day I was pain free!
Now if I can just talk my colon into doing pull ups...
Construction of The Wall.
More photos are coming of our newly built climbing wall...I need to resize them. Jerry's still installing climb holds including real ones like these. (Thanks Don!) And he's experimenting with wood, real rocks, and there's a climbing rope. I got halfway up but the holds don't stick out much because Jerry carpeted the wall so we wouldn't get splinters. Good thing as I ended up hanging by my hands with my feet dangling in the air at least two feet off the ground and my body slapped against the wall. There was no mattress beneath me so I hung there - maybe 5 seconds - until Jerry lifted me down. More on the wall in my next post.