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I repeatedly tried to post yesterday but every time I even thought about it I got interrupted or side tracked. My weekends are anything but restful lately. I had my own chores and my guys kept recruiting me to help with theirs.
Anyhow, my bathroom is shinier than a newly minted penny and I'm mostly caught up on the laundry and other weekend projects. But I'm in no mood to write a real post today so all you get out of me is some photos.
I did have a non scale victory Saturday. While we were in the check out line of our Smiths grocery store the check out clerk, whom we've known at least 10 years but hadn't seen in awhile, said to me "You're so slim. How did you do it?" I told her weight lifting and aerobics. I made a double bicep and she said, "I can see you've added muscle." Then she turned to Jerry and said "Do you feed her?" (Which cracks me up as I probably eat more than she does! I eat more than nearly all the other diet / fitness bloggers I know. Power 90X base calories for my size is 1800 calories a day. Weight lifting days I often hit 2200 calories. Several nights a week I eat a protein snack between 1 am and 3 am - last night I had cheese and a Double Fiber English muffin at 2 am. I usually eat 200-400 calories with an accent on protein every three hours. Since adding muscle my metabolism is kick ass!) He said he had no say in the matter (of what I eat), then told her I knew every calorie that I ate and that I had every piece of exercise equipment known to man. (That's an exaggeration, though I do try).
As for stats as of this morning: scale weight 119, body fat 19 percent.
Last week's workouts: Monday yard work and gardening. Tuesday leg day, 5 sets each of varied lunges, calves, squats. Wednesday biceps / triceps / shoulders 10 sets each. Thursday leg day 2, 10 sets each of varied squats, lunges, calves. Friday back & chest day, 5 sets each of chest press, back rows, chest flyes, pull ups, push ups.
Saturday shopping and chores, Sunday chores and horse grooming.
That's my Gal, Fury. And we still have snow on the mountains. The peak on the right is Sun Mountain just behind Virginia City. The peaks to the left are behind Carson City and part of the Sierra Nevada range.
Sagebrush and some of the local "wildlife" of my fluffy gray cats "Zen"...
and "Wolfgang". They're brothers and the uncles of my 8 kittens.
You know you're a redneck if your neighbors have old tractors in their front yards.