My Proform Biovibe is in the UPS Hub in Sparks, Nevada and should be out for delivery today or tomorrow. I'll review it as soon as possible.
I'm sort of in blogger limbo. I've got products ordered I want to review - like the one above - but they haven't arrived. I have a few topics I want to cover but not much time to research and write anything in depth at the moment. We're in transition between the school year and that daily routine, and summer vacation mode with all the excitement that comes with it.
On top of that, Jerry's about to go out of town to work and I'm making lists for what he needs to take. The work project is a house remodel and he'll be camping out in the house while he works on it. So he needs to take a sleeping bag, pillow (which he forgot last time), clothes, personal hygiene items, food, microwave, mini refrigerator, etc. And I'll buy enough groceries for Bruno and I so we don't have to trek into town while he's gone. (Our Smiths grocery store is 20 miles away and I plan on avoiding any long trips if possible. We have a small Mom & Pop store about a mile away if we need milk or something).
As for the schizophrenic nature of Northern Nevada - it was 97 degrees a few days ago - this morning it's snowing! Jerry scored three almost new air conditioners yesterday on Craig's List (we only needed one but the price for all three was unbeatable) so of course it's snowing now! It's not sticking but I had to bundle up to feed my horse. The high today is forecast for 57 degrees. And we're supposed to open the pool this weekend?! Ha.
I'm working on a Hot Links post, but for now all I've got to share is some cats and kittens antics on video. Pardon the video quality, I didn't use the tripod and it was a cloudy day. Guess I should have turned on some lights.