This Photo Of Bruno Is From Last Year.

We are setting some kind of record for consecutive rainy days here in Northern Nevada. I've lived here eighteen years and cannot recall ever seeing three days of rain in a row. I feel like I'm back on the Northern California coast where I grew up. The only thing I really miss about Northern California is the rain and fog. I always loved the rain and fog and spending time inside on a cozy couch with a hot drink. Rainy days were always lazy days. Living in Northern Nevada, the weather is sunny 95 percent of the time with a few thunderstorms in the summer, and some snow in winter. For me, this unexpected stretch of rain is just delicious. Pardon me while I make hot cocoa...
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Meet Molly, a pony abandoned in Hurricane Katrina, rescued, and given a prosthetic leg after an amputation. Simply amazing.
Why are doctors ignorant about nutrition? (Clue: only 6 percent study nutrition in medical school). This is a .PDF expose on economics as the driving force behind medicine and medical decision making. Why recommend a safe, effective and free solution to a health problem when the drug companies will stuff your pockets for recommending a dangerous and / or dubious drug choice?
Be sure to check out What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You (Hardcover) by Ray D. Strand M.D.
Check out Dr. Strand's Nutritional Medicine website. "Dr. Strand respects the strength of traditional medicine. But with its disease and drug-oriented focus, the body’s natural defenses have been overlooked. In spite of many life-saving medical advances, chronic degenerative disease remains at an all time high.
While learning more about the "root" cause of over 70 chronic degenerative diseases—oxidative stress—you too will realize that humanity’s best safeguard against developing coronary artery disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease, lupus, MS, Crohn’s disease, macular degeneration, asthma, arthritis, etc, is not found in pharmacology, but is found within our own bodies.
You don’t have to passively wait to see if the diseases you fear will someday affect you.
Learn how you can turbo-charge your immune system, antioxidant defense system, and repair system; making certain you secure the absolute best chance to win the war against the root cause of degenerative disease."
Check out Big Daddy D's Low Carb Life blog.
I'm Such A Loser has an insightful post on Eat Often To Lose Weight.
Eating frequent meals boosts your metabolism and is a proven approach to fat loss and muscle gain when combined with resistance training and cardio. Used by bodybuilders, fitness models, fitness buffs, and smart dieters, this approach is the main component of Michael Thurmond's Six Week Body Makeover a program which I've bought, tried, reviewed, and recommend.
Eat More, Weigh Less? By Christopher Mohr
Excerpt - Don't rub your eyes, do not pinch your cheek; yes you're awake, this is not a dream. While everything you may know up until this point has led you to believe you must eat less to lose weight, I'm here to question that theory-to an extent.
I'm not saying you can eat more food than your body can use and successfully lose fat, but I am saying that eating more frequently may help you break through a weight loss plateau. Hibernation season is over; it's time to get in beach body condition.
Here's two excellent articles from Tom Venuto - How To Gain Lean Body Weight Part One - Calories and Part Two Meal Ratios, Meal Frequency & Food Choices
Check out KaHunka In The Kitchen's video Quick & Easy High Protein Pizza to Pack on Muscle! (Personally I wouldn't eat a tuna pizza - where's the cheese ??? - but he's not hard on the eyes).
And from Tosca Reno, author of 'The Eat Clean Diet' - a video on the basics.