The Finger of Fate
400th Kudos Post
I took a bunch of photos this past weekend and some were intended for this post. Unfortunately my Hughes Net satellite service sucks right now and has since late Saturday. We’ve had heavy cloud cover and sometimes that’s all it takes to make the connection as slow as a snail traveling uphill. So I may only manage to load one photo and it’ll be the one Jerry dubbed “the finger of fate.” He said he was glad it was pointed at Bruno and not him! I was telling Bruno he’d better be careful with my camera because it’s expensive and when I do buy a new one the old one will be his. Well, he snapped off a photo and got a good one!
Because of this slow internet business and cold weather I spent most of Sunday in bed watching television and reading magazines between chores. I read an entire Vogue and most of a Muscular Development. That evening everybody piled in bed together to watch television. Lazy day and today’s not going much different. I’m going to do a Power 90X workout, some laundry, and pray to the powers that be that my satellite connection improves…
Later that day…
Power 90X got postponed and I'm doing some Rock N Roll Stepper instead. Excitement ensued around 11 am as our cat went into labor. I knew it was starting when she backed the puppy up against a wall and threw a hissy fit. Gypsy gave birth to four kittens this afternoon. Two of them are white! Our neighbor has a white male. My favorite cat, Zinnia, was white with one blue eye and one gold eye. She was killed several years ago and I miss her…I’m wondering if cats reincarnate?
The other two kittens are dark and right now I can't tell if they'll be black like my sweet 16 year old cat Zane (who's neutered and not their father), grandma Arlie who's a dark brindle, or my beloved long haired gray / blue haired threesome "The fuzzy buddies" that includes 'auntie Karma' and 'uncles' Zen and Wolfgang.
The real excitement will be when Bruno gets home and sees the babies. I yelled at him, "Bruno come here!" yesterday and he thought it was because somebody had their kittens. No such luck, kid. You just made a mess. (Our cat Karma is pregnant too).
The really weird thing, I dreamed last night one of our vans was infested with big rats. The reason we have cats - five outdoor adults and three indoor adults - is mice. Our neighbors all have a lot of cats too, but out here the mice are a real issue. We live next to open BLM land and have horses, barns, sheds, acreage, and lots of mice. Cats are literally mandatory unless you want mice eating you out of a house and home - in the house! Before reaching a certain cat population I had mice jump out of my garbage bin under my kitchen sink! Yes, we set traps. One night Jerry caught Mighty Mouse. I don't want to go there again.
Gypsy Yesterday and Today
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ten Years Ago...
Ten Years ago we got married.
It was a windy Nevada day. We got up together, had leftover pizza for breakfast, got dressed up together, and drove into town. Nothing traditional about us!
It was Easter Sunday on March 30th. The preacher's house was a light blue ranch on the corner of Raven Circle (Jerry thought that a fitting name for marrying a witch born on Halloween!) The preacher was 98 years old and shorter than me. He truly resembled a Keebler elf. My Aunt Gayle was our witness slash photographer. The ceremony was straightforward and traditional. Somewhere we have a cassette tape of our spoken words. Between my dress, Jerry's suit, our rings, a few sundries, and the preacher's fee we spent roughly $1000.
Hey, a wedding is a one shot deal, girls. It's the marriage that counts. And a happy one it is at that. Through good times and bad we gee and haw.
Happy Anniversary Baby!
Ten Years ago we got married.
It was a windy Nevada day. We got up together, had leftover pizza for breakfast, got dressed up together, and drove into town. Nothing traditional about us!
It was Easter Sunday on March 30th. The preacher's house was a light blue ranch on the corner of Raven Circle (Jerry thought that a fitting name for marrying a witch born on Halloween!) The preacher was 98 years old and shorter than me. He truly resembled a Keebler elf. My Aunt Gayle was our witness slash photographer. The ceremony was straightforward and traditional. Somewhere we have a cassette tape of our spoken words. Between my dress, Jerry's suit, our rings, a few sundries, and the preacher's fee we spent roughly $1000.
Hey, a wedding is a one shot deal, girls. It's the marriage that counts. And a happy one it is at that. Through good times and bad we gee and haw.
Happy Anniversary Baby!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Just Another Freaky Friday
I found this link Big Ass Fans at Pandora’s Casket and it got me to thinking.
How many other websites have Big Ass in their title or description? So I Googled it. As you might have guessed a bunch of adult sites popped up. (Can't click on those, I've got Bruno, my eight year old, sitting next to me playing on my other laptop. Wait a minute, why would I click on those? I'm not into big asses.)
So if there's a gillion websites of big assed girls out there, why is most of the female population trying to diet their hind ends off? Apparently guys LIKE BIG BUTTS. Sing with me, “I like big butts and I can not lie.” (I can hear Ross and Rachael from "Friends" singing this to their newborn Emma).
The only clean one in the first few pages was Big Ass Belle, a blog I used to link to. (Every now and then I clean my blog roll for one reason or another and Belle got the boot, probably for a lack of posting. I'd put her back but she still hasn't posted in over a month).
Then there was a music site called Big Ass Beats I’m not linking to because of a suspicious pop up box to install something. And there’s Big Ass Towels to cover up your, um, big ass. Then I found Big Ass Truck, a band who doesn’t know how to design a website seeing as it’s mostly empty.
And as Debbie pointed out to me, there's Big Ass Cabs - a wine worthy of kudos. Just don't drink too much and put your fat burning on hold for EVER. (Hey, it's still a full moon).
Okay, now I’m bored. Big Ass searches aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
Get it? Cracked? (For those of you a little slow today - for whatever reason - Ass Crack, asses are cracked. Um, never mind).
Can you tell it’s freaky Friday?
Funniest Read Of The Week Is From Monkey Fables And Tales "Some Things Are Kinda Fuzzy"
Big Butts,
Good Friday,
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Another Update On My “The Cheat To Lose Diet” Adventures
I found the low carbohydrate week of the Priming Phase on “The Cheat To Lose Diet” by Joel Marion (the book) (the website)easy enough to stick to (okay, I really didn’t), but too low in calories. Eating nothing but lean protein, green vegetables, and some fats had me under 1400 calories and 25 to 50 grams of carbohydrates a day for days. My RMR is 1260 so this is really a low calorie phase if anything. My endurance slumped a little at the end of my circuit training aerobics workouts. I don’t see how that can be good. Need to burn the fat you know. Thank goodness I’ve switched to the Low GI/GL week of priming. At least I’m getting plenty of protein. And now toast at breakfast!
Here’s a review of the Priming Phase of the diet which I’ve discussed previously: the priming phase lasts 22 Days - 7 days of low carbohydrate, 7 days of lower glycemic index / glycemic load, 7 days of higher GI/GL - before you have a cheat day on day 22. (And believe me, on day 9 good old day 22 looks years away particularly when you're cooking French fries for the rugrat. No wonder no one can stick on crazy crash diets for long!)
Foods allowed on the low carb phase include green vegetables, most other non-starchy vegetables, lean meats including beef, chicken, fish, turkey, dairy with no stipulation on fat content, fats like oils and butter, nuts, and nut butters including peanut butter (I found myself eating it with a spoon, almost better than chocolate or sex. Not).
The lower GI/GL week allows you to add whole grains like whole wheat bread, oats, beans, lentils, and fruits like berries, apple, citrus, and starchier veggies like carrots. Yippee. (Yes, that’s sarcasm you hear in my writing voice).
Eleven days until cheat day. Will I hold out that long? Do I really need to in order to enjoy results? Stay tuned.
I'm starting to hate being my own Guinea pig.
More on Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load.
Next: Comparing a Power 90X Weight Workout To A Classic Weight Lifting Workout
Cool & Informative Links
Wow! Get a load of what's down there! (Our cats Karma and Zen)
If you’re a regular and see a post of links, you guessed right – I’m too busy to blog. It’s spring break and I have an active eight year old boy on my hands. We’re accomplishing the mundane like household chores and computer gaming (I’ll let you guess who’s doing which!) A decent blog entry is impossible to write with a precocious and talkative kid around.
But I assure you, these links are worth your time. Hope you enjoy!
MD Junction Diet Online Support Group – People Helping People
A community of patients, family members and friends dedicated to dealing with Diet, together.
Disaboom - Live Forward
The premier Online Community and Information Resource for people affected by disability.
Ask Rocco – Smart and Outspoken Training and Nutrition Advice
Ripped Naturally For Men & Women
Ex Rx Net (Exercise Prescription on the Net) is a free resource for the exercise professional, coach, or fitness enthusiast." consists of over 2000 pages, most of which are found in the Exercise and Muscle Directory.
The easy way to network with other bloggers. Get to know your dedicated readers and favorite writers of the blogs you like. Earn points for dropping your Entrecards at other sites and advertise your blog.
Get those darned dogs out of our cat territory! (Our dogs Dee Dee & Junior)
If you’re a regular and see a post of links, you guessed right – I’m too busy to blog. It’s spring break and I have an active eight year old boy on my hands. We’re accomplishing the mundane like household chores and computer gaming (I’ll let you guess who’s doing which!) A decent blog entry is impossible to write with a precocious and talkative kid around.
But I assure you, these links are worth your time. Hope you enjoy!
MD Junction Diet Online Support Group – People Helping People
A community of patients, family members and friends dedicated to dealing with Diet, together.
Disaboom - Live Forward
The premier Online Community and Information Resource for people affected by disability.
Ask Rocco – Smart and Outspoken Training and Nutrition Advice
Ripped Naturally For Men & Women
Ex Rx Net (Exercise Prescription on the Net) is a free resource for the exercise professional, coach, or fitness enthusiast." consists of over 2000 pages, most of which are found in the Exercise and Muscle Directory.
The easy way to network with other bloggers. Get to know your dedicated readers and favorite writers of the blogs you like. Earn points for dropping your Entrecards at other sites and advertise your blog.
Get those darned dogs out of our cat territory! (Our dogs Dee Dee & Junior)
Weight Lifting
Monday, March 24, 2008
Worshiping at the Church of Iron & Steel Plus a Cheat To Lose Update
Me on One of the Bitch Sisters - Click on any photo to enlarge.
Stats This Morning: 114.5 pounds, 18.1 percent body fat.
Woo Hoo!!!!!
I do believe this 'Cheat To Lose Diet' is working already. I'm presently on day eight. I did alter it slightly. You're supposed to do 21 Days - 7 low carbohydrate, 7 lower GI/GL, 7 Higher GI/GL - before you have a cheat day. I did five days of low carb then had a Big Mac for lunch and cinnamon toast for dinner on day six. Then day seven - Easter - I went back on low carb and will stay on a few more days before going on lower GI/GL to compensate for the two weirdly scheduled cheat meals.
Actually, a later chapter in the book discusses doing just that after you're past the 21 day priming phase. You are allowed to shift all phases around to suit your personal schedule and lifestyle, be it shifting the cheat day or shifting the order of phases (low carb / lower GI/GL / higher GI/GL). Seeing as I have less weight to lose I probably won't be on the core phase long (core phase is an indefinite program of a one week plan like this: 2 days low carb / 2 days lower GI/GL / 2 days higher GI/GL / 1 cheat day). I might just be on the priming phase (three weeks total, seven days of low carb, seven days of lower GI/GL, seven days higher GI/GL, and one cheat day on day 22). More updates to come.
Worshiping at The Church of Iron & Steel
Yesterday afternoon we had exceptionally nice weather for March in Northern Nevada. It’s not uncommon to have snow this time of year but it was warm and sunny and divine (well, it was Easter after all). So while the turkey roasted we all went outside to enjoy the day. Bruno and Jerry did some gardening (I didn’t get photos of that yet). Jerry did chores like fixing the water faucets that froze and broke in winter. Bruno played in his playhouse. And I hit the Bitch Sisters.
No, they’re not the annoying next door neighbors. (We have very nice neighbors, fat but nice). The Bitch Sisters are my ancient second hand commercial gym equipment dubbed “The Bitch Sisters” because Jerry says they’re a bitch to move. I bought them on the same weekend about 4 years ago at two separate garage sales. They were in good shape then but since are kind of weathered from sitting outside. Back then I didn’t have a big enough building to house them and now I’ve discovered I like working out in the outdoors on occasion.
I said to Jerry that Thursday evening before I found them, “I’m warning you, I want to get a home gym this weekend when we’re out going to garage sales.”
“Hon,” he says, “in the 8 years we’ve been going to garage sales together I’ve never seen one home gym.” We’ve seen a few weight benches and free weight sets but I had those already.
“So?” I said. “I nearly always find what I want, don’t I.” He remained dubious, until Saturday when he had to haul home both Bitch Sisters, neither of which comes apart except for the Smith machine’s bench is a separate piece. Ha! He should have more faith.
So I donned a ball cap, got a jug of water and lime, grabbed a log book, a towel and my stereo and went out back to workout on the “Bitch Sisters”. They may be old but there’s no waiting, no time limits, and nobody else’s sweat on them, and no membership fees. Bruno and I took some photos. See below.
My workout log:
Front Pull downs – 15 repetitions x 30 pounds, 10 reps x 35 pounds, 12 reps x 35 pounds, 10 reps x 45 pounds, 10 reps x 45 pounds, 8 reps x 50 pounds.
Chest Press – 18 reps x 50 pounds, 12 reps x 55 pounds, 10 reps x 55 pounds, 9 reps x 55 pounds, 9 reps x 55 pounds, 8 x 50 pounds.
Back Pull downs – 12 reps x 35 pounds x 3 sets, 12 reps x 40 pounds x 3 sets.
Butterfly – 12 reps x 40 pounds x 2 sets, 10 reps x 45 pounds x 2 sets, 8 reps x 50 pounds x 2 sets.
Total 24 sets x 4 exercises x 239 reps.
Meet The Bitch Sisters...
Bruno On One of the 'Bitch Sisters' - he actually chest pressed 60 pounds for two reps. Not bad for an 85 pound kid.
Gotta Get Rid of The Tumbleweeds Around The Sisters
Stats This Morning: 114.5 pounds, 18.1 percent body fat.
Woo Hoo!!!!!
I do believe this 'Cheat To Lose Diet' is working already. I'm presently on day eight. I did alter it slightly. You're supposed to do 21 Days - 7 low carbohydrate, 7 lower GI/GL, 7 Higher GI/GL - before you have a cheat day. I did five days of low carb then had a Big Mac for lunch and cinnamon toast for dinner on day six. Then day seven - Easter - I went back on low carb and will stay on a few more days before going on lower GI/GL to compensate for the two weirdly scheduled cheat meals.
Actually, a later chapter in the book discusses doing just that after you're past the 21 day priming phase. You are allowed to shift all phases around to suit your personal schedule and lifestyle, be it shifting the cheat day or shifting the order of phases (low carb / lower GI/GL / higher GI/GL). Seeing as I have less weight to lose I probably won't be on the core phase long (core phase is an indefinite program of a one week plan like this: 2 days low carb / 2 days lower GI/GL / 2 days higher GI/GL / 1 cheat day). I might just be on the priming phase (three weeks total, seven days of low carb, seven days of lower GI/GL, seven days higher GI/GL, and one cheat day on day 22). More updates to come.
Worshiping at The Church of Iron & Steel
Yesterday afternoon we had exceptionally nice weather for March in Northern Nevada. It’s not uncommon to have snow this time of year but it was warm and sunny and divine (well, it was Easter after all). So while the turkey roasted we all went outside to enjoy the day. Bruno and Jerry did some gardening (I didn’t get photos of that yet). Jerry did chores like fixing the water faucets that froze and broke in winter. Bruno played in his playhouse. And I hit the Bitch Sisters.
No, they’re not the annoying next door neighbors. (We have very nice neighbors, fat but nice). The Bitch Sisters are my ancient second hand commercial gym equipment dubbed “The Bitch Sisters” because Jerry says they’re a bitch to move. I bought them on the same weekend about 4 years ago at two separate garage sales. They were in good shape then but since are kind of weathered from sitting outside. Back then I didn’t have a big enough building to house them and now I’ve discovered I like working out in the outdoors on occasion.
I said to Jerry that Thursday evening before I found them, “I’m warning you, I want to get a home gym this weekend when we’re out going to garage sales.”
“Hon,” he says, “in the 8 years we’ve been going to garage sales together I’ve never seen one home gym.” We’ve seen a few weight benches and free weight sets but I had those already.
“So?” I said. “I nearly always find what I want, don’t I.” He remained dubious, until Saturday when he had to haul home both Bitch Sisters, neither of which comes apart except for the Smith machine’s bench is a separate piece. Ha! He should have more faith.
So I donned a ball cap, got a jug of water and lime, grabbed a log book, a towel and my stereo and went out back to workout on the “Bitch Sisters”. They may be old but there’s no waiting, no time limits, and nobody else’s sweat on them, and no membership fees. Bruno and I took some photos. See below.
My workout log:
Front Pull downs – 15 repetitions x 30 pounds, 10 reps x 35 pounds, 12 reps x 35 pounds, 10 reps x 45 pounds, 10 reps x 45 pounds, 8 reps x 50 pounds.
Chest Press – 18 reps x 50 pounds, 12 reps x 55 pounds, 10 reps x 55 pounds, 9 reps x 55 pounds, 9 reps x 55 pounds, 8 x 50 pounds.
Back Pull downs – 12 reps x 35 pounds x 3 sets, 12 reps x 40 pounds x 3 sets.
Butterfly – 12 reps x 40 pounds x 2 sets, 10 reps x 45 pounds x 2 sets, 8 reps x 50 pounds x 2 sets.
Total 24 sets x 4 exercises x 239 reps.
Meet The Bitch Sisters...
Bruno On One of the 'Bitch Sisters' - he actually chest pressed 60 pounds for two reps. Not bad for an 85 pound kid.
Gotta Get Rid of The Tumbleweeds Around The Sisters
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
He is Risen!
An animated depicted of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Easter Bunny Versus Jesus - If your connection is slow pause the video and let it load fully before playing.
Easter PSA - Jesus is Cooler
Easter: The Risen Savior
The Risen Savior video tackles the idea that through the resurrection, Christ's love is found unconditional, his grace is without measure, and his forgiveness is ours.
In this spoof of the NBC "The More You Know" PSAs, the Easter Bunny urges everyone to admit that Jesus is cooler.
Visit GodTube for full screen versions and for more cool, humorous, and informative Christian videos.
We can arise because He is Risen
Humorous Quotes
Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself ~~'Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.' -- Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter)
I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered.. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.' -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Last week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, and now wish to withdraw that statement. -- Mark Twain
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. -- George Burns
Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year. - - Victor Borge
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. -- Mark Twain
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. -- Socrates
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. -- Groucho Marx
I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap. -- Bob Hope
I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it. -- W.C. Fields
We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress. -- Will Rogers
Don't worry about avoiding temptation as you grow older, it will avoid you. -- Winston Churchill
Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty , but everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. -- Phyllis Diller
By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere. -- Billy Crystal
The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good, spit it out.
An animated depicted of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Easter Bunny Versus Jesus - If your connection is slow pause the video and let it load fully before playing.
Easter PSA - Jesus is Cooler
Easter: The Risen Savior
The Risen Savior video tackles the idea that through the resurrection, Christ's love is found unconditional, his grace is without measure, and his forgiveness is ours.
In this spoof of the NBC "The More You Know" PSAs, the Easter Bunny urges everyone to admit that Jesus is cooler.
Visit GodTube for full screen versions and for more cool, humorous, and informative Christian videos.
We can arise because He is Risen
Humorous Quotes
Sometimes, when I look at my children, I say to myself ~~'Lillian, you should have remained a virgin.' -- Lillian Carter (mother of Jimmy Carter)
I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered.. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall.' -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Last week, I stated this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister, and now wish to withdraw that statement. -- Mark Twain
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. -- George Burns
Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year. - - Victor Borge
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. -- Mark Twain
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. -- Socrates
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. -- Groucho Marx
I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap. -- Bob Hope
I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it. -- W.C. Fields
We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress. -- Will Rogers
Don't worry about avoiding temptation as you grow older, it will avoid you. -- Winston Churchill
Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty , but everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. -- Phyllis Diller
By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere. -- Billy Crystal
The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good, spit it out.
Family Fun,
Jesus Christ,
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Resurrection Story Cookies
What a great way to explain the REAL meaning of Easter; aside from the eggs, bunnies, CANDY, and MONEY!
Resurrection Story Cookies
Ingredients & Supplies:
3 egg whites
1 cup whole pecans
1 tsp vinegar
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
zip-lock plastic bag
wooden spoon
a Bible
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place pecans in the plastic bag and let children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Discuss how after Jesus was arrested. He was beaten by the Roman soldiers.
Read John 19:1-3
Put the vinegar into a mixing bowl and let each child smell the strong aroma. Talk about when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, that He was given vinegar to drink.
Read John 19:28-30
Add egg whites to the vinegar (egg represents life). Discuss how Jesus gave His life to give us life.
Read John 10:10
Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sins.
Read Luke 23:27
So far the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him.
Read Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16
Beat the ingredients together with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus.
Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3
Fold in the broken pecans. Drop cookies by a rounded teaspoon onto cookie sheet covered with wax paper. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was lain.
Read Matthew 27:57-60
Put the cookies in the oven, close the door. TURN THE OVEN OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door together. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed.
Read Matthew 27:65-66
Now it's time to go to sleep. Explain to your children that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed.
Read John 16:20 & 22
On Resurrection (Easter) morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice that the surface of the cookie is cracked. Take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first Resurrection, Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tomb empty.
Read Matthew 28:1-9 - He has risen!!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday & Links
Good Friday 03 21 2008
I’m busy and preoccupied with Easter preparations (way more fun than tax preparations) so all you’re getting out of me today is some informative links on nutrition and fitness, including a few on Good Friday. Enjoy! Happy Easter!
And remember, don’t drink on Spring Break. Your fat loss will grind to a halt and you’ll turn into an obese under muscled toad overnight! (Must be a full moon).
All About Good Friday
Good Friday Wiki
Cheaters Always Prosper
The OFFICIAL Scivation Guide to Dietary “Cheating”
By: Chuck Rudolph, MEd,RD With Marc Lobliner and Derek Charlebois
Since publishing Game Over—The Final Showtime Cut Diet You’ll Ever Need, we have been bombarded with emails and comments. The one most frequently asked question is how and when it is okay to deviate from the plan. The answer for this is simple…Never! If following the Cut Diet, you should not cheat and if you do cheat, it better not be often. If you do happen to cheat, don’t cry to us that your results aren’t optimal.
The bottom line is that the Cut Diet relies on getting the body primed and in the zone. Cheats throw this off. But what if following more of a lifestyle type Cut Diet where you taper carbs throughout the day or even bulking? These are situations where cheating is acceptable and downright yummy. If you like eating pie and being lean at the same time read on and find out how you can cheat and win!
How much can I cheat?
Let’s set forth some guidelines. While it is okay to have the occasional Thanksgiving-like feast where you eat until your pants don’t fit and your feet are swollen, we do not recommend doing this on a weekly basis. Thus, when following the aforementioned diets, we recommend two to three cheat meals per week with calories at around 150% of your normal meal. Meaning that if a normal meal for you yields 500 calories, you will want the cheat to be around 750 calories. But how do you count cheat calories? You don’t. It is all about moderation and approximating the total. In essence, eat until you are full yet not stuffed.
What can I eat for my cheat meal?
We recommend making healthy choices, but the beauty of a cheat meal is that you can cave in to those cravings! If you feel like a piece of pie, get a nice slice of Pecan Pie. If you feel like cheese, buy some Gouda! Just try to control yourself and not eat the whole pie or an entire cheese wheel. The beauty is that you can kiss those protein to carb to fat ratios goodbye for this meal. Enjoy the freedom! Read more.
Sodium, Your Secret Weapon
by Scot Abel
In ancient times, salt was precious. It was traded as the most valued of all commodities, and having a good supply of salt was as close to life insurance as you could get. Age-old aphorisms like "salt of the earth" and "worth your salt" remind us how important salt has always been.
The answer may surprise you. The anti-sodium campaign actually began as a commercial movement to sell different foods and snacks, under the guise of being healthier. Much like the low-fat movement, manufacturers care more about selling products than they do about scientific accuracy. Read more.
Busting the Great Myths of Fat Burning
Your body burns either fat or carbs depending on the intensity of your activity. But when it comes to losing weight, calories are calories. You burn fat even when you're in couch-potato mode. Yet, a lot of misunderstanding prevails.
Get ready to break down some of the myths people have about burning fat:
Read more.
Fat Roundtable
What's new in fat science?
Refereed by John M. Berardi
During our last roundtable, Cy Willson, Lonnie Lowery, and myself got together to talk protein. There were no holds barred as we threw out our own personal protein theories and suggestions with extreme prejudice. With the theories bouncing around like lotto balls in a billion dollar drawing, we went crazy. Lonnie was screaming about being a real man while whipping out his long, cylindrical? pointer to illustrate his points on the graphs and tables he brought along.
In the meantime, Cy and myself were flipping each other off at each disagreement. All in all we had a real blast while giving you guys some practical suggestions for how to use protein to get bigger.
We had so much fun I couldn't wait to do another roundtable. Only this time we'll talk about fat. Within the last few years there's been a lot of discussion regarding the optimal macronutrient composition of the diet. A wide range of individuals (some of them being very wide themselves) have asked me for advice about what fats to eat and how much.
You see, after the anti-fat surge of the 80s and early 90s, people began to realize that the elimination of dietary fat from our culture was not only nearly impossible, but was downright stupid. Read more.
Marion Nestle’s Sorting out low-fat vs. low-carbohydrate
Several people, among them Kerry Trueman of Eating Liberally, asked my opinion of John Tierney’s column about Gary Taubes’ new book, Good Calories Bad Calories, in today’s New York Times. Taubes’ book arrived while I was in India and I can’t really comment on it until I have had a chance to read it. I gather from Tierney’s piece and Gina Kolata’s review of it on Sunday that it comes down hard on carbohydrates.
I continue to be impressed by how difficult it is to separate the health effects of fat, carbohydrate, and protein from the calories they provide, the foods that contain them, the diets as a whole, or the rest of the lifestyle that goes along with the diet. Finding out what people eat is hard to do. Determining the health effects of dietary factors or patterns is even harder since humans make such awful experimental animals. Plenty of things about human nutrition are reasonably well established–the basic nutrients that are required and the amounts that prevent deficiency diseases, for example. But it is much trickier to figure out the effects of nutrients on chronic diseases that are also affected by activity levels, cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and social factors such as poverty, stress, and lack of control. So I can’t help but be skeptical of journalists who think they have answers to questions that scientists have been grappling with for years. Read more.
Good Friday,
Thursday, March 20, 2008
How Much Does Alcohol Consumption Affect Fat Loss?
Her Weight Problems Must Be Because Of That Glass of Wine She Has With Dinner.
This issue is usually seen as black and white by fitness professionals dealing with overweight clients or elite athletes in a fat loss phase. Almost all nix alcohol consumption as completely counter to fat loss and optimal body composition. The party line is that alcohol is always a no-no if you’re trying to lose body fat.
In fact the book I’m reading, ‘The Cheat To Lose Diet’ claims you should even avoid so much as a beer on cheat days which are built into this program. A few studies indicate alcohol may inhibit fat loss - “alcohol ingestion decreases diurnal and nocturnal secretion of leptin in healthy individuals.” S. Rojdmark et all. Clin Endocrinol (Oxsf.)
And a Google of ‘alcohol and fat loss’ will get you a ton of links to blogs and fitness articles telling you alcohol halts fat burning. One states “while the liver metabolizes alcohol fat burning is put on hold.” Okay, so while my liver takes time to metabolize that one glass of wine I drank – that was within my calorie allowance – I won’t be burning fat. So what?
(A healthy liver oxidizes pure ethanol at the rate of about ¼ to ⅓ of an ounce per hour, which is less than 1 ounce of hard liquor. The burn rate varies from person to person and can even vary within a single person during a single drinking episode. Although alcohol replaces fat as a fuel source this does not necessarily equal less calories burned over the same 24 hour period.
"According to conventional wisdom, the infamous "beer belly" is caused by excess alcohol calories being stored as fat. Yet, less than five percent of the alcohol calories you drink are turned into fat. Rather, the main effect of alcohol is to reduce the amount of fat your body burns for energy." - Source: The Facts About Fitness)
Do you really believe your body burns fat (and only fat) 24/7 if you eschew a drink or two? And alternatively, if you have one drink in a 24 hour period in which you ate within your caloric target and worked out that you won't burn off anything at all? Rubbish.
"Myth: The body completely shuts off one fuel source when it turns on the other.
The Truth: What has often been misunderstood by both exercisers and exercise instructors alike (not to mention low carb dieters, ) is that the body relies on both fat and carbs for energy all the time, albeit in different ratios. In fact, as you sit here reading, you may be burning about 50-60 percent fat and 50-40 percent carbohydrates." - Source: Cross-Training For Dummies
You're not going to flick a switch and make your body burn only body fat. And when it comes to intense weight training and endurance training you would not want to due to decreased muscle glycogen and endurance. The bottom line in losing body fat is regularly creating a physical demand to burn fuel as well as burning more calories from all fuel sources. And if you really want to get lean build more muscle mass that automatically increases a demand for fuel. While regular excess carbohydrate consumption is bad for body composition so is excess calories from any source.
These people who insist you can never enjoy a drink while training and dieting remind me of the low fat camp who insist eating fat will make you fat, and the low carbohydrate camp who insist you cannot lose fat unless you're in ketosis. Hog wash all the way around.
There are no absolutes or perfect formulas when it comes to fat loss or muscle gain. Otherwise "calories in versus calories out" would work for everyone trying to lose weight all the time (3500 calories burned doe not always translate into a pound of body fat lost either). And we know a "low fat" diet does not always equal a "low fat" body. And there's no such thing as a perfect fat loss or muscle gain formula for every body and there's no perfection found in nature or anywhere else for a reason. Perfection is impossible and perfectionists along with "perfect" people are boring as hell.
Victoria at Confessions of a Carbohydrate Addict has lost over 65 pounds and enjoys wine regularly. She’s in peak physical condition because she works out hard and is careful with her overall diet. Teetotaler does not equal fit. I know dozens of non-drinkers who are positively fat. And I know lots of fit people who enjoy alcohol in moderation on a regular basis.
Another blogger says that alcohol blunts testosterone (whoa, maybe I can get rid of my beard. Just kidding). This may be a persuasive argument for male bodybuilders, especially ones taking costly testosterone shots. I’m not going to even consider this argument in the scheme of my personal fitness program seeing as I’m female and have less testosterone in my whole body than these guys have in their pinkies.
Alcohol consumption might also have a negative affect on leptin levels, a hormone that aids in fat loss. But does this mean drinking a glass or two of wine, or a beer, literally puts fat loss on the skids and undermines overall results? You can’t prove it by me.
When I came home from the hospital after I gave birth to my son on January 15th 2000, I weight 154 pounds. To put this in perspective, when I got pregnant I weighed 129 pounds and at the clinic where I got my pregnancy test the doctor told me I was “looking buff.” I’d been weight training quite intensely for about eight years and it obviously showed. And I was far from being a teetotaler all those years I trained and made progress. I enjoyed wine, or vodka and water, several times a week. If it impeded my progress I hate to think of what my results might have been! I’d have been the next Laura Creavalle – a body type I can admire must have taken a lot of work, but I truly do NOT want. I prefer a more feminine look like that of Rachael McLish.
When Bruno was around six months old I’d lost about 15 pounds and was ready to take it to the next level. (See my BFL "Before" photo on the sidebar. This past summer I had to throw out that leopard print bikini because it literally fell off of me). While doing Body For Life I followed the rules of no alcohol for 12 LONG weeks (after a over a year of no alcohol while pregnant and breastfeeding). I found the diet rather higher in carbohydrates than I like – potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat toast, pasta, and rather dubious 'carby" and expensive "nutrition" bars were all allowed.
I went from 138 pounds down to 124 pounds. 14 pounds in twelve weeks is nothing to sneeze at when you’re 5 feet tall and female. But my body fat percent only went from 35.5 percent down to 28.5 percent, a decent but somewhat disappointing 6.5 percent loss of body fat.
(Note that Body For Life workouts are considerably less intense than the Power 90X workouts I do now, and this difference in intensity could directly affect how successful your results will be).
Now let’s compare my BFL results with my Power 90X results 7 years later. Power 90X has looser food restrictions calories wise – Thank God – and I chose to drink on occasion. I had wine, or vodka, lime and water at least several evenings a week. I always compensated by skipping a carbohydrate portion or two of equal calories. (I wish now I'd done that during Body For Life. A 100 calorie glass of wine would have made me a lot happier and relaxed than the 200 calorie portion of spaghetti). Many Saturdays I had a Killian’s Irish Red with my pizza at lunch. My 12 week results? Only a 7 pound shift on the scales – BUT a more impressive 10 percent in body fat lost which also translates to more lean muscle mass gained on P90X than BFL.
(Note that while I was six months post partum on BFL I’m peri-menopausal now and during that first P90X round. So quirks of hormonal climate apply to both examples.
Of course this is anecdotal evidence. And I was previously fit with a decent amount of muscle mass considering my small frame. More muscle does equals more fat burning capacity. But I say whatever mild negative affect moderate alcohol consumption has on fat loss can be compensated for and even overridden by workout intensity and carbohydrate control.
Personally, I’ll happily add an hour of aerobics on to my day if I want to enjoy a few glasses or a bottle of wine with my husband that evening. I’ll do my weight lifting in the morning, then in the afternoon I set up my steppers and other machines in front of the television and do circuit training while I catch up on my TIVO’d episodes of “Celebrity Apprentice” and / or “The Biggest Loser”.
Former Ms. Olympia Competitor Rachel McLish at Age 49
After reading Joel Marion’s recommendations in “The Cheat To Lose Diet’ to avoid alcohol EVEN ON CHEAT DAYS, my immediate thought was a flashback to ‘Pumping Iron II - The Women’, a 1970’s film about elite female bodybuilders – including the still exquisite Rachel McLish. These women were the legendary ground breakers in the bodybuilding world and they sometimes partied hearty - even on film. Drinking alcohol wasn’t a training taboo for these ladies. I’m sure they didn’t get falling down drunk regularly. Who could and still weight train intensely and compete as a ripped bodybuilder? But they enjoyed their liquor guilt free during their “mass building” phases.
Super Fit Jackie Warner of "Workout" - Another Party Girl Who Tipples
Then there’s “Workout” the hit show on BRAVO about Jackie Warner and her Beverly Hills gym Sky Sport & Spa. Jackie and her trainers are super fit. And at least once an episode they go out drinking. In one episode they actually discussed how much these elite trainers like to drink and party hearty. We're not talking a glass or two either. It may be a once a week or once a month indulgence but it’s not restrained and neither is it derailing their training or ruining their stellar physiques.
This proves – again anecdotally - that enjoying a few drinks does not have to equal being over fat and under muscled. How do I know? My own years of personal experience and anecdotal evidence prove that moderate alcohol consumption is not detrimental to fat loss and muscle building.
And the fact is, everything is relative. If you struggle with weight I’d recommend avoiding extra calories from alcohol AND refined carbohydrates AND any other foods you tend to over consume. (For most Americans that's every food they get their hands on). If you're fit and in a fat loss phase completely foregoing alcohol is certainly a reasonable move if you're comfortable with that.
But giving up alcohol is not magical when it comes to fat loss. If any of your nutritional and training approach is not optimal - like eating too many calories, eating portions that are too big, eating the wrong ratios of macro nutrients, not getting enough of one or several micro-nutrients, not eating enough calories, or being stressed out and sleep deprived which also screw royally with hormones and inhibit fat loss and muscle growth - it may not even give you an edge.
You can gain body fat eating too much of anything including fruits, whole grains, legumes, meats, fats, nuts, and even vegetables. An obesity specialist on a recent Discovery Health Channel show had to explain to an obese man why he was fat when the guy only ate oranges all day. “Forty five of anything can make you fat,” said the doctor.
It all comes down to moderation and balance, something most Americans just don’t get. We as a society have adopted an all or nothing attitude. We else drink to excess or do not drink at all. We workout like maniacs to look like a fitness model or we sit on the couch and stuff our faces until we look like Shamu. We become debt ridden compulsive spenders in danger of foreclosure and bankruptcy or we become penny pinching spendthrifts who resent purchasing even the bare necessities.
It’s time to embrace balance and moderation in all areas of our lives.
I’m not into workouts and good nutrition to look like a fitness model. Hell, I’m 48 years old and fighting an uphill battle with natural aging. Between a full schedule with a home business, a husband, and child, a household including over a dozen pets, working out and eating nutritiously is a very small part of my day. And having Cerebral Palsy in itself puts some limits on what I can accomplish physically like I’m restricted to pool jogging as opposed to regular jogging due to balance issues. On the other hand, being fit and working out regularly has positive effects on living and coping with CP.
I just want to be healthy, reasonably fit, and look good for myself and my husband. Muscle & Fitness Hers won’t be banging on my door no matter how strict I get with my diet and workouts. So what? Working out hard is something I genuinely enjoy, a challenge that enhances my personal growth, and something I do for me. And I enjoy some wine in the evening when I please. Guess what? When I enjoyed my wine while working out and watching my overall diet my body fat percentage went down anyway! Ha!
This morning while discussing going out this weekend, I told Jerry I wanted to eat out somewhere I could stick to my diet. (Bruno wants to go to McDonald's - Rolling MY Eyes). I told Jerry while on the first seven day phase of ‘Cheat To Lose’ I had to be strictly low carbohydrate (the second week is low GI/GL, week three is higher GI/GL, and day 22 is the first Cheat Day). He said, “I don’t know why you bother, you look great!”
Well, yes I do. And I damned well have earned it. But I want that little extra accomplishment, to look the best I can in a bikini this summer. I want my body fat around 15 percent and to weigh around 110 pounds. But I refuse to turn into a complete Spartan to do it. I’m going to workout regularly and eat right.
But I'm not turning into some hard-assed, uptight, super strict killjoy to do it. I won't lay a guilt trip on myself or anyone else for occasionally indulging in alcohol, chocolate, chips, or greasy fast food. That's not living your best life.
Life is not just about discipline, and strict diet and training. In fact, the scientific evidence behind 'The Cheat To Lose Diet' supports the very premise that occasional CHEATING RAISES LEPTIN LEVELS AND SUPPORTS GREATER FAT LOSS. And Joel Marion sites scientific, medical, and his real life experience with hundreds of people to prove his method works.
All those super strict dieters out there who never or very rarely indulge themselves are probably the ones missing out on their optimal results. Joel Marion talked of one of his clients who was having mediocre results and when he finally uncovered the reason it was surprising from a classic diet model standpoint - she had foregone all of her scheduled cheat days. Once she relented and followed his precise diet and cheat day schedule she achieved phenomenal results. (Book review on 'The Cheat To Lose Diet' and a full report of my results are in the works).
Following the 90 percent rule is a wiser and happier approach to nutrition, fitness, and alcohol consumption. (Denise Austin swears by the 80 percent rule - and some amateur and professional bodybuilders claim a 50-75 percent approach works for them). This simply means eating clean and healthy 90 percent or 80 percent or 75 percent of the time and eating whatever you're craving in moderation - be it a cheeseburger, fries, a Mars bars, a beer, or a handful of Pringles - the other small percentage of the time. This approach considers the fact we all have "mental health" days and cravings when we need a treat or a glass of wine. Expecting perfection and even achieving perfection 100 percent of the time is not healthy. In fact, it's insane.
I’m betting I can have my cheesecake body and some wine too. That way I won't GO insane.
cheese·cake /ˈtʃizËŒkeɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[cheez-keyk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
2. Informal. Also called leg art. Photographs featuring scantily clothed attractive women.
From Diet Blog
Alcohol and Fat Loss
What effect does alcohol have on both fat loss or weight maintenance? While there are general rules, you can always find an exception.
I know one person who has two alcoholic drinks per day - and yet has lost 15% of their body weight - virtually all fat. At the same time they have experienced strength increases (from intense weight training).
Some diet plans encourage wine consumption (Sonoma Diet) others will allow it (South Beach Diet), while others completely restrict any alcohol.
Like many other issues in nutrition - there are no hard and fast rules - it is up to you to see what works for you. Read More.
This issue is usually seen as black and white by fitness professionals dealing with overweight clients or elite athletes in a fat loss phase. Almost all nix alcohol consumption as completely counter to fat loss and optimal body composition. The party line is that alcohol is always a no-no if you’re trying to lose body fat.
In fact the book I’m reading, ‘The Cheat To Lose Diet’ claims you should even avoid so much as a beer on cheat days which are built into this program. A few studies indicate alcohol may inhibit fat loss - “alcohol ingestion decreases diurnal and nocturnal secretion of leptin in healthy individuals.” S. Rojdmark et all. Clin Endocrinol (Oxsf.)
And a Google of ‘alcohol and fat loss’ will get you a ton of links to blogs and fitness articles telling you alcohol halts fat burning. One states “while the liver metabolizes alcohol fat burning is put on hold.” Okay, so while my liver takes time to metabolize that one glass of wine I drank – that was within my calorie allowance – I won’t be burning fat. So what?
(A healthy liver oxidizes pure ethanol at the rate of about ¼ to ⅓ of an ounce per hour, which is less than 1 ounce of hard liquor. The burn rate varies from person to person and can even vary within a single person during a single drinking episode. Although alcohol replaces fat as a fuel source this does not necessarily equal less calories burned over the same 24 hour period.
"According to conventional wisdom, the infamous "beer belly" is caused by excess alcohol calories being stored as fat. Yet, less than five percent of the alcohol calories you drink are turned into fat. Rather, the main effect of alcohol is to reduce the amount of fat your body burns for energy." - Source: The Facts About Fitness)
Do you really believe your body burns fat (and only fat) 24/7 if you eschew a drink or two? And alternatively, if you have one drink in a 24 hour period in which you ate within your caloric target and worked out that you won't burn off anything at all? Rubbish.
"Myth: The body completely shuts off one fuel source when it turns on the other.
The Truth: What has often been misunderstood by both exercisers and exercise instructors alike (not to mention low carb dieters, ) is that the body relies on both fat and carbs for energy all the time, albeit in different ratios. In fact, as you sit here reading, you may be burning about 50-60 percent fat and 50-40 percent carbohydrates." - Source: Cross-Training For Dummies
You're not going to flick a switch and make your body burn only body fat. And when it comes to intense weight training and endurance training you would not want to due to decreased muscle glycogen and endurance. The bottom line in losing body fat is regularly creating a physical demand to burn fuel as well as burning more calories from all fuel sources. And if you really want to get lean build more muscle mass that automatically increases a demand for fuel. While regular excess carbohydrate consumption is bad for body composition so is excess calories from any source.
These people who insist you can never enjoy a drink while training and dieting remind me of the low fat camp who insist eating fat will make you fat, and the low carbohydrate camp who insist you cannot lose fat unless you're in ketosis. Hog wash all the way around.
There are no absolutes or perfect formulas when it comes to fat loss or muscle gain. Otherwise "calories in versus calories out" would work for everyone trying to lose weight all the time (3500 calories burned doe not always translate into a pound of body fat lost either). And we know a "low fat" diet does not always equal a "low fat" body. And there's no such thing as a perfect fat loss or muscle gain formula for every body and there's no perfection found in nature or anywhere else for a reason. Perfection is impossible and perfectionists along with "perfect" people are boring as hell.
Victoria at Confessions of a Carbohydrate Addict has lost over 65 pounds and enjoys wine regularly. She’s in peak physical condition because she works out hard and is careful with her overall diet. Teetotaler does not equal fit. I know dozens of non-drinkers who are positively fat. And I know lots of fit people who enjoy alcohol in moderation on a regular basis.
Another blogger says that alcohol blunts testosterone (whoa, maybe I can get rid of my beard. Just kidding). This may be a persuasive argument for male bodybuilders, especially ones taking costly testosterone shots. I’m not going to even consider this argument in the scheme of my personal fitness program seeing as I’m female and have less testosterone in my whole body than these guys have in their pinkies.
Alcohol consumption might also have a negative affect on leptin levels, a hormone that aids in fat loss. But does this mean drinking a glass or two of wine, or a beer, literally puts fat loss on the skids and undermines overall results? You can’t prove it by me.
When I came home from the hospital after I gave birth to my son on January 15th 2000, I weight 154 pounds. To put this in perspective, when I got pregnant I weighed 129 pounds and at the clinic where I got my pregnancy test the doctor told me I was “looking buff.” I’d been weight training quite intensely for about eight years and it obviously showed. And I was far from being a teetotaler all those years I trained and made progress. I enjoyed wine, or vodka and water, several times a week. If it impeded my progress I hate to think of what my results might have been! I’d have been the next Laura Creavalle – a body type I can admire must have taken a lot of work, but I truly do NOT want. I prefer a more feminine look like that of Rachael McLish.
When Bruno was around six months old I’d lost about 15 pounds and was ready to take it to the next level. (See my BFL "Before" photo on the sidebar. This past summer I had to throw out that leopard print bikini because it literally fell off of me). While doing Body For Life I followed the rules of no alcohol for 12 LONG weeks (after a over a year of no alcohol while pregnant and breastfeeding). I found the diet rather higher in carbohydrates than I like – potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat toast, pasta, and rather dubious 'carby" and expensive "nutrition" bars were all allowed.
I went from 138 pounds down to 124 pounds. 14 pounds in twelve weeks is nothing to sneeze at when you’re 5 feet tall and female. But my body fat percent only went from 35.5 percent down to 28.5 percent, a decent but somewhat disappointing 6.5 percent loss of body fat.
(Note that Body For Life workouts are considerably less intense than the Power 90X workouts I do now, and this difference in intensity could directly affect how successful your results will be).
Now let’s compare my BFL results with my Power 90X results 7 years later. Power 90X has looser food restrictions calories wise – Thank God – and I chose to drink on occasion. I had wine, or vodka, lime and water at least several evenings a week. I always compensated by skipping a carbohydrate portion or two of equal calories. (I wish now I'd done that during Body For Life. A 100 calorie glass of wine would have made me a lot happier and relaxed than the 200 calorie portion of spaghetti). Many Saturdays I had a Killian’s Irish Red with my pizza at lunch. My 12 week results? Only a 7 pound shift on the scales – BUT a more impressive 10 percent in body fat lost which also translates to more lean muscle mass gained on P90X than BFL.
(Note that while I was six months post partum on BFL I’m peri-menopausal now and during that first P90X round. So quirks of hormonal climate apply to both examples.
Of course this is anecdotal evidence. And I was previously fit with a decent amount of muscle mass considering my small frame. More muscle does equals more fat burning capacity. But I say whatever mild negative affect moderate alcohol consumption has on fat loss can be compensated for and even overridden by workout intensity and carbohydrate control.
Personally, I’ll happily add an hour of aerobics on to my day if I want to enjoy a few glasses or a bottle of wine with my husband that evening. I’ll do my weight lifting in the morning, then in the afternoon I set up my steppers and other machines in front of the television and do circuit training while I catch up on my TIVO’d episodes of “Celebrity Apprentice” and / or “The Biggest Loser”.
Former Ms. Olympia Competitor Rachel McLish at Age 49
After reading Joel Marion’s recommendations in “The Cheat To Lose Diet’ to avoid alcohol EVEN ON CHEAT DAYS, my immediate thought was a flashback to ‘Pumping Iron II - The Women’, a 1970’s film about elite female bodybuilders – including the still exquisite Rachel McLish. These women were the legendary ground breakers in the bodybuilding world and they sometimes partied hearty - even on film. Drinking alcohol wasn’t a training taboo for these ladies. I’m sure they didn’t get falling down drunk regularly. Who could and still weight train intensely and compete as a ripped bodybuilder? But they enjoyed their liquor guilt free during their “mass building” phases.
Super Fit Jackie Warner of "Workout" - Another Party Girl Who Tipples
Then there’s “Workout” the hit show on BRAVO about Jackie Warner and her Beverly Hills gym Sky Sport & Spa. Jackie and her trainers are super fit. And at least once an episode they go out drinking. In one episode they actually discussed how much these elite trainers like to drink and party hearty. We're not talking a glass or two either. It may be a once a week or once a month indulgence but it’s not restrained and neither is it derailing their training or ruining their stellar physiques.
This proves – again anecdotally - that enjoying a few drinks does not have to equal being over fat and under muscled. How do I know? My own years of personal experience and anecdotal evidence prove that moderate alcohol consumption is not detrimental to fat loss and muscle building.
And the fact is, everything is relative. If you struggle with weight I’d recommend avoiding extra calories from alcohol AND refined carbohydrates AND any other foods you tend to over consume. (For most Americans that's every food they get their hands on). If you're fit and in a fat loss phase completely foregoing alcohol is certainly a reasonable move if you're comfortable with that.
But giving up alcohol is not magical when it comes to fat loss. If any of your nutritional and training approach is not optimal - like eating too many calories, eating portions that are too big, eating the wrong ratios of macro nutrients, not getting enough of one or several micro-nutrients, not eating enough calories, or being stressed out and sleep deprived which also screw royally with hormones and inhibit fat loss and muscle growth - it may not even give you an edge.
You can gain body fat eating too much of anything including fruits, whole grains, legumes, meats, fats, nuts, and even vegetables. An obesity specialist on a recent Discovery Health Channel show had to explain to an obese man why he was fat when the guy only ate oranges all day. “Forty five of anything can make you fat,” said the doctor.
It all comes down to moderation and balance, something most Americans just don’t get. We as a society have adopted an all or nothing attitude. We else drink to excess or do not drink at all. We workout like maniacs to look like a fitness model or we sit on the couch and stuff our faces until we look like Shamu. We become debt ridden compulsive spenders in danger of foreclosure and bankruptcy or we become penny pinching spendthrifts who resent purchasing even the bare necessities.
It’s time to embrace balance and moderation in all areas of our lives.
I’m not into workouts and good nutrition to look like a fitness model. Hell, I’m 48 years old and fighting an uphill battle with natural aging. Between a full schedule with a home business, a husband, and child, a household including over a dozen pets, working out and eating nutritiously is a very small part of my day. And having Cerebral Palsy in itself puts some limits on what I can accomplish physically like I’m restricted to pool jogging as opposed to regular jogging due to balance issues. On the other hand, being fit and working out regularly has positive effects on living and coping with CP.
I just want to be healthy, reasonably fit, and look good for myself and my husband. Muscle & Fitness Hers won’t be banging on my door no matter how strict I get with my diet and workouts. So what? Working out hard is something I genuinely enjoy, a challenge that enhances my personal growth, and something I do for me. And I enjoy some wine in the evening when I please. Guess what? When I enjoyed my wine while working out and watching my overall diet my body fat percentage went down anyway! Ha!
This morning while discussing going out this weekend, I told Jerry I wanted to eat out somewhere I could stick to my diet. (Bruno wants to go to McDonald's - Rolling MY Eyes). I told Jerry while on the first seven day phase of ‘Cheat To Lose’ I had to be strictly low carbohydrate (the second week is low GI/GL, week three is higher GI/GL, and day 22 is the first Cheat Day). He said, “I don’t know why you bother, you look great!”
Well, yes I do. And I damned well have earned it. But I want that little extra accomplishment, to look the best I can in a bikini this summer. I want my body fat around 15 percent and to weigh around 110 pounds. But I refuse to turn into a complete Spartan to do it. I’m going to workout regularly and eat right.
But I'm not turning into some hard-assed, uptight, super strict killjoy to do it. I won't lay a guilt trip on myself or anyone else for occasionally indulging in alcohol, chocolate, chips, or greasy fast food. That's not living your best life.
Life is not just about discipline, and strict diet and training. In fact, the scientific evidence behind 'The Cheat To Lose Diet' supports the very premise that occasional CHEATING RAISES LEPTIN LEVELS AND SUPPORTS GREATER FAT LOSS. And Joel Marion sites scientific, medical, and his real life experience with hundreds of people to prove his method works.
All those super strict dieters out there who never or very rarely indulge themselves are probably the ones missing out on their optimal results. Joel Marion talked of one of his clients who was having mediocre results and when he finally uncovered the reason it was surprising from a classic diet model standpoint - she had foregone all of her scheduled cheat days. Once she relented and followed his precise diet and cheat day schedule she achieved phenomenal results. (Book review on 'The Cheat To Lose Diet' and a full report of my results are in the works).
Following the 90 percent rule is a wiser and happier approach to nutrition, fitness, and alcohol consumption. (Denise Austin swears by the 80 percent rule - and some amateur and professional bodybuilders claim a 50-75 percent approach works for them). This simply means eating clean and healthy 90 percent or 80 percent or 75 percent of the time and eating whatever you're craving in moderation - be it a cheeseburger, fries, a Mars bars, a beer, or a handful of Pringles - the other small percentage of the time. This approach considers the fact we all have "mental health" days and cravings when we need a treat or a glass of wine. Expecting perfection and even achieving perfection 100 percent of the time is not healthy. In fact, it's insane.
I’m betting I can have my cheesecake body and some wine too. That way I won't GO insane.
cheese·cake /ˈtʃizËŒkeɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[cheez-keyk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
2. Informal. Also called leg art. Photographs featuring scantily clothed attractive women.
From Diet Blog
Alcohol and Fat Loss
What effect does alcohol have on both fat loss or weight maintenance? While there are general rules, you can always find an exception.
I know one person who has two alcoholic drinks per day - and yet has lost 15% of their body weight - virtually all fat. At the same time they have experienced strength increases (from intense weight training).
Some diet plans encourage wine consumption (Sonoma Diet) others will allow it (South Beach Diet), while others completely restrict any alcohol.
Like many other issues in nutrition - there are no hard and fast rules - it is up to you to see what works for you. Read More.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Another Whoosh! Yes! And A GT Xpress Product Review With Recipe
I've been having a brief affair with water and lime. And I've given up anything with added or excessive sodium. Water and lime introduced me to the bathroom who has been my close companion for two days now. I seem to be sloughing off water weight at a steady pace. This morning I'm down to 116 pounds, only two above where I was before my brief affair with bacon and Saltines. Yeah! Body fat percentage is at 20 percent, not bad after a month of erratic eating and no exercise.
Yesterday's workout - my first since February 20th - went well. Jerry asked me afterwards if I felt I lost any ground. No. I did my first 10 Minute Trainer and actually stopped the DVD during each move to do extra. I basically turned a 10 Minute workout into a 20 minute workout. In addition to the 10 Minute Total Body I did 50 minutes of aerobic circuit training. Today's workout will be more aerobics. I haven't decided what yet.
My calories yesterday were way too low at 1316 calories and only 65 grams of protein. I ended up missing my late afternoon snack due to a busier than usual afternoon and evening. My BMR is 1260 so I should never go below 1500 calories, especially on workout days. I'm sore today from the Total Body workout which included multiple sets of push ups, bicep curls, overhead and bent over tricep moves, back rows, crunches, and more. Going to aim for more protein and calories today which is in line with 'The Cheat To Lose Diet'. More on that later. I'm officially on the program now and this is day three.
Breakfast this morning was another egg and veggie omelet. I'm making them in our GT Xpress cooker. It's fast and easy, and particularly convenient in the morning when I'm time crunched getting an eight year old ready for school and feeding myself, him, two dogs, 9 cats, 3 fish, and a horse. Just mix together the ingredients (recipe below), pour in the cooker and cook about 8 minutes depending on how brown you want the outside. Not to mention you almost cannot burn food with it. It has a thermostat and I've literally walked away to do a chore and forgot it only to come back and find my food hot, perfect, and waiting.
I love these GT Xpress cookers (you automatically get two for $40 plus shipping, which is great for families as you can cook four things at once). They're fool proof and convenient, and wipe clean after every use. You can cook nearly anything in them from eggs, chicken, beef, sandwiches, wraps, vegetables, and desserts (not going there right now). I definitely recommend the GT Xpress for anyone who's too busy to cook but doesn't want to rely on dubious quality packaged dinners (Lean Cuisine, South Beach, Nutrisystem, etc). I'm in their cookbook club and have a stack of them.
Protein Packed Fast Omelets
4 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/3 cup peppers and onions
1/4 teaspoon cayenne powder
1/2 teaspoon horseradish
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
Mix all ingredients together. Pour into the GT Xpress cooker's preheated cooking wells and close the lid. The dual cooking wells and controlled temperature cook from both top and bottom at once so there's no turning or burning. Cook approximately 8 minutes. Can also be cooked in a nonstick skillet.
170 Calories, 21 grams protein, 9 grams carbohydrates, 5 grams fat.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Since yesterday I lost 2 inches off my belly. Apparently quitting the salty stuff and drinking around a gallon of water and lime juice did the trick. I'm also down a pound in scale weight but that 2 inches off the middle is what I wanted. I just hate water weight.
As for my first full day back on program it's going well. Breakfast was one egg yolk with four egg whites, peppers, onions, and spices. 11 am snack was 1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese with salsa and vegetables. Totals so far: 260 calories, 31 grams protein, 5 grams fat, 22 grams carbohydrates. The rest of today's meals will probably look like this: a post workout protein shake (200 calories, 25 grams protein, 25 grams carbs), afternoon snack (400 calories, 25 grams protein, 50 grams protein, 9 grams fat), dinner of chicken and veggies (pretty much like meal four numbers wise), and wine (200 calories).
Soon as my 11 am snack digests I'll be trying my first new 10 Minute Trainer workout (a review is coming), followed by aerobics circuit training with the original The Firm Step (I don't think it's sold any longer), my Tony Little Rock N Roll Stepper, Leg Magic, Twist N Step Stepper (looks like this one is discontinued too), and uSurf.
And most important of all, I finished my tax preparation. The forms go to our CPA tomorrow. Yeah! We should get a tidy little return which I'll promptly slap into savings.
Hope All Is Well With You, Dear Readers. Cheers!
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Typical Day of Food on Power 90X and an Update
That's Me Post Flu and Food Binge (Okay, It's An Exaggeration)
Not much going on around here. I’m a little sleep deprived – a common condition of mothers of eight years old boys and 7 month old puppies. So I’m taking today off for a long winter’s nap. Hey, it’s not Spring time for another 3 days.
I’m still reading Joel Marion’s ‘Cheat To Lose Diet’ and liking what I see for the most part. I plan to try it in conjunction with a mix of workouts (click a link to view each product) including the classic workouts from Power 90, and cutting edge workouts from Bosu 3D, Power 90X, Power 90X Plus, and my new untried set of Tony Horton’s 10 Minute Trainer Workouts, starting, hmm, I hope tomorrow…
As for my present stats, I seem to have gained six pounds and about 5 percent body fat, up to 120 pounds from 114 pounds and 23 percent body fat from 18 percent body fat. (Note that water retention messes with bio-impedance fat measurements so this might change rapidly). Proving even a temporary 2 ½ week diet of classic American food like bacon, potatoes, butter, bread, and pasta – Dreamfield’s no less, I've always suspected their "low net carb" claims were technically bull – can make you gain weight. My measurements changed from bust DOWN by 1 inch,, waist UP ½ inch, my widest belly measurement below the waist UP 2.5 inches (!hope that’s water weight!), my hips UP ¾ inch, and my right thigh UP 2 ½ and left thigh DOWN 1 ½ (talk about weird changes).
I suspect the real issue with the measurements is way too much sodium (I rarely ever eat bacon and saltines but ate lots of both during and after the flu). And some of the weight gain is also no workouts since February 20th. I haven't been burning nearly as many calories as usual and sleeping a lot. Nap city. baby. Well, it’s over and I’m back on the P90X slash New Workouts workout wagon tomorrow. I’ll keep y’all updated on the results.
Below is my usual food plan on P90X. I will be tweaking it to try for maximum water loss and incorporating what I learn reading 'The Cheat To Lose Diet'. No sodium for me and lots of water.
My Typical Food Intake – Six Days a Week
Workout Day
6:30 am – coffee
7:30 am – meal one:
4 egg whites and 1 whole egg with 1 ounce shredded high flavor cheese and vegetables (mushrooms, peppers, onions, spices) drizzled with 1 teaspoon flax oil.
Other options:
1 cup nonfat cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon flax oil (I prefer my fat come from Omegas instead of animal fats when possible) and 1 cup blackberries.
3 ounces sirloin or round steak, 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1 table Smart Balance margarine (has a perfect omega 3 to 6 ratio).
3 ounces chicken, 1 low carb tortilla, 1 ounce shredded cheese, 2 tablespoons salsa, 2 tablespoons guacamole.
10:30 am – meal two
Protein shake of 25 grams protein with 1 cup fruit.
1 cup nonfat cottage cheese with flax oil, whole wheat roll with Smart Balance margarine.
3 ounces lime and chile chicken, ½ cup mixed bean salad.
4 ounces shrimp, cocktail sauce, mixed vegetables with flax oil.
12:30 pm – workout
2:30 pm – meal three:
protein shake with fruit.
5:30 pm – meal four: 1 ounce Stilton cheese, 1 ounce nuts, 1 glass of wine.
1 cup nonfat cottage cheese sprinkled with 2 tablespoons parmesan, 1 ounce pine nuts, and 1 ounce black olives.
1 cup cottage cheese sprinkled with 1 ounce blue cheese, and 1 ounce walnuts.
4 ounce shrimp, 1 cup mixed salad greens, 1 tablespoon flax oil, 1 tablespoon lime juice.
8:00 pm – meal five:
3 ounce steak, ½ cup grilled or sautéed mushroom and onions, whole wheat roll with Smart Balance margarine. Glass or two or wine (oh, the.
2 ounce steak, 3 ounces shrimp, mixed salad greens, flax oil.
½ cup Dreamfield’s spaghetti, ½ cup homemade marinara, 2 ounces extra lean ground beef, 2 tablespoons parmesan. Note: I tend to limit my intake of Dreamfield’s products as I’m suspicious of their actual net carbs and 190 calories a serving of FLUFF is rather high).
3 ounces barbecue chicken (1/4 cup homemade low carb bbq sauce), 1 cup green beans with almonds and Smart Balance margarine.
On a busy night a Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones frozen dinner with vegetables.
One weight lifting days – protein shake between 1am – 3 am to maintain anabolism overnight to support muscle growth.
My Typical Cheat Day – One Day a Week (Usually Saturday or another day with a heavy workout).
Option one: breakfast out – two whole eggs scrambled, sourdough toast with butter, chicken fried steak, hash browns. Then 3 regular meals like those above.
Option two: breakfast at home as usual, lunch out at Round Table Pizza – pizza and salad buffet and a beer. Dinner at home as above with a bottle of wine.
Option three: three meals at home as usual with homemade pizza or lasagna or tempura battered fish, shrimp, fries and beer.
Option four: 4 regular meals as above and a dinner of champagne, brie, caviar and chocolate (thinks Valentine’s Day, Birthday, or Anniversary.
I’m aware many bodybuilding nutritionists – like Chris Aceto - view alcohol calories negatively. Some claim it even interferes with anabolism. Then why are my muscles bigger AND harder than just months ago. I view moderate alcohol intake as not only a relaxing pleasure but another way to prime the pump – glucose load depleted muscles after weight lifting and preload for the next day’s workout.
Alcohol typically acts like a carbohydrate although it has 7 calories per gram instead of 4 calories per gram like carbohydrates. Usually alcohol is turned into body fat when not used as fuel. An example is if you need 2000 calories to maintain your weight and a beer or glass of wine puts you over that threshold it will turn to fat. If the alcohol calories are within your caloric needs and replace other high energy foods like potatoes or pasta you won't gain weight.
Not to mention a drink or two helps with DOMS and my other pain issues including osteo-arthritis, intermittent tendonistis, and Cerebral Palsy-related pain – if interested see “Pain, spasms and contraction Pain is a part of daily life for most people with cerebral palsy. Pain will cause spasms; spasms will cause pain.”
I don’t tolerate over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve very well. They all irritate my gastro-intestinal tract although my colitis is well controlled through diet..
Principles used are based on bodybuilding nutrition principles including Joel Marion’s Cheat to Lose Diet.
“Joel Marion discovered a weird thing while trying to get ripped: the more often he cheated (within reason), the more he leaned up. He didn't know it at the time but he was manipulating leptin, a primary fat-burning hormone.” Read more.
More on The Cheat to Lose Diet by Joel Marion – Former Body For Life Grand Champion
Cheat to Lose Website
Don’t attempt this type of food plan unless you are seriously training including bodybuilding or weight training along with aerobic conditioning. This is NOT a weight loss diet although shedding body fat is likely. This diet is intended for anabolic muscle growth as a result of intense weight training workouts. Men and larger women will need more calories and protein than my meal plans. Remember, I am a HOBBIT at 5 foot tall and 112 -16 pounds.
Not much going on around here. I’m a little sleep deprived – a common condition of mothers of eight years old boys and 7 month old puppies. So I’m taking today off for a long winter’s nap. Hey, it’s not Spring time for another 3 days.
I’m still reading Joel Marion’s ‘Cheat To Lose Diet’ and liking what I see for the most part. I plan to try it in conjunction with a mix of workouts (click a link to view each product) including the classic workouts from Power 90, and cutting edge workouts from Bosu 3D, Power 90X, Power 90X Plus, and my new untried set of Tony Horton’s 10 Minute Trainer Workouts, starting, hmm, I hope tomorrow…
As for my present stats, I seem to have gained six pounds and about 5 percent body fat, up to 120 pounds from 114 pounds and 23 percent body fat from 18 percent body fat. (Note that water retention messes with bio-impedance fat measurements so this might change rapidly). Proving even a temporary 2 ½ week diet of classic American food like bacon, potatoes, butter, bread, and pasta – Dreamfield’s no less, I've always suspected their "low net carb" claims were technically bull – can make you gain weight. My measurements changed from bust DOWN by 1 inch,, waist UP ½ inch, my widest belly measurement below the waist UP 2.5 inches (!hope that’s water weight!), my hips UP ¾ inch, and my right thigh UP 2 ½ and left thigh DOWN 1 ½ (talk about weird changes).
I suspect the real issue with the measurements is way too much sodium (I rarely ever eat bacon and saltines but ate lots of both during and after the flu). And some of the weight gain is also no workouts since February 20th. I haven't been burning nearly as many calories as usual and sleeping a lot. Nap city. baby. Well, it’s over and I’m back on the P90X slash New Workouts workout wagon tomorrow. I’ll keep y’all updated on the results.
Below is my usual food plan on P90X. I will be tweaking it to try for maximum water loss and incorporating what I learn reading 'The Cheat To Lose Diet'. No sodium for me and lots of water.
My Typical Food Intake – Six Days a Week
Workout Day
6:30 am – coffee
7:30 am – meal one:
4 egg whites and 1 whole egg with 1 ounce shredded high flavor cheese and vegetables (mushrooms, peppers, onions, spices) drizzled with 1 teaspoon flax oil.
Other options:
1 cup nonfat cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon flax oil (I prefer my fat come from Omegas instead of animal fats when possible) and 1 cup blackberries.
3 ounces sirloin or round steak, 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1 table Smart Balance margarine (has a perfect omega 3 to 6 ratio).
3 ounces chicken, 1 low carb tortilla, 1 ounce shredded cheese, 2 tablespoons salsa, 2 tablespoons guacamole.
10:30 am – meal two
Protein shake of 25 grams protein with 1 cup fruit.
1 cup nonfat cottage cheese with flax oil, whole wheat roll with Smart Balance margarine.
3 ounces lime and chile chicken, ½ cup mixed bean salad.
4 ounces shrimp, cocktail sauce, mixed vegetables with flax oil.
12:30 pm – workout
2:30 pm – meal three:
protein shake with fruit.
5:30 pm – meal four: 1 ounce Stilton cheese, 1 ounce nuts, 1 glass of wine.
1 cup nonfat cottage cheese sprinkled with 2 tablespoons parmesan, 1 ounce pine nuts, and 1 ounce black olives.
1 cup cottage cheese sprinkled with 1 ounce blue cheese, and 1 ounce walnuts.
4 ounce shrimp, 1 cup mixed salad greens, 1 tablespoon flax oil, 1 tablespoon lime juice.
8:00 pm – meal five:
3 ounce steak, ½ cup grilled or sautéed mushroom and onions, whole wheat roll with Smart Balance margarine. Glass or two or wine (oh, the.
2 ounce steak, 3 ounces shrimp, mixed salad greens, flax oil.
½ cup Dreamfield’s spaghetti, ½ cup homemade marinara, 2 ounces extra lean ground beef, 2 tablespoons parmesan. Note: I tend to limit my intake of Dreamfield’s products as I’m suspicious of their actual net carbs and 190 calories a serving of FLUFF is rather high).
3 ounces barbecue chicken (1/4 cup homemade low carb bbq sauce), 1 cup green beans with almonds and Smart Balance margarine.
On a busy night a Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones frozen dinner with vegetables.
One weight lifting days – protein shake between 1am – 3 am to maintain anabolism overnight to support muscle growth.
My Typical Cheat Day – One Day a Week (Usually Saturday or another day with a heavy workout).
Option one: breakfast out – two whole eggs scrambled, sourdough toast with butter, chicken fried steak, hash browns. Then 3 regular meals like those above.
Option two: breakfast at home as usual, lunch out at Round Table Pizza – pizza and salad buffet and a beer. Dinner at home as above with a bottle of wine.
Option three: three meals at home as usual with homemade pizza or lasagna or tempura battered fish, shrimp, fries and beer.
Option four: 4 regular meals as above and a dinner of champagne, brie, caviar and chocolate (thinks Valentine’s Day, Birthday, or Anniversary.
I’m aware many bodybuilding nutritionists – like Chris Aceto - view alcohol calories negatively. Some claim it even interferes with anabolism. Then why are my muscles bigger AND harder than just months ago. I view moderate alcohol intake as not only a relaxing pleasure but another way to prime the pump – glucose load depleted muscles after weight lifting and preload for the next day’s workout.
Alcohol typically acts like a carbohydrate although it has 7 calories per gram instead of 4 calories per gram like carbohydrates. Usually alcohol is turned into body fat when not used as fuel. An example is if you need 2000 calories to maintain your weight and a beer or glass of wine puts you over that threshold it will turn to fat. If the alcohol calories are within your caloric needs and replace other high energy foods like potatoes or pasta you won't gain weight.
Not to mention a drink or two helps with DOMS and my other pain issues including osteo-arthritis, intermittent tendonistis, and Cerebral Palsy-related pain – if interested see “Pain, spasms and contraction Pain is a part of daily life for most people with cerebral palsy. Pain will cause spasms; spasms will cause pain.”
I don’t tolerate over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve very well. They all irritate my gastro-intestinal tract although my colitis is well controlled through diet..
Principles used are based on bodybuilding nutrition principles including Joel Marion’s Cheat to Lose Diet.
“Joel Marion discovered a weird thing while trying to get ripped: the more often he cheated (within reason), the more he leaned up. He didn't know it at the time but he was manipulating leptin, a primary fat-burning hormone.” Read more.
More on The Cheat to Lose Diet by Joel Marion – Former Body For Life Grand Champion
Cheat to Lose Website
Don’t attempt this type of food plan unless you are seriously training including bodybuilding or weight training along with aerobic conditioning. This is NOT a weight loss diet although shedding body fat is likely. This diet is intended for anabolic muscle growth as a result of intense weight training workouts. Men and larger women will need more calories and protein than my meal plans. Remember, I am a HOBBIT at 5 foot tall and 112 -16 pounds.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Last Lost Weekend Before Going Back On Program
When I got sick with the flu and then sinus infection I totally ignored my diet and abandoned my exercise program. I went through having no appetite at all to craving bacon and potatoes to getting sick of stodgy foods all together. All my flu and sinus symptoms are gone now and I'm getting plenty of sleep. My new Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Workouts have arrived and Monday I'm back on program. I'll be mixing them in with my Power 90X and Power 90X Plus workouts.
I'm not reining in my diet yet, partly because I'm reading 'The Cheat To Lose Diet' by Body For Life Grand Champion Joel Marion. (I competed in the 2000 Body For Life Competition six months after Bruno was born). And I've had previous experiences of metabolism boosts from eating more calories for brief periods of time. I nearly always have better results after a break from program.
This weekend I'm making my healthy homemade beef and five vegetable stew so the whole weekend isn't 'lost'. I'll enjoy wine and pizza tonight with Jerry then enjoy my weekend off by 'cleaning out the kitchen' including some leftover chocolate shots. "Yummo!" as Rachael Ray says.
Monday will start me down the training path that leads to swim suit season. I have lots of clean foods for next week - skinless chicken, fish, shrimp, lean beef, turkey, vegetables, fruits, and unrefined whole grains. Our backyard swimming pool is set to open on May 25th. I'd like to buy a smaller size suit this year. The last time I tried on the orange suit in the photo on my sidebar it was a bit loose. I'll post stats and reviews of the first of the 10 Minute Trainer videos early next week.
An aside, I've been having a lot of fun (mixed with frustration) with Photoshop this week working on eBook cover design and manipulating text, photos, and strange new Photoshop techniques. I thought I was a Photoshop whiz because I've been using Photoshop Elements for about 3 years and a full version Photoshop CS Jerry bought me for maybe 18 months to work on photos and some designs. Well let me tell you, I am an amateur who had barely scratched the surface of what Photoshop is capable of accomplishing. I have a three inch thick Photoshop manual but it's not nearly as full of tricks as some of the tutorials you can find online with a Google search. Maybe I'll post some of my experiments later.
Until then, I wish you all a great weekend.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Work Overriding Blogging At The Moment - An Update
After nearly three weeks of the flu followed by a sinus infection I'm finally feeling like I'm recovered. Well, sort of, I'm still sleeping 10 to 12 hours a night. This flu was the worst one I ever went through because it went on and on and on. Usually I'm only sick 3 to 7 days but this was ridiculously long. I haven't worked out since February 20th! So far I've had no change in scale weight or body fat. My new Tony Horton 10 Minute Workouts are due to arrive today or tomorrow so I'll get back in the swing soon.
I am back to work full time which means writing at least 8 hours a day. My current project is finishing a book on weight loss I started in 2005. Because I switched projects about 2 years ago this one needs a lot of updating. I've finished a first proofread on the existing manuscript and I'm heavy into writing the updates, choosing photography, and working on the cover design. I'll be releasing this book as an eBook when it's complete, probably sometime in May if things keep going smoothly.
After that, I'm going to expand my existing cookbooks by rewriting them one by one and release each of them as eBooks including my 'The Protein Edge Cookbook'. I originally sold all my cookbooks in comb bound format at my previous website, eBay, Amazon, and to other merchants through drop shipping. At last count I'd written 12 cookbooks, all sold exclusive through my company Juicy Britches Publications.
I haven't been actively working at cookbook writing or sales for the last year - after starting my company in 1997 I needed a break and was lucky enough to be in a position to be a slacker. But I'm back at it now and excited about my projects. The economy being what it is I really can't keep living the life of the semi-retired. It's time to bring in more cash flow to help pay for the rising price of gas and groceries. And more exercise equipment and workout videos of course!
I'll have part three of 'You Really Are What You Eat' posted soon.
10 Minute Workouts,
Weight Loss,
Monday, March 10, 2008
You Really Are What You Eat – Part Two
You Really Are What You Eat – Part Two
These are the foods you should eat for muscle mass, health and weight loss / control. Portion sizes, nutrient ratios, and total calories required will very by age, sex, height, present weight, goals, and workout load. No two people require the same nutrition profile.
Lean Protein – The majority of the time you should get your protein from lean sources. I know most of the “low carb” crowd will disagree with me but there’s good anecdotal evidence that lean protein has enough fat. And I haven’t met many Atkins-style low carbers nibbling on pork rinds who have actually reached goal. On the other hand amateur bodybuilders and other fit people are careful about their fat intake as well as their carbohydrate and caloric intake. Your steak doesn’t need to be marbled, and eating chicken skin and pork rinds – which I personally find disgusting – have no nutritional value beyond being a source of fat and calories. Excess fat - or protein or carbohydrates for that matter - is the same as excess calories.
Healthy Fats – Stress Omega 3s balanced with Omega 6s and 9s. Don’t be afraid of saturated fats in reasonable amounts as in lean steak, pork, chicken, etc. but you do not need a lot. It just adds empty extra calories. Avoid trans fats at all cost.
Dairy – Whether you choose full fat or skim, dairy is a good source of protein. Some evidence suggests the lower fat versions of milk may have less calcium and vitamin D. Full fat cheeses should be eaten sparingly. One ounce the size of two dice averages 100 calories. Choose plain yogurt whenever possible. Most flavored yogurts are loaded with sugars. A better option is to add some fresh fruit.
Fruits and Vegetables – these foods should never be limited with the exception of starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn which are healthy in limited amounts. Avocados are loaded with healthy fats but are calorie packed also and should be eaten in moderation. I don’t advocate avoiding apples, citrus, bananas, grapes, carrots, and other traditional “low carb” no no’s. Unless you’re a diabetic with blood sugar issues or you eat a whole pound at one sitting these healthy foods are not going to make you fat.
Whole Grains and Legumes - steel cut oats, whole wheat bread and cereals, quinoa, beans, peas, lentils, etc. are healthy high fiber sources of carbohydrates particularly useful for fueling intense workouts. Remember these should be unrefined, high in fiber, and portion controlled. If you’re a low carb dieter and / or going to sit all day at a desk, or your workout will be limited to moderate duration and intensity then go ahead a skip the grains.
Cheat Foods – yes, you should eat cheat foods from time to time. As long as your indulgences are reasonable portion wise and limited to an occasional snack or meal it’s actually helpful to cheat. Make sure you lose the “all or nothing” mentality that derails dieters faster than a quarter on a train track (okay miniature train track). There’s evidence that the occasional cheat day is beneficial and not just for your mental health. More on that later…
Next – some sample menus from my personal program.
Atkins Diet,
Cheat Foods,
Diet Cheats,
Friday, March 7, 2008
Proving You Can Find Almost Anything At YouTube
Blasts From The Past
We started down this blast from the past fest because Wolf Blitzer mentioned union members usually voted for Hillary Clinton and my brain flashed back to the 1970’s and this song from a commercial:
“Look for the union label
when you are buying that coat, dress or blouse.
Remember somewhere our union's sewing,
our wages going to feed the kids, and run the house.
We work hard, but who's complaining?
Thanks to the I.L.G. we're paying our way!
So always look for the union label,
it says we're able to make it in the U.S.A.!”
“Look For The Union Label” Song From a 1975 Commercial
Embedding was disabled at YouTube so just Click Here to view the video.
Joe Namath’s Panty Hose Ad
All In The Family Original Theme Song
The Jeffersons Theme
Mickey Mantle Karo Syrup Ad
The Flintstones Ad For Winston Cigarettes
We started down this blast from the past fest because Wolf Blitzer mentioned union members usually voted for Hillary Clinton and my brain flashed back to the 1970’s and this song from a commercial:
“Look for the union label
when you are buying that coat, dress or blouse.
Remember somewhere our union's sewing,
our wages going to feed the kids, and run the house.
We work hard, but who's complaining?
Thanks to the I.L.G. we're paying our way!
So always look for the union label,
it says we're able to make it in the U.S.A.!”
“Look For The Union Label” Song From a 1975 Commercial
Embedding was disabled at YouTube so just Click Here to view the video.
Joe Namath’s Panty Hose Ad
All In The Family Original Theme Song
The Jeffersons Theme
Mickey Mantle Karo Syrup Ad
The Flintstones Ad For Winston Cigarettes
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
You Really Are What You Eat – Part One
I’m still recovering from the flu but had most of what’s written below already put together so I’m posting it pretty much as is. Hope it’s helpful to someone.
You Really Are What You Eat – Part One
When it comes to getting fit and changing your body composition food intake is a huge part of the equation. It doesn’t matter how much or how intensely you workout, if your diet isn’t clean, healthy, and well balanced 90 percent of the time your results will suffer.
It's vitally important to know what you're putting into your body and why certain foods, additives, and ingredients should be avoided while other foods and nutrients should be sought after.
First let’s cover the foods you should limit to less than once a week to never.
Cola, Sodas and Diet Cola and Sodas
Regular colas and sodas are loaded with sugar which not only has way too many calories but has a detrimental impact on blood sugar and insulin.
Diet colas and sodas have artificial sweeteners and these have been implicated in stimulating or deregulating appetite. Never mind that they’re chemicals and could contribute to cancer among other things. Want something sweet? Try a ripe banana, carrot sticks, berries, apple slices, or a baked sweet potato. Natural is always better.
Refined Snacks
Is it loaded with refined carbs? Is it white or beige? Does it have white flour, white rice, white potatoes, sugar, honey, or ‘enriched’ ingredients? Skip it.
Is it salty or sweet? Skip it. Pretzels, crackers, chips, popcorn, most cereal bars, some nutrition bars, and even some whole grain crackers and chips should be limited. It’s too easy to eat too many in almost no time at all. All those refined carbohydrates – even too many of those supposedly healthy whole grain ones - are not going to get burned off by most folks. They just turn to body fat.
Refined Breads and Cereals
Just don’t go there. Most breads and cereals have the “whole grain” seal on their labels but the government doesn’t require them to have enough whole grains to be truly healthy. Look for fiber content above 2 grams and if it says ‘enriched’ that means they striped out the good stuff before sprinkling a few vitamins back in.
Unless it’s a piece of plain fruit just don’t go there.
Fast Food and most Frozen Foods
They’re loaded with refined carbohydrates, fats, sodium, artificial preservatives and too many calories. Even most 'diet' or 'healthy' versions contain too much sodium, refined carbs, and chemicals, and are not as healthy as the same foods made from fresh ingredients. Choose carefully, read the labels, and eat sparingly.
High Sodium Foods
If it’s in a package, box, jar, or can, BEWARE. Salt is overused by the food industry because it’s a preservative and flavor enhancer. That does not mean it preserves or enhances your health or weight.
Foods with Hidden Sugar
Ditto as above. I repeat, if it’s in a package, box, jar, or can, BEWARE. Sugar is overused by the food industry because it’s a preservative and flavor enhancer. That does not mean it preserves or enhances your health or weight.
Foods with ARTIFICIAL Sweeteners
Believed by many to be healthy alternatives to sugar artificial sweeteners are coveted for their low to no calorie content. Go ahead, take a chance. Eating or drinking these chemical is playing Russian roulette with your body. Don’t take my word for it. Check out these links:
Sweet Poison
Sugar Substitutes and The Potential Dangers of Splenda
Avoid Trans Fats
These artificial fats are killers. And they’re in a lot of packaged foods – although having been proven unhealthy – because they’re self stable. Some food companies are discontinuing their use but they're still in a plethora of products. Any food label with "partially hydrogenated" on it should not be eaten.
A Guide To Trans Fats
Next: What you should eat.
Artificial Sweeteners,
Foods To Avoid,
Trans Fats
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Fury's "New" Corral and Family Outdoor Time
Fury Gets Released Into Her Refurbished Big Corral and Family Outdoor Time After The Flu...A Short Video and a Written Explanation Below the Photos.
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy...Jerry Removes Her Winter Blanket
Videotaping Fury's Adventures and Random Photos - Bruno Took The Ones of Jerry and I.
We let Bruno take control of the camera then yelled at him "Hurry Up!" He says "smile" then takes a minute to take a photo. By then we frown, try to warm up, get grouchy... Take it already!
He still did a decent job for an eight year old.
I never got around to blogging about Fury's Great Escape on Christmas Day. We were at the end of a very lovely Christmas and Jerry went out at 4 pm to feed the horse. A minute later he's back inside with a wild look on his face and says "The horse is gone." So he takes off on foot with grain and a lead rope and halter. I get on sneakers and a coat and my van keys and take off by vehicle in a dress no less. By the time we were done my bare legs were frozen. We found her down the block behind a neighbor's horse corral - this is horse country - and with endless miles of BLM open land behind her. I thought, "Oh s#!t, she could be gone forever if she chooses."
Jerry's trying to catch her when I see ANOTHER loose horse coming down the middle of our street. It turned in where Jerry and Fury were with a rider not far behind. But Jerry couldn't see the rider and thought "A wild horse! I'm toast!" Not a bad conclusion as we've had wild horses in our backyard quite a few times before fencing the whole property. The woman on the horse showed up, corralled her horse, helped Jerry halter Fury and then ponied her up the road and home for us. She said when her horse got out it came up to our place and that made Fury break out.
So Fury's been confined to her inner corral since then until Jerry could install pipe fencing on the big corral. And we're going electric as soon as Jerry gets the parts.
You can't have a horse that big roaming the neighborhood.
Today we removed her blanket because it's warming up and she's starting to shed. And we let her out into her rebuilt big corral. The pipes were free on Craig's List and the wooden post were $10 bucks at a garage sale. After over a week of being sick with the flu the sunshine and fresh air were exquisite.
On a side note, the reason Jerry wanted a Border Collie puppy was because the horse trainer up the street who helped him catch Fury and bring her home had two and they followed voice commands and helped herd horses. We'd probably be more apt to get Fury to herd Dee Dee than the other way around at this point.
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy...Jerry Removes Her Winter Blanket
Videotaping Fury's Adventures and Random Photos - Bruno Took The Ones of Jerry and I.
We let Bruno take control of the camera then yelled at him "Hurry Up!" He says "smile" then takes a minute to take a photo. By then we frown, try to warm up, get grouchy... Take it already!
He still did a decent job for an eight year old.
I never got around to blogging about Fury's Great Escape on Christmas Day. We were at the end of a very lovely Christmas and Jerry went out at 4 pm to feed the horse. A minute later he's back inside with a wild look on his face and says "The horse is gone." So he takes off on foot with grain and a lead rope and halter. I get on sneakers and a coat and my van keys and take off by vehicle in a dress no less. By the time we were done my bare legs were frozen. We found her down the block behind a neighbor's horse corral - this is horse country - and with endless miles of BLM open land behind her. I thought, "Oh s#!t, she could be gone forever if she chooses."
Jerry's trying to catch her when I see ANOTHER loose horse coming down the middle of our street. It turned in where Jerry and Fury were with a rider not far behind. But Jerry couldn't see the rider and thought "A wild horse! I'm toast!" Not a bad conclusion as we've had wild horses in our backyard quite a few times before fencing the whole property. The woman on the horse showed up, corralled her horse, helped Jerry halter Fury and then ponied her up the road and home for us. She said when her horse got out it came up to our place and that made Fury break out.
So Fury's been confined to her inner corral since then until Jerry could install pipe fencing on the big corral. And we're going electric as soon as Jerry gets the parts.
You can't have a horse that big roaming the neighborhood.
Today we removed her blanket because it's warming up and she's starting to shed. And we let her out into her rebuilt big corral. The pipes were free on Craig's List and the wooden post were $10 bucks at a garage sale. After over a week of being sick with the flu the sunshine and fresh air were exquisite.
On a side note, the reason Jerry wanted a Border Collie puppy was because the horse trainer up the street who helped him catch Fury and bring her home had two and they followed voice commands and helped herd horses. We'd probably be more apt to get Fury to herd Dee Dee than the other way around at this point.
Family Fun,