I found this link Big Ass Fans at Pandora’s Casket and it got me to thinking.
How many other websites have Big Ass in their title or description? So I Googled it. As you might have guessed a bunch of adult sites popped up. (Can't click on those, I've got Bruno, my eight year old, sitting next to me playing on my other laptop. Wait a minute, why would I click on those? I'm not into big asses.)
So if there's a gillion websites of big assed girls out there, why is most of the female population trying to diet their hind ends off? Apparently guys LIKE BIG BUTTS. Sing with me, “I like big butts and I can not lie.” (I can hear Ross and Rachael from "Friends" singing this to their newborn Emma).
The only clean one in the first few pages was Big Ass Belle, a blog I used to link to. (Every now and then I clean my blog roll for one reason or another and Belle got the boot, probably for a lack of posting. I'd put her back but she still hasn't posted in over a month).
Then there was a music site called Big Ass Beats I’m not linking to because of a suspicious pop up box to install something. And there’s Big Ass Towels to cover up your, um, big ass. Then I found Big Ass Truck, a band who doesn’t know how to design a website seeing as it’s mostly empty.
And as Debbie pointed out to me, there's Big Ass Cabs - a wine worthy of kudos. Just don't drink too much and put your fat burning on hold for EVER. (Hey, it's still a full moon).
Okay, now I’m bored. Big Ass searches aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
Get it? Cracked? (For those of you a little slow today - for whatever reason - Ass Crack, asses are cracked. Um, never mind).
Can you tell it’s freaky Friday?
Funniest Read Of The Week Is From Monkey Fables And Tales "Some Things Are Kinda Fuzzy"