Stats This Morning: 114.5 pounds, 18.1 percent body fat.
Woo Hoo!!!!!
I do believe this 'Cheat To Lose Diet' is working already. I'm presently on day eight. I did alter it slightly. You're supposed to do 21 Days - 7 low carbohydrate, 7 lower GI/GL, 7 Higher GI/GL - before you have a cheat day. I did five days of low carb then had a Big Mac for lunch and cinnamon toast for dinner on day six. Then day seven - Easter - I went back on low carb and will stay on a few more days before going on lower GI/GL to compensate for the two weirdly scheduled cheat meals.
Actually, a later chapter in the book discusses doing just that after you're past the 21 day priming phase. You are allowed to shift all phases around to suit your personal schedule and lifestyle, be it shifting the cheat day or shifting the order of phases (low carb / lower GI/GL / higher GI/GL). Seeing as I have less weight to lose I probably won't be on the core phase long (core phase is an indefinite program of a one week plan like this: 2 days low carb / 2 days lower GI/GL / 2 days higher GI/GL / 1 cheat day). I might just be on the priming phase (three weeks total, seven days of low carb, seven days of lower GI/GL, seven days higher GI/GL, and one cheat day on day 22). More updates to come.
Worshiping at The Church of Iron & Steel
Yesterday afternoon we had exceptionally nice weather for March in Northern Nevada. It’s not uncommon to have snow this time of year but it was warm and sunny and divine (well, it was Easter after all). So while the turkey roasted we all went outside to enjoy the day. Bruno and Jerry did some gardening (I didn’t get photos of that yet). Jerry did chores like fixing the water faucets that froze and broke in winter. Bruno played in his playhouse. And I hit the Bitch Sisters.
No, they’re not the annoying next door neighbors. (We have very nice neighbors, fat but nice). The Bitch Sisters are my ancient second hand commercial gym equipment dubbed “The Bitch Sisters” because Jerry says they’re a bitch to move. I bought them on the same weekend about 4 years ago at two separate garage sales. They were in good shape then but since are kind of weathered from sitting outside. Back then I didn’t have a big enough building to house them and now I’ve discovered I like working out in the outdoors on occasion.
I said to Jerry that Thursday evening before I found them, “I’m warning you, I want to get a home gym this weekend when we’re out going to garage sales.”
“Hon,” he says, “in the 8 years we’ve been going to garage sales together I’ve never seen one home gym.” We’ve seen a few weight benches and free weight sets but I had those already.
“So?” I said. “I nearly always find what I want, don’t I.” He remained dubious, until Saturday when he had to haul home both Bitch Sisters, neither of which comes apart except for the Smith machine’s bench is a separate piece. Ha! He should have more faith.
So I donned a ball cap, got a jug of water and lime, grabbed a log book, a towel and my stereo and went out back to workout on the “Bitch Sisters”. They may be old but there’s no waiting, no time limits, and nobody else’s sweat on them, and no membership fees. Bruno and I took some photos. See below.
My workout log:
Front Pull downs – 15 repetitions x 30 pounds, 10 reps x 35 pounds, 12 reps x 35 pounds, 10 reps x 45 pounds, 10 reps x 45 pounds, 8 reps x 50 pounds.
Chest Press – 18 reps x 50 pounds, 12 reps x 55 pounds, 10 reps x 55 pounds, 9 reps x 55 pounds, 9 reps x 55 pounds, 8 x 50 pounds.
Back Pull downs – 12 reps x 35 pounds x 3 sets, 12 reps x 40 pounds x 3 sets.
Butterfly – 12 reps x 40 pounds x 2 sets, 10 reps x 45 pounds x 2 sets, 8 reps x 50 pounds x 2 sets.
Total 24 sets x 4 exercises x 239 reps.
Meet The Bitch Sisters...
Bruno On One of the 'Bitch Sisters' - he actually chest pressed 60 pounds for two reps. Not bad for an 85 pound kid.
Gotta Get Rid of The Tumbleweeds Around The Sisters