400th Kudos Post
I took a bunch of photos this past weekend and some were intended for this post. Unfortunately my Hughes Net satellite service sucks right now and has since late Saturday. We’ve had heavy cloud cover and sometimes that’s all it takes to make the connection as slow as a snail traveling uphill. So I may only manage to load one photo and it’ll be the one Jerry dubbed “the finger of fate.” He said he was glad it was pointed at Bruno and not him! I was telling Bruno he’d better be careful with my camera because it’s expensive and when I do buy a new one the old one will be his. Well, he snapped off a photo and got a good one!
Because of this slow internet business and cold weather I spent most of Sunday in bed watching television and reading magazines between chores. I read an entire Vogue and most of a Muscular Development. That evening everybody piled in bed together to watch television. Lazy day and today’s not going much different. I’m going to do a Power 90X workout, some laundry, and pray to the powers that be that my satellite connection improves…
Later that day…
Power 90X got postponed and I'm doing some Rock N Roll Stepper instead. Excitement ensued around 11 am as our cat went into labor. I knew it was starting when she backed the puppy up against a wall and threw a hissy fit. Gypsy gave birth to four kittens this afternoon. Two of them are white! Our neighbor has a white male. My favorite cat, Zinnia, was white with one blue eye and one gold eye. She was killed several years ago and I miss her…I’m wondering if cats reincarnate?
The other two kittens are dark and right now I can't tell if they'll be black like my sweet 16 year old cat Zane (who's neutered and not their father), grandma Arlie who's a dark brindle, or my beloved long haired gray / blue haired threesome "The fuzzy buddies" that includes 'auntie Karma' and 'uncles' Zen and Wolfgang.
The real excitement will be when Bruno gets home and sees the babies. I yelled at him, "Bruno come here!" yesterday and he thought it was because somebody had their kittens. No such luck, kid. You just made a mess. (Our cat Karma is pregnant too).
The really weird thing, I dreamed last night one of our vans was infested with big rats. The reason we have cats - five outdoor adults and three indoor adults - is mice. Our neighbors all have a lot of cats too, but out here the mice are a real issue. We live next to open BLM land and have horses, barns, sheds, acreage, and lots of mice. Cats are literally mandatory unless you want mice eating you out of a house and home - in the house! Before reaching a certain cat population I had mice jump out of my garbage bin under my kitchen sink! Yes, we set traps. One night Jerry caught Mighty Mouse. I don't want to go there again.
Gypsy Yesterday and Today