I've been having a brief affair with water and lime. And I've given up anything with added or excessive sodium. Water and lime introduced me to the bathroom who has been my close companion for two days now. I seem to be sloughing off water weight at a steady pace. This morning I'm down to 116 pounds, only two above where I was before my brief affair with bacon and Saltines. Yeah! Body fat percentage is at 20 percent, not bad after a month of erratic eating and no exercise.
Yesterday's workout - my first since February 20th - went well. Jerry asked me afterwards if I felt I lost any ground. No. I did my first 10 Minute Trainer and actually stopped the DVD during each move to do extra. I basically turned a 10 Minute workout into a 20 minute workout. In addition to the 10 Minute Total Body I did 50 minutes of aerobic circuit training. Today's workout will be more aerobics. I haven't decided what yet.
My calories yesterday were way too low at 1316 calories and only 65 grams of protein. I ended up missing my late afternoon snack due to a busier than usual afternoon and evening. My BMR is 1260 so I should never go below 1500 calories, especially on workout days. I'm sore today from the Total Body workout which included multiple sets of push ups, bicep curls, overhead and bent over tricep moves, back rows, crunches, and more. Going to aim for more protein and calories today which is in line with 'The Cheat To Lose Diet'. More on that later. I'm officially on the program now and this is day three.
Breakfast this morning was another egg and veggie omelet. I'm making them in our GT Xpress cooker. It's fast and easy, and particularly convenient in the morning when I'm time crunched getting an eight year old ready for school and feeding myself, him, two dogs, 9 cats, 3 fish, and a horse. Just mix together the ingredients (recipe below), pour in the cooker and cook about 8 minutes depending on how brown you want the outside. Not to mention you almost cannot burn food with it. It has a thermostat and I've literally walked away to do a chore and forgot it only to come back and find my food hot, perfect, and waiting.
I love these GT Xpress cookers (you automatically get two for $40 plus shipping, which is great for families as you can cook four things at once). They're fool proof and convenient, and wipe clean after every use. You can cook nearly anything in them from eggs, chicken, beef, sandwiches, wraps, vegetables, and desserts (not going there right now). I definitely recommend the GT Xpress for anyone who's too busy to cook but doesn't want to rely on dubious quality packaged dinners (Lean Cuisine, South Beach, Nutrisystem, etc). I'm in their cookbook club and have a stack of them.
Protein Packed Fast Omelets
4 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/3 cup peppers and onions
1/4 teaspoon cayenne powder
1/2 teaspoon horseradish
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
Mix all ingredients together. Pour into the GT Xpress cooker's preheated cooking wells and close the lid. The dual cooking wells and controlled temperature cook from both top and bottom at once so there's no turning or burning. Cook approximately 8 minutes. Can also be cooked in a nonstick skillet.
170 Calories, 21 grams protein, 9 grams carbohydrates, 5 grams fat.