Sunday, November 4, 2007

Power 90X Kenpo Karate Part Five

You voted for which exercise video you wanted to see us demonstrate and it was a tie between Power 90X Kenpo Karate and Jillian Michaels' Full Frontal which we'll do sometime soon. Below are all five parts of our demo of Kenpo Karate X, a video of about 58 minutes.

Here's our non-spectacular performance. You'll find all five parts in the five entries below.

Just a reminder or a head's up to those who are unaware, I have to modify some exercises because I have Cerebral Palsy, which means I have movement, gait, and balance issues. The objective of any exercise is to burn calories, not to be graceful, and I certainly accomplished both.

According to Fitday we burned around 465 calories in the hour it took to do Kenpo Karate X. Kenpo Karate X is one of three cardio workouts in the Power 90X set of 12 DVD workouts. And believe me by the end we were dripping sweat and close to wasted.