Thanksgiving looms and I’m about to get really busy. I finish up my shopping tomorrow and start cooking on Monsday to get a head start on the whole process. We’ll have turkey and ham as well as all our favorite fixings.

Check out this delicious imported gourmet ham we bought last year and again this year, and at 99 percent fat free – a 2 ounce serving has 50 calories, 0.5 grams fat, > 1 gram carbs, and 10 grams protein - you get a good dose of delicious protein for less calories. And this ain’t your momma’s store bought ham, it’s oh so delic-i-o-so. Le Cochon d'Or Smoked Ham
This premium Canadian ham is prepared in the classic French tradition in Cap-de-la-Madeleine, a small town that lies between Quebec City and Montreal. The hogs in Cap-de-la-Madeleine are naturally raised with no growth hormones or steroids, which is a rare occurrence these days.
Their premium-quality hams are hard-carved from the leanest, most tender part of the animal and are 99% fat free. They are delicately coated with unique blends of herbed and spiced marinades and slow cured to develop a full rich flavor and uniform pink color. We offer three popular flavors - Baked Black Forest, Honey, and Cracked Black Pepper. Each ham weighs approximately seven pounds, making one perfect for a Sunday dinner for the whole family, a party on the weekend, or a team picnic. Varieties sold separately.
Price: $34.99
Size: 7 pounds
Assuming I don’t find time to blog in the coming week I’m leaving you with this super sized list of links chock full of information on fitness, nutrition, and a reminder to check out the website Wellness For Nancy and donate if you can.
Giving Thanks for All Our Blessings and Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving! Carol
7 Fat Loss Strategies For Busy Moms
Michael Jordan
November 16, 2007
Would you like to "jump start" your metabolism and lose your ‘mommy belly' once and for all? If so, the following seven tips are exactly what you need to improve your workouts and ignite your metabolism. Try some or all of these tips, but beware, the result may be a number of admiring second glances and the need to pull your ‘skinny jeans' out of the closet.
Bodybuilding Fat Loss Tips for Women
From Hugo Rivera
Lose Fat With IFBB Figure Pro Pauline Nordin
Everyone knows what to do to lose fat, right? Then how come so few reach their goals and achieve that lean look if it's so damn easy to get ripped?
I could tell you the very same things as everybody else does, but I definitely won't. It's not only about the perfect diet plan and the right amount of exercise, the best supplements and so on; the most important part of a fat-loss strategy is your mental approach to it.
That's what I'm going to tell you about. Basically, what you've got to do is stick to your plan. Period.
The Most Unusual Way To Build Muscle
By Mark McManus
Can you build muscle without touching a weight?
Imagine the possibility of using your mind to reshape your body size and strength!
Strange? Indeed.
I recently remembered reading about a study a few years ago in Men’s Health in which the subjects increased the size and strength of selected muscle groups by simply ‘thinking‘ about working them out.
They simply visualized the process and their bodies responded in the same manner as if they’d actually hit the iron!
It’s well known by a lot of people in psychology and exercise physiology that the brain cannot distinguish the difference between a ‘real’ event i.e. one that is observed objectively, and a vividly imagined one i.e. one that is created subjectively. The implications of this could be quite exciting for bodybuilders.
Tony Horton’s 11 Laws For Lifetime Fitness
4 Tips To Fat Loss by Gregg Gillies
“Can You Burn Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time?”
How To Lose Weight By Eating More
Holiday Weight Management Survival Guide
From Paige Waehner
Holiday Pounds Forever - Consistent Eating for Long-Term Weight Control
7 Day Fat Loss Meal Plan
Fat Loss For Beginners-8 Tips For Getting Started
The No Weight Gain Holiday Guide
Harvard School of Public Health On Fruits & Vegetables
Increase Your Metabolism and Curb Your Appetite With This Fat Burning Food Group
99 Tips For Family Fitness Fun