We all knew it was true, at least those of us who have been successful at weight loss and finally keeping it off.
Calories count.
Whether it's low carb or low fat eating too much ultimately backfires. And now Anthony Colpo, author of the Great Cholesterol Con, says so too.
Maybe a few low carb advocates will follow suit and own up to the necessity of limiting calories just as Dr. Atkins stated in his "Atkins For Life". This would certainly be a valuable realization and tool for those still struggling to reach their goal weights.
The Biggest Weight Loss Myth in History
Total Health Breakthroughs is a free, weekly natural health eNewsletter that offers alternative solutions for mind, body and soul and is your complete source non-nonsense, natural health information.
Total Health Breakthroughs
October 30, 2007
By Anthony Colpo
I'm about to reveal the biggest and most counterproductive weight loss myth ever told. Pay close attention. What you are about to read could literally mean the difference between successfully losing weight and getting fatter than ever.
The myth in question is perpetrated by diet "experts" of all stripes. It is a cause of untold frustration and misery among dieters. It distracts people from doing what they really need in order to lose weight, and instead causes them to focus on the irrelevant.
So what is this myth?
It is the widely held belief that calories do not count or are of only minor importance when it comes to weight loss. Make no mistake: If you wish to lose weight, calories are everything! To successfully lose weight, you must burn more calories in a given time period than you take in, no matter what diet you are following.
Despite this, diet authors commonly advise us to forget about counting calories! No wonder most people fail dismally in their weight loss efforts! Read More Here.
The Great Cholesterol Con website