" I will bless you; and you will be a blessing." Genesis 12:2
Please visit Wellness For Nancy
This is the season of giving thanks and counting our blessings, one of the most precious of which is good health. And it’s also a time of wonderful opportunity to share our good fortune with others who are less fortunate. Our traditional ways of sharing are giving time, money, or food to food banks and soup kitchens, or donating toys or cash to Toys For Tots. All of these are worthy charities.
This year I’d like to suggest another worthy cause we can all support. Many of our friends and neighbors are going through hard times of another kind. They find themselves facing a serious or life threatening illness without adequate resources or health insurance to get the treatment they need. Why not donate a little of your disposable income to these worthy people in need?
Below is the letter I received from my cousin about a friend of hers, a loving woman who is in just such a situation. Please take the time to read Nancy’s story, visit her website, include her in your prayers, and donate what you can to help her get the care she needs to live.
Hey Carol,
I have a friend who is in treatment for a virulent strain of cancer. Follicular Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. She worked for (Big Corporation, Name Deleted By Me) when she was in her 20''s in the "clean room". Her body was polluted by the chemicals that she was told were completely safe. She has had numerous bouts of cancer over the 30 years, but this one is going to take her life if she doesn't get treatment. She doesn't have medical insurance. The only income she has is the residual income from a MLM she sells products for. The treatment is going to take many months and cost her nearly $100,000. Her daughters are trying to raise money for her.
Is there a possibility that you could include her website somewhere in your website so that your audience could read about her and become part of the fundraising effort?
Her website is: www.wellnessfornancy.com There you can see all the information about her.
I met Nancy a year ago in August attending an essential oil boot camp in Salt lake. She was a phenomenal woman and a "healer". I find it horribly ironic that life has taken this turn for her.
If this is way too far off topic for your websites, I understand. No pressure from me at all, I'm just trying to find ways to spread the word about the great financial need she has.