Just 30 Minutes Vigorous Exercise A Day Can Stabilize Body Mass Index
ScienceDaily (Nov. 6, 2007) — Don't slack off on exercise if you want to avoid packing on the pounds as you age.
A consistently high level of physical activity from young adulthood into middle age increases the odds of maintaining a stable weight and lessens the amount of weight gained over time, according to a new analysis from Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.
People who reported at least 30 minutes of vigorous activity a day such as jogging, bicycling or swimming were more than twice as likely to maintain a stable Body Mass Index (BMI) over 20 years. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. But even highly active people who gained weight, gained 14 pounds less over 20 years than those with consistently low activity. Read more here.