Coolest Websites of the Week
Does the title mean I’m going to do this once a week? Maybe, maybe not. Loosen up folks, there’s more to life than rules, causes, routines, structure, and flog blogging the supposed bad guys.
Here are some really cool sites you might want to check out:
Worldometers – real time world statistics. Check out the food section and “millions of calories consumed this year”.
Cooking By Numbers – Tell them what’s in you refrigerator and cupboards and get recipes.
Theoi Greek Mythology Site - a site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes (heroi) of ancient Greek mythology and religion.
The World's Healthiest Foods
130 foods that can serve as the basis of your Healthiest Way of Eating. Links to the articles about these foods can be found on the site.
Bible Map.org – See where biblical events took place.
Mr. Picasso Head – Create your own Picasso style works of art.
UWL Exercise Video Index – see exercises properly demonstrated.
Created and modified by Dennis Kline, Travis Erickson, John Blaak, Sophia Nimphius, Adam Schneider, Jen Steckart, Tim White, Beth Byron, Jason Whitmire, Jim White, Yaw Baidoo and the list is getting longer...
For all bloggers and writers, here is a website to sharpen your skills, Writerisms and other Sins.
Librarian Chick’s Wiki – Loads of Great Links.
And last but not least, for the rest of my fellow sane, thinking, anti-war peace-niks it’s the Ribbon Based Economy Page.