Leigh Peele runs Fat Loss Trouble Shooter and she really is an expert on fat loss. I get her newsletter but also received one today from Tom Venuto, fat loss coach from Burn The Fat.com about Leigh's video on why many people can't lose fat.
Bottom line, our bottoms (and bellies) are fat because we have a case of portion distortion. And we're not talking Big Mac versus a regular hamburger. We're talking small errors in measuring that add up to big calorie errors.
Believe me this will open your eyes to the value of accurate portions, careful measuring, weighing instead of eyeballing portions, and saving as much as 150 calories or more in one CLEAN meal. If you eat six small meals a day that could mean 900 calories more than you thought you were eating.
Do you really know how many calories you're really eating? Check out this video at Tom's blog. While you're there subscribe to his newsletter and buy his book. You'll be glad you did.
Here's what Tom said about Lee's video:
"In my last blog post about a recent low carb study, I wrote:
“One of the most firmly established facts in dietetics research is that almost everyone underreports their food intake BADLY, sometimes by as much as 50%. I’m not saying everyone “lies,” they just forget or don’t know. In fact, this underreporting of calorie intake is such a huge problem that it makes obesity research very difficult to do and conclusions difficult to draw from free-living studies.”
Well, hardly anyone believes that either. When they can’t lose weight, they blame it on something else: it’s not under-estimating portions, it’s genetics, thyroid or some kind of hormonal anomaly.
“Help Tom! I’m eating 900 calories a day and I still can’t lose weight!”
Yeah right.
And that brings me to this video you’re about to watch and why I like it so much.
It’s hard enough to explain this verbally with logic when you’re up against so much resistance and denial. But what if you could see with your own eyes an example of just ONE OF MANY ways that you may be eating far more than you realize?
Like I said before, NOTHING beats a good demonstration.
So, watch this demonstration, and appreciate a much needed wake up call about calories.
Credit and a big thank you go to the producer of this video, LEIGH PEELE…
THE FAT LOSS TROUBLESHOOTER!, we love you!… well, us nutrition educators love you… some other people may hate you after watching this (but even THEY will love you too after they get lean and mean by following this advice.)"