Wednesday, July 23, 2008

About Cerebral Palsy

I know. Cerebral Palsy is probably just slightly less popular a topic than colitis on the "what's wrong with them, I forgot again?" scale.

Do you really want to hear more on my colitis?

Thought not. I've got better stuff to do, too.

Oh, and a life.

I'm working again on my main writing project that lights my fire. Mostly just research and notes until Bruno's back in school (six weeks to go). You know when it's for love not money you can't say no. If your a fiction writer you'll know you fall in and your gone for what seems like forever yet it passes like no time at all.

And Bruno wants to make new videos today which we will probably post later. Taping is time consuming but fun and Bruno always makes us laugh. Laughter is healing (hey, colon, get aboard!) I want to make his summer - what's left of it - memorable and fun.

For anyone following my health status (a few of you said as much) I'm still the colitis queen of the high desert but it's a lot better. The pain scale is down around 3 more often than up around 7.

As for Cerebral Palsy, if you don't wanna hear about it too bad. You came to the wrong blog! (Must be a full moon).

Got C.P. Too bad, too. Get over it, that's life. (How many times do you get to use "too" twice in a short sentence).

I don't cover this part of my life nearly enough. I'm thinking more CP exercise videos out of me are in order. (Lucky You!)

Hope you're healing whatever is hurting you. J too.

Now as for the C.P, crowd. No, we're not the glamorous ones. My guess is, in reality, neither are you.

Me On Life With Cerebral Palsy

CP Star's My Space Intro

Vicki's Story Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy FAQ

For more of our exercise videos and family videos see the sidebar.