Under smoke filled skies we played Scrabble all afternoon and until almost midnight last night. There was a lot of laughter and clowning around. It took me back to my childhood and young adulthood as my family was very big into Scrabble. My dad, mom. aunt Gayle, and cousin Jim were hardcore Scrabble players. Many of my other family members were pretty dedicated too. We spent many late evenings playing into the night and sometimes had two boards up and two games going when there were more than five players. (Scrabble is for two to four players but we often played with five). And my Daddy would make a huge pot of his fabulous spaghetti and we'd make pigs of ourselves. We lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and relatives would come all the way from Los Angeles and Sacramento for those spaghetti feeds and Scrabble tournaments. Those were the days!
Unfortunately my mom, dad, and aunt Gayle and others have passed and most of my other Scrabble compadres are living too far away. The last time my brother visited, he and my nephew played with us into the night and boy, did we reminisce. He has many fond memories of those times also.
We took a lot of photos last night and some video footage of our kittens playing with a Linux screen saver. I have to upload and edit it. They kept watching the screen saver and swatting the monitor screen. We didn't have dinner (homemade pizza) until after 11 pm.
Jerry always helps Bruno play as we're teaching him Scrabble skills and Bruno won three games yesterday. Jerry says "I'm beating myself at Scrabble."
I slept in Saturday morning until 10:30 am. I had been up late Friday night with ice packs on my front right side and back trying to calm down my colitis. It seems to have helped although the pain isn't completely gone. Oddly enough, I'm down to 120 pounds (minus two pounds) and body fat 22 percent (about the same). I tend to eat less when I have a flare up but it's likely water loss.
The book on the table I was reading between Scrabble plays is "Eating For Life" by Bill Phillips of Body For Life fame. I found a near new copy at our FISH Thrift shop for $5.00 and as I successfully did BFL back in 2000 I snapped it up. I'm bookmarking it a lot and will review it soon. It seems to be an excellent approach to lose body fat, gain muscle, and get fit.
Now excuse me, I have another Scrabble marathon to attend.
Photos of Scrabble and those smoky skies...