I'm pretty much off my diet plan as far as losing any fat, what with Fourth of July fish fries (sole, shrimp, oysters, French fries, and onion rings), an unplanned trip to Chili's for their Fajita Trio and Molton Chocolate Cake (the three of us shared one serving of dessert), pizzas, wine, hot dogs, chips, dip, and fresh Mediterranean bread slathered with butter. Oh and Cacao Reserve dark chocolate. I am the naughty one!
Oh well, there's always another Monday (or Tuesday or Friday) to start fresh. On the up side, my scale is behaving (our humidity is back to a normal 15 percent) and I'm holding steady at 122 pounds. Body fat percentage was down to 21.6 percent Thursday and up to 23 percent this morning. I can't trust the accuracy of this morning's reading because I had a load of sodium yesterday. Water retention affects the reading and I'm definitely bloated. When we came out of Chili's I had to loosen my seat belt!
I got some kick ass weight lifting in last week and all the protein I'm gobbling is going to good use. I'm still sore from Back & Chest day. This is the main reason I'm NOT worried about a cheat weekend. I'll be hitting the weights hard next week too, along with swimming, pool jogging and the treadmill.
The unplanned trip to Chili's came about because Jerry scored a free camper shell on Craig's List. So Saturday morning we drove to Lemmon Valley (north of Reno) and picked it up. I haven't blogged about it yet but Jerry bought a new pickup when he got home from California. She's a 1974 GMC Sierra Grande standard 1 ton with duallies and can haul pretty much anything. She runs on propane which is nice as it's $3.39 a gallon as opposed to $4.17 a gallon for gasoline.
So Bruno and I got treated to Chili's because we rode all the way to Lemmon Valley.
Hey, any excuse to eat, right?
The wild horse photos were taken here in Stagecoach. There were several mares with foals hanging out along highway 50 besides the turf farm.