I got this meme from Lady Rose at The Diet Pulpit and the 2 Witches Blog. She's not tagging anyone and I'm not either. If you want to do it great, but I agree it should be voluntary. If you do play along, feel free to comment here and leave a link to your meme or blog.
Four jobs I’ve had:
1) Newspaper reporter (I met Jerry and he found out owned the local paper and I wrote for it until it closed).
2) Cookbook writer and publisher (I still own the company although I'm on hiatus).
3) Used book seller.
4) Making ceramics, mosaics and custom (Jerry and I own a ceramics studio here on the ranch but since he started remodeling houses we're treating it more like a hobby and will go full swing when he retires).
Four movies I can watch over and over
1) Jeeves and Wooster (more of a tv mini series but have the complete set on DVD I'm addicted to them, and House M.D. all seasons).
2) Super Size Me.
3) Play Misty For Me.
4) The Presidio.
Four places I’ve lived
1) Venice, California (I was born in a hospital a stone's throw from muscle beach, yeah!)
2) San Francisco Bay Area where I grew up.
3) Olivehurst, CA on a small horse farm my Mom owned (my Daddy died a week after we moved there).
4) Stagecoach, NV on my present horse property with way more cats than horses!
Four Pet Peeves:
1) Spelling and typos over and over and over.
2) Colitis pain.
3) Arthritis pain.
4) I hate pain! (except DOMS, hey, hey).
Four TV shows I love
1) House M.D. (I said this already so my bonus answer is Clean House on Style Channel).
2) NCIS.
3) Numb3rs (the 3 is not a typo, that's how they spell it).
4) American Gladiators (we love Wolf).
Four places I’ve vacationed
1) Bodega Bay, CA.
2) San Francisco.
3) Los Angeles.
4) At home in my pool.
Four of my favorite dishes
1) Steak and salad with homemade blue cheese dressing.
2) Shrimp and homemade cocktail sauce.
3) Homemade pizza.
4) Cheese, particularly Cotswold.
Four sites I visit daily
1) Science Daily.
2) Bodybuilding.com.
3) T-Nation.
4) Fitday to log my nutrition and workouts.
Four places I would rather be right now
1) I'm home and I don't want to be anywhere else.
2) Okay, maybe Bodega Bay.
3) Or Cabo San Lucas.
4) Venice Beach anyone?
Feel free to consider yourself tagged or not.