Personal Update: I'm better but still having pain and other symptoms from this last bout of colitis. I haven't worked out for about a week and I'm strictly sticking to the colitis diet recommended my Dr. Gibbons, eating mostly turkey, chicken, shrimp, salmon, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, soft cheese, eggs, butter, olive oil, and white potatoes and rice. Oh, and homemade gluten free pizza (see this post for the recipe).
Hey, Don, if you read this, that homemade marinara in the pizza making photos is made from your garden fresh tomatoes from last year. Yum!
After awhile the pain wears you down. Luckily, it's less frequent now and ice packs help some. Over the counter pain relievers hurt my stomach - probably because this frigging disease can involve all of your digestive tract. In the past I've had esophageal involvement where I'd get even small bites of food stuck and because it wouldn't go down I had get it out by throwing up. This would only happen once in a while because I learned to take smaller bites, eat less, and chew longer.
Ironically I'm down to 118 pounds and 21 percent body fat despite not working out. I haven't bothered to count calories or macro-nutrients in the last week but know they're low, probably too low on some days. I'm still measuring my portions (habit) as in 2 ounces of meat and an ounce of cheese etc. i My appetite was in the gutter but it's coming back.
I'm going to buy some soy protein (ran out months ago) before I start weight lifting again. I had to stop the whey protein as whey is on the no no list along with milk.
Here’s some interesting links I thought I’d share:
Eight Amazing Metabolism Boosting Recipes by Jaime Filer
As promised, I have 8 recipes that include ingredients from my Top 10 list of metabolism boosting foods. The main ingredients in these dishes are great for your metabolism. Fire it up now with these great recipes! Read more.
Mechanism Behind Mind-body Connection Discovered
ScienceDaily (July 16, 2008) — Every cell contains a tiny clock called a telomere, which shortens each time the cell divides. Short telomeres are linked to a range of human diseases, including HIV, osteoporosis, heart disease and aging. Previous studies show that an enzyme within the cell, called telomerase, keeps immune cells young by preserving their telomere length and ability to continue dividing.
UCLA scientists found that the stress hormone cortisol suppresses immune cells' ability to activate their telomerase. This may explain why the cells of persons under chronic stress have shorter telomeres.
The study reveals how stress makes people more susceptible to illness. The findings also suggest a potential drug target for preventing damage to the immune systems of persons who are under long-term stress, such as caregivers to chronically ill family members, as well as astronauts, soldiers, air traffic controllers and people who drive long daily commutes. Read more.
The Push-Pull Workout by TC
I've known them all, German Volume Training, EDT, HIT, and Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program. I've trained Thibaudeau style and the way of Cosgrove. You name it, I've tried it. I did it power-lifting style, Olympic style, and of course, regular old bodybuilding style.
All of them worked, of course...for awhile, but the one that I keep coming back to, the one that never fails me, is one of the most basic and ancient — in bodybuilding terms — routines of all. It's the basic Push/Pull system, presumably invented by that scoundrel, Joe Weider.
When I want to make guaranteed progress, I train Push/Pull. Read more.
Achieve Your Dream Body With Diet & Exercise By: Diana Chaloux
The Perks Of Achieving Your Dream Body
Are you dying to know how to get the body of your dreams? Do you want to be one of those people who walks into a room and makes every head turn and conversations stop? How does being self-confident, loving how you look, being full of energy, having a low risk of disease development and leading a higher quality and quantity of life sound to you? It sounds pretty good to me!
I've got a secret. I know how you can achieve all of these things. Patience, patience... I'm going to tell you. But before I spill the beans I've got to warn you. It's not a miracle pill, it's not a fad diet, and it's not the latest greatest thigh master machine.
The secret to success, the key to reaping all of these amazing benefits is this... drum roll please... proper nutrition and exercise! Read more.
Portion Control Quiz - Test your dieting IQ here!
Think you know your stuff when it comes to portion control? Test your knowledge on sizing up servings with our portion control quiz.