On the personal front, my colitis is back with a vengeance and I'm doing the bare minimum. After a while the pain wears me down. I had to stop taking Aleve because it upset my stomach and really didn't put much dent in the pain. Apparently I ate something that irritated my already sensitive colon.
And the valley is still thick with smoke. Bruno's coughing and hoarse, I have a sore throat, and poor Jerry's breathing smoke while he sands wood floors he installed last week. None of us feel up to snuff.
On the up side, I received an order from iGourmet yesterday and will try to get a few product reviews out of it. Lotsa cheese to sample, several I've never tried before. And I'm making chili from scratch and will let y'all know how it turns out, maybe post the recipe. I used some fresh herbs from our garden and it's a very traditional chili with no beans and finely pureed vegetables in the sauce.