Our internet is still incredibly slow but we think we've figured it out. Time to trim the tree beside the satellite dish. Even a slight shadow can screw with transmission. Same thing happened last year about this time. Duh. Jerry will get out his saws-all this aftternoon and see if that fixes it. (He's doing just that at this moment).
As for workouts and menus, weigh ins and food, it goes about the same as the internet. They are eratic, unpredictable, and undependable. (When I have PMS - particularly prolonged PMS - I tend to run to pizza and vodka for comfort).
I can't take an accurate scale weight, partly because I'm premenstual - yes still. I'm several days late (five to be exact) and may end up skipping this one which sometimes happens when your as old as Mount Rushmore. And we've been having afternoon thunderstorms and high humidity which my old scale doesn't like. Every time you even look at it - which you can't avoid as it's beside the toilet - the needle moves off of dead zero in one direction or another. Yes, the scale is as cranky as I am. Right now it says I'm back to 122 pounds but I've consistently eaten within my caloric needs so it's water weight, period weight, or cranky scale's fault. Besides my body fat percentage is down slightly to 22 percent (minus 0.2 percent). That's a good trend however small it may be.
I've tried to keep up my food log at Fitday but the slow internet has impeded me had to resort to my paper log alone. So far my calories are between 1600 and 2000 with good protein intake. Any fat loss will come from a calorie deficit from the workouts not a food deficit. I'm not willing to risk muscle loss due to a low calorie or low protein intake. I'm loathe to cut too deeply into my carbohydrate either. My workouts are too demanding. When muddling through my program I err on the side of muscle gain over fat loss. It's not like I'm preparing for a bodybuilding contest or a fitness photo shoot for criminy sake. Sure, I'd like my size four bikini to be a little less snug but not at the sacrifice of my hard earned muscles!
I got in four solid weight lifting workouts last week plus four pool aerobics workouts. And one of each so far this week. The workouts are smoking. My second leg day of the week last Friday relied exclusively on my ProForm BioVibe and when I got up Saturday my quads and hamstrings were more sore than I've ever managed to get them on the conventional machines and with weighted lunges and squats. I toasted those babies. I'm sold on the value of whole body vibration added to resistance.
So I took the weekend off (including Monday) and pulled a Mike Mentzer. I let my body recuperate fully. Today's chest & back workout went well and I felt strong throughout. I did 5 sets each of 20 reps of pull ups, 30 reps of push ups (both exercises done with varied hand positions), 5 sets of 12 reps each of chest presses, 5 sets of 12 reps per side of lawn mower back rows. Total 20 sets of exercises.
Now pardon me, it's time for my pool workout.