This puppy is in Sparks, Nevada as we speak (that's where my UPS hub is located) and should be out for delivery on Monday. Yeah! I can't wait. A review on my new BOSU 3D Classic with Power Package will be forthcoming.
As for my Rock N Roll Stepper the votes are in and we love it. There's not much I can say in the way of a review but I am planning to do a video demonstration as soon as possible. It's a straightforward little machine that rocks side to side and fun to use. I don't think I get much aerobic benefit as I'm pretty aerobically fit and it takes a lot to make me sweat and breath hard (think Kenpo Karate X) but it's a great addition to my circuit training and works your leg muscles nicely.
I did two rounds of circuit training today on the steppers, Leg Magic, and iSurf, then Power 90X Legs and Back, for a total of two hours of working out (including a load of laundry in the middle). That's what I call creating a black hole for food. Tomorrow's Super Bowl celebration will be no holds barred. I'll try for lots of protein as we made Sloppy Joes, Spicy Meatballs, cheese and crackers, and will make meat pizzas. (I'm averaging 90 to 120 grams of protein a day with 40 to 60 grams of fat - mostly omegas - and 100 to 150 grams of mostly unrefined carbs except post weight training). I'm happily looking forward to the dips, guacamole, crudites, and five kinds of chips too! Not to mention beer and wine will flow. Yummy!
Have a Happy Super Bowl Sunday!