You're going to screw up big time if you try to function.
I'm normally fairly organized and efficient. Particularly with bill paying.
Yesterday I totally misplaced a bill with no grace period while trying to be my usual responsible self and...I really misplaced the bill. Jerry and I searched places in the house we forgot existed. No bill.
The problem is I tried to function. I moved my checkbook, bill paying basket, and planner into the bedroom a few days ago thinking while I'm sick I could do better if they were closer to my, ah, center of command? No. Closer to my bed. No. Ah, my center of collapse.
We found the bill. I put it where I usually do. But then I worried that while I collapsed in bed the puppy might chew it up or...
I stuck it between two books on our second laptop.
Then zoned out and moved the books.
It's a miracle I ever found the bill. I looked up at that stack of books and saw the envelope sticking out. If this flu doesn't do Jerry in, the damned billed is in the mail.
Don't get the flu.