Buy The Bosu 3D Power Package

My workout yesterday was the Bosu Reactive Strength and Power workout and it’s smoking. This video is part of the Bosu Pro Series and it’s hosted by Gay Gasper who’s a fairly smooth and enjoyable host. With two other exercisers helping her demonstrate three levels – beginner, intermediate, advanced – they make it look easy. It’s not. This workout rivals Power 90X in intensity. The Bosu dome totally changes the impact of any move. Think dynamic, intense, and challenging.
This workout combines a variety of exercises that build muscular strength and endurance, enhance agility and challenge your balance and proprioceptive skills (a beneficial challenge and benefit for someone like me with Cerebral Palsy). I’ve noticed since first starting balance training with other equipment including the OSIM uSurf and GoFit disc my balance has improved. That’s an amazing benefit for a middle aged adult like me with Cerebral Palsy. Functional fitness is one of my main and ongoing goals.
The workout is approximately 55 minutes and separated into five segments – a warm up including stretching, lower body functional exercises, new variations of traditional upper body and core exercises that challenge balance and proprioception, a peak segment with reactive power moves much like Power 90X plyometrics, and a cool down including stretching. You’ll need a set of dumbbells and I used my Bowflex SelectTechs. Individual exercises include but aren’t limited to push ups, lunges, squats, chest flyes, chest presses, bicep curls, hammer curls, leg lifts, crunches, and aerobics including stepping, marching, and running in place.
The difference is the Bosu. It creates instability in every move and this challenges your muscles in ways they cannot be challenged on a stable surface like a floor or regular step. Greater muscle stimulation leads to greater muscle growth which leads to a faster metabolism which leads to greater fat and calorie burning. I’m fit and this was a challenging workout for me. I recommend it to anyone ready to take their workouts to the next level. I can’t wait to try Pilates on this thing!
I cannot stress enough the benefits of muscle challenge created by the Bosu. The Bosu dome makes you use your muscles in news ways and so efficiently you’ll work harder in less time. For example I’ve done chest flyes with machines and free weights for years. But when I did the alternating flye on the Bosu I almost fell off the first repetition. I had to recruit more muscles and work on balancing while I did the moves.
This piece of equipment takes your workouts to a whole different level because of the added element of balance and proprioception challenge. It’s worth every penny – ahem, dol1ar. (The going rate for a classic Bosu with instruction video is $99. The Bosu Power Package I bought with platform and handle plus 6 DVDs and 9 workouts is $333 but I got a discount deal with $99 off because I put the classic package in my cart first. They basically threw in the Bosu Dome for free of I bought the whole shabang).