Bruno's home with the flu and napping in our bed right now. Our parental bedroom is usually off limits but he's sick, so... I'm semi-sleep deprived and caught his dry cough. Am I getting the flu too? Oh well, I could use a vacation.
We don't get flu shots as we're not in any of the groups who are required to - except Jerry's over fifty and I'm closing in on fifty fast. But we're all three very healthy and figure our immune systems can use the practice. And it's damned hard to avoid colds and flu with a second grader who doesn't wash his hands as often as he should. Kids are quite adept of spreading around germs.
On the up side, it's been snowing all morning and our weather report is calling for storms off and on over the next four or five days. I love snow! And Bruno seems to be on the downside of it and getting steadily better. His temperature was 103.3 at the peak and he's under 102 now. I'm up to 99 degrees but feel pretty good so far. I never mind a fever as I usually feel as though I'm floating.
I got four combined workouts of intense weight training and cardio over the last week. I've been experimenting with combinations of Power 90X and Bosu workouts, and throwing in sessions on the Rock N Roll stepper, Twist N Step stepper, Leg Magic, and iSurf. The cross training keeps it interesting and challenging. I'm contemplating a workout today because I could use the endorphin high and always sleep well that night.
So if I get sick at least I got some good workouts under my belt...
Influenza Symptoms
Cold Versus Flu Quiz
Cold Versus Flu: How To Tell The Difference
What To Do When You Get The Flu
High-risk groups have priority and should always get a flu shot:
* People over 65
* Babies 6 months to 23 months
* Children on long-term aspirin therapy
* People with chronic health problems (such as diabetes, chronic lung disease, asthma, or heart failure)
* People receiving certain medical treatments
* People who live in nursing homes or other long-term care facilities
* Women who will be pregnant during flu season (winter)
* Caregivers and household contacts of babies younger than 6 months
* Healthcare workers
* People over 50 (if enough is available)
* People who have contact with high-risk groups (if enough is available)