My, I have the common symptoms of the flu.
* Fever. Check.
* Headache Check.
* Muscle aches Check. (This may be partly DOMS from my last workout).
* Chills Not exactly. (Who can tell when feeding the horse in 29
degree weather? Yeah, I'm shivering).
* Extreme tiredness Check.
* Dry cough Check.
* Runny nose Check.
* Stomach symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, may also occur but are more common in children than adults
No. Yes? Maybe. Wait.... Argh, okay.
The good news is Bruno went to school claiming "I feel like a new kid!"
Thank God. I'm exhausted and feel like crap. I need the peace and quiet so I can die in peace and quiet.
In other news, last night I was letting the cats out and Dee Dee ran out the back door. This isn't such a bad thing in broad daylight but it was pitch black out. To make matters worse the back porch light is out. Not that it would help much past the back deck. Our property is fenced but the back is mostly livestock fencing and a dog could find a way out eventually. Our front courtyard slash dog run is 6 foot high chain link and fairly doggy proof. But the perimeter fence is intended to keep in horses (and has failed at that a time or two).
So Bruno and I got on shoes and coats and grabbed flashlights and went out the back after her. Jerry went out the front but she's less responsive to him as far as letting him catch her. Though she has no problem crawling in his lap on the couch! She managed to run around the "back forty" and then the horse corral before we rounded her up. Workout after dark anyone?
At first I couldn't see my horse, Fury, anywhere and thought, "Oh S#!t, Fury got out!" But she was sleeping in a far dark corner of the corral and came to me when I called. I'm sure she thought we were nuts running around in the middle of the night in the cold.
The whole adventure couldn't have helped the flu thing. Bruno started hacking again then promptly fell asleep.
But Dee Dee's sleeping by me on the couch now so all is well.
Well, except me. I'm definitely unwell at the moment. Excuse me, I have to go crawl in my bed...