I'm preoccupied with our new puppy and workouts so this will be short.
Dee Dee's fitting in nicely except for a few adjustment problems with the cats. One of our large males Zen walked in the first day and took one look at her, hissed, and walked right by her like "This is my territory and you ain't stopping me." A few of the other younger cats are just staying outside. And the mommy cats, Lexi and Arlie, spent two days hanging out on the shelves over the washer and dryer but this morning Arlie finally took a stand and actually chased the pup down the hall. To her benefit the pup came right back and tried to make nice to the cat by crawling on her belly and wagging her tail. She wants to be friends.
On the workout front, I've done several versions of a modified Power 90X. Two days after a Power 90X Plus Total Body I was so sore from the waist up I did the original Power 90X Back and Legs without the Back. I added a circuit of Twist N Step Stepper, iSurf, Traditional Steps, Leg Magic, and Rock N Roll Stepper to make up for dropping out Back. And this has the added benefit of new moves that lead to muscle confusion.
Muscle confusion is the philosophy P 90X was founded on "P90X system is an advanced training technique called "Muscle Confusion," which accelerates the results process by constantly introducing new moves and routines so your body never plateaus, and you never get bored!" One of the biggest exercise and fitness mistakes is to do the same routine over and over. You know those people who do the elliptical every time or lift the same ten pound weight at 12 repetitions for five years and wonder why their bodies never change. This is another classic mistake because you're never challenging your body with a higher level of intensity. The body adapts rapidly and doing the same old same old gets you the same old body. Hence the magic of Power 90X and changing your workout routine often.