Jerry found a 6 month old Border Collie mix on Craig's List. If you're a regular reader you know how Jerry loves Craig's List and eBay. Her name is Dee Dee - we're already calling Sweety Dee Dee - and she's already blending into the family. At first glance I thought she had a bit of Rottweiler in her. She has that classic wide jaw and I owned a Rottweiler named Bond (Bond Oasis Princess). But I didn't say anything. I'm not an expert on Collies. But hey, that jaw is landmark and she has Rotty markings.
At first she kept following Bruno everywhere and was eying me warily (Jerry was in his office). So I shared a few bites of sirloin steak with her and now she keeps coming up and sniffing my hand. Gives a 'love at first bite' new meaning, hey.
Like our 16 year old dog Junior, she has a past history of abuse and is a little skiddish but that should make her exceptionally qualified for our household. Junior has changed a great deal in the three years we've had him. At first he was scared to death of the water hoses and insecure if left alone. For over a year I took him with me almost everywhere. Now he's all right with staying home alone a few hours. He's more secure and relaxed now - okay spoiled. The whole family is spoiled.
The cutest event yet, the second time we took her out to the front dog run Junior was napping in one of the front storage sheds and she couldn't see him. Jerry said she looked upset until she found him and woke him up. Then her tail was wagging a mile a minute. They're definitely pals already.
More puppy stories, photos, and video to come...
Breakfast at Terrible's Casino this morning. Then the ride home and Dee Dee's first walk through the front dog run. Later Bruno took her out back and ran her around. She's tuckered out now and sleeping on Bruno's bed. The last photos are of Bruno doing a new "punishment" we learned from Dee Dee's last family - a very sweet family who couldn't keep her due to having a small yard. It's holding a coin against a wall with your nose. As I predicted Bruno thinks its fun a did it for five minutes on a dare he couldn't do one minute. He laughed most of the way.
What a sweet face!