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This is my last day off from Power 90X. Tomorrow I go back on program - or should I say back to the Power 90X Lifestyle. My last Power 90X workout was Tuesday December 4th 2007 - Chest & Back. I remained active in other ways like moving a s#!t load of stuff when we moved my husband's home office and playing with my horse. But no official resistance training or aerobics was done.
I have been enjoying holiday treats like truffles, Belgian chocolates, crackers and cheese, caramel drizzled popcorn, champagne, caviar on Brie and more, but in moderation. Meaning I never left the portion control brigade. Off plan yet calorie controlled between 1550 and 2200 calories. My weight this morning is 114.5 pounds (premenstrual-I always gain water weight) and my body fat percentage this morning is 21 percent and 24 pounds body fat - this jumps around day to day due to variables like water weight, hydration, phase of the moon, Jupiter trine Mars. So I use my body fat meter as a guideline not as hard data. As long as my percentage stays between 17 and 20 percent, hey, I can live with it.
So I survived my holidays and being AWOL from Power 90X with little change in weight or body fat percent. I suspect some muscle loss due to lack of weight training, being off of creatine and protein shakes. Past experience tells me I can rely on muscle memory, new stimulus (Power 90X Plus is coming to my house and it arrived in Sparks, NV last night and should be out for delivery tomorrow), a supplement stack, and good nutrition to pack muscle back on and more.

As for my last meal - the one I'll indulge in tonight before going to the gallows, um, I mean before going to the Tony Horton torture chamber - is fried seafood, fries and onion rings. Yummo! Shrimp and oysters dipped in tempura batter and deep fried. That, my friends and dear readers, is divine. Tomorrow it's back to high protein, controlled fat and controlled unrefined carbohydrates. And POWER 90X! Maybe I'll start at the beginning again and do Chest & Back. Or maybe my favorite Back & Legs. Followed by a coffee and mocha protein shake. Choices, choices.
Power 90X Plus - Buy It Now!
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