I managed to make my ribs sore on my left side. I first thought I did it when I missed a step on my front deck. I didn't fall this time but I landed hard. Then this morning I used my left hip as a fulcrum to bang open the back door. It's been sticking because of the cold weather and snowstorms and I've been doing that for several days. I'm pretty sure using my body as a battering ram is what brought on the sore ribs. So I'm out of commission a few days as far as workouts. When I get over this I'll start Power 90X Plus and post reviews.
It doesn't help that we got more snow out here and the U latch on my horse corral gate froze shut. I had to lift the grain bucket (about 20 pounds) and the hay cube bucket (about 35 pounds) over the fence while standing on a big rock. This is where the weight lifting and aerobics workouts translate into functional fitness and come in damn handy. Especially when your ribs are sore. Until I heal enough to do and review P90X Plus here's a few tidbits you might enjoy:
Celiac Disease: Discovery Of Enzyme's Structure May Lead To New Treatments
ScienceDaily (Jan. 9, 2008) — Researchers have discovered a new structure for a key enzyme associated with celiac disease, a finding that could lead to the design of new medications for the common digestive disorder, according to an article scheduled for the Jan. 7 issue of Chemical & Engineering News.
More here.
Eating Out Can Have Both Positive And Negative Impact On Obesity
ScienceDaily (Jan. 10, 2008) — Eating out instead of cooking at home continues to increase as a factor impacting the American diet. Americans face a large variety of food options and food establishments when choosing to eat out. Do the choices of available restaurants matter to America's rising obesity? More here.
Exercising Judgment: The Psychology Of Fitness
ScienceDaily (Jan. 10, 2008) — It's only been a few weeks since you made that New Year's resolution to exercise more, but already you're finding reasons to skip days -- maybe even weeks. More here.
10 Worst Foods of 2007 How many have you tried? After much deliberation, food writer John "Mr. Bad Food" McGran has come up with the "best" of the worst foods he’s reviewed over the past year.
Here there are in his words (in no particular order)—the worst foods of 2007! More here.
Is Obesity a Choice? As adult obesity balloons in the United States, being overweight has become less of a health hazard and more of a lifestyle choice, the author of a new book argues.
"Obesity is a natural extension of an advancing economy. As you become a First World economy and you get all these labour-saving devices and low-cost, easily accessible foods, people are going to eat more and exercise less," health economist Eric Finkelstein told AFP. Read more.
Here's a few cool links:
Disaboom - Live Forward
Japanese IQ Test - Fun and Challenging Game
Most Famous Men On One Photo
Barmeister - The Online Guide To Drinking
Hot Library Smut - Photos of the World's Most Beautiful Libraries
Euphoria Remedies - These Food Combos Make People Euphoric - I haven't tried any yet.
Unstoppable Fat Loss Blog - Empower Your Mind and Your Body Will Follow
Beyond Wikipedia - 20 References You Can't Do Without
Healing Food Reference
Disabled Athletes Sports Association