As expected I wasn’t able to get another Power 90X Plus workout in over the four day weekend with Bruno home all four days and his Daddy home on the weekend with me. I did get in about 90 minutes of circuit training in yesterday on the iGallop, uSurf, Leg Magic, Stepper, and GoFit Disc (squats, lunges, knee lifts) and some karate. Bruno joined in and we traded stations as well as facing off at karate.
Today I’ll get in a Power 90X Plus and write a review soon. Also yesterday I bought HSN’s Today’s Special – Tony Little’s new Rock N Roll Stepper. At $58 and free shipping it was almost half off the infomercial price. What's really cool, my husband put $3 in a video poker machine yesterday and won $60 so it's like the stepper was free. Once it comes and we try it I’ll write a review.
Yesterday’s Menu
9 am (we slept in) Veggie burger, Smart Balance mayonnaise, nonfat cheese, pickles, lettuce on a whole wheat bun
12 pm Boca Meatless Chili, mixed green salad, flax oil
4 pm Protein shake, 1 cup blackberries
7 pm 2 glasses white wine, 1 ounce cheese, 1 ounce mixed nuts
10 pm Veggie burger, Smart Balance mayonnaise, nonfat cheese, pickles, lettuce on a whole wheat bun
Totals Calories 1574 Fat 51 Protein 114 grams Carbohydrates 147 grams Alcohol 19 grams
Weight 113 pounds, Body fat 17.8 percent.
What I’ve Been Reading Online – Here’s Some Outstanding Blog Entries. And believe me, they’re usually few and far between. These are blog entries almost everyone can learn from, identify with, or appreciate.
Jack Sprat’s “Complain or Compline”
This week we did something called “Compline” which is a rite from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer that is used to end the day. It can be done simply – I think we covered it in 10 minutes or less.
I’ve been thinking about it the past two days because compline has one of my all-time favorite prayers:
Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or
weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who
sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless
the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the
joyous; and all for your love’s sake. Amen.
It pretty much covers every aspect of the human condition! And lately I’ve been a worker, watcher, and weeper, dealing with the weary, the sick, and the afflicted. (Well, I’m sorry, but “afflicted” is just how some people act at the scale!!). Read more.
Fat Doctor’s Scripts “Just One. Just One. Just one.”
“I realize that when partner who hates me was out of the office on a break, I felt great. Partner came back, said one snippy thing to me and my anxiety shot through the roof.
First thing I did this morning post discussion with partner was stare at the vending machine for several minutes toying with the idea of a candy bar.
Just one. Just one. Just one.
Husband says I am following my father’s script.
My father, a functional alcoholic who was outwardly quite successful, blamed everything in the world for why he drank. His perceived failures, his demanding job, his illness, and more than sometimes the stress we children caused him.” Read more.
Flabuless’ “The day God got through to me!”
“Sitting here on the floor in my lounge room typing this I don’t really know what I am supposed to type, I just know I need to type. I feel numb really, maybe its the pills maybe its just the cold hard realization of who I have become…the worst sinner in the world really….yea I know thats the Apostle Paul’s line but sitting here I feel the same.
But I really am the worst sinner in the world, I have betrayed my best friend, committed adultery and reveled in it I must add. I have lied, cheated, I have neglected my children so that I can partake in a ‘Party Life’. But most importantly and to sum everything up I have turned my back on God and all his goodness.
I look at myself in the mirror and I see an awful horrible human being but then I read psalms where he says YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made and It just doesn’t match up…look at me, look at what I have done! I am U.G.L.Y. And yet God still hasn’t given up on me despite my numerous attempts to force him to wash his hands of me still he has me so tightly in his grasp, still he keeps, cherishes, protects me, he hedges me behind and before and lays His hand upon my shoulder.
Why????? Why me???? the social worker today told me because HE has a plan for my life!” Read more.