"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo
This morning at 2 am, Jerry was off to La Quinta, California for a two week "tour of duty" refurbishing a rental house. I say tour of duty because on these trips he works nearly around the clock except to eat, shower, and sleep. The man is a workhorse. This happens about twice a year when one of the Palm Desert area houses becomes empty and needs a makeover to be rental or sale ready. So it shouldn't be that big of a deal and it has it's rewards including almost triple the pay and a week's vacation when he returns.
Well, when it came time to say goodnight to Bruno and essentially goodbye as I wasn't waking an eight year old who has school up at 2 am, Bruno made a scene and cried. We got him to bed and then I cried, and the Jerry started crying too. My God, are we a bunch of crybabies or what?! (It's not hard to make Jerry cry. He does it every time we watch "It's A Wonderful Life" or "The Horse Whisperer"). It didn't help I'm just post PMS and prone to cry anyway. (The scale was up to 123 pounds this morning, typical 4-5 pound water gain I always get TTOM).
I got Bruno off to school without much ado. It helped that Jerry called at 7:15 am from Bishop, Ca. Bruno was happy to chat him up while we waited for the bus. It's Bruno's last week of school so he's excited about the final activities and vacation.
I've taken over all of Jerry's outdoor chores, watering the horse, the garden and all of the trees. (Our apple tree requires daily watering this time of year, and the garden twice daily depending on the weather).
I feel like I'm playing a waiting game. Waiting for Jerry to call and say he arrived safely, waiting for Bruno to get off school this afternoon and the school year to be over on Friday, waiting for Arly our cat to have her kittens, waiting for the two weeks out-of-town to be over, waiting for Jerry to get home, waiting for Summer to begin. Waiting, waiting, waiting.
I guess I'll go water something, then clean the house...by the time Jerry gets home the house will be spotless. And surely there will be extra balls of fur. Jerry said the first few days he's gone he'll probably be tripping over invisible cats.
On an up note, we scored a free 1986 Plymouth Voyager 6 cylinder mini van this weekend on Carson City Freecycle. The body and interior is in very good condition, but it has a cracked engine block. Jerry can fix the mini van and we'll have something good on gas mileage. Our vans are all large 8 cylinder gas hogs. I've gotten to where I don't drive unless forced. Gas is almost $4 a gallon here.