Sunday I had a non-scale victory. (I'm not big on using the scale for measuring progress but NSV is so commonly embraced).
First, the back story. Last year, on Sunday November 11th, I blogged about buying a used ProForm treadmill and she weighs a lot. If I wanted it moved so much as an inch my husband, Jerry, had to do it. Yank and pull on it with all my body weight and I couldn't budge it so much as a quarter inch.
Said treadmill has been sitting in the corner blocked off from use for several months. We tend to rotate our aerobics equipment and she was supposed to end up outside on my back deck but Jerry hasn't had time to cover the deck yet. Anyhow, we recently got three new (used) air conditioners and I suggested Jerry install one in a living room window opposite the water cooler - which can't cool us off well enough when we get up in the nineties like now. Long story short, a bunch of fitness equipment had to be moved so we could access the window (see it in the upper left corner of photo below).

So he pulls the treadmill out and leaves it sitting cockeyed in the middle of the floor and goes outside to work on the air conditioner. I decide hey, lets set her back up. The only problem is he left her at an angle and the deck can't be unfolded. Ever the impatient one, I decide I'll yank on her even though I KNOW she won't budge. She didn't the last time I tried.
That big old puppy not only budged, I managed to pull her sideways a good 8 inches and get her lined up straight so I could lower the deck. And that was across a carpet not the floor she used to sit on - more friction not less. Jerry said, "Wow, that's one heavy mother too."
That's one way to measure your progress in strength gains! Go move something you couldn't six months ago.
She used to move me...now I move her.