Carb-cutting Enzyme Stopped By Bean Extract, Endocrinologists Say
April 1, 2007 — UCLA researchers have found an extract in white kidney beans may help the body stop carbs from breaking down into sugars. A digestive enzyme in the body normally acts like scissors, literally cutting starches into little sugars. Phase 2 stops the enzyme from cutting, so the starches stay in the body as long fibers and are burned off quicker. Patients in the clinical studies who took Phase 2 lost body fat, not lean muscle.
Americans are getting fatter. In fact, more than 60 percent are overweight and 18 million have type 2 diabetes. It's an epidemic that's becoming more of a problem with each passing year. Now, a new discovery could help you shed those dangerous pounds and live a healthier life.
Pastas ... breads ... cereals ... We know them well. And doctors say it's carbs like these that are making us fat.
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On the personal front, I don't know if I'm coming down with something or I'm just overworked. I'm aching all over and it's not the good kind of ache you get from working out. I've been spending a lot more time outside because Jerry's out of town and I'm doing his outside chores. So I'm breathing in a lot more allergens and my Claritin isn't cutting it. I may have to stack Benedryl on top of it and I hate to as that makes me drousy.
Regardless, the weekend looks to be chores, chores, chores. I've got over 30 trees and the garden to water, three litter boxes to clean, a dog run to clean, laundry, dishes, and I have to tackle Bruno's room. Bruno's room is like a Toys-R-Us after someone set a bomb off. Every few weeks I clean it and put everything away. Then a few weeks later "Whammo!" It explodes again. Bruno cannot find his Indiana Jones Lego person so we're in crisis mode. I need to don my radiation suit and go in...