While Jerry was in La Quinta, California he ate at the Port of Subs. He told me I’d be proud of him for making such a healthy choice. Well, actually, no. Port Of Subs isn’t particularly any healthier than say, McDonald’s or Jack In The Box. I told him he works like a mule on these trips so it’s not a good time to watch calories or carbohydrates anyway. He needs the fuel.
Luckily he brought home a Port Of Subs menu flyer and a laminated card with the nutrition information on their nine “healthy” sandwich choices. He said the menu and nutrition card were the only ones in sight but he took them anyway knowing of my endless fascination with all things food and nutrition. My husband will commit petty theft for me!
Then two days ago we took Bruno to McDonalds and I brought home the nutrition fact sheet on the back of the tray liner. (I noticed quite a few in the trash bin. Apparently most people don’t want to know the nutrition facts). And upon comparison of both establishments lower calorie options I found out what I suspected all along. You CAN eat just as healthy at McDonald’s as you can at Port Of Subs! You low carbohydrate dieters out there will love this. (Low fat dieters may whimper).
Below I’ll list Port Of Subs nine sandwiches with five grams of fat or less (their definition of “healthy") and compare each with one of McDonald’s lighter options.
Port Of Subs No. 2 Ham & Turkey – Calories 328, Fat 5 grams, Carbs 46 grams, Protein 22 grams, Sodium 1327 mg
McDonald’s Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken – Calories 320, Fat 9 grams, Carbs 30 grams, Protein 30 grams, Sodium 960 mg
While these two food items are almost exactly the same calorie-wise, the McDonald’s choice has 10 grams less carbs and 8 grams more protein. And the McDonald’s salad has 367 mg less sodium.
Port Of Subs No. 5 Smoked Ham & Turkey– Calories 320, Fat 5 grams, Carbs 46 grams, Protein 21 grams, Sodium 1343 mg
McDonald’s Asian Salad with Grilled Chicken – Calories 300, Fat 10 grams, Carbs 23 grams, Protein 32 grams, Sodium 890 mg
McDonald’s wins again! Although both items are within 20 calories of each other the Mickey D’s salad has HALF THE CARBS and 323 mgs less sodium. (For you low fat dieters out there, you are better off with the extra 5 grams of fat than a butt load – I mean 23 grams - of extra carbohydrates).
Port Of Subs No. 7 Roast Beef– Calories 315, Fat 4 grams, Carbs 43 grams, Protein 23 grams, Sodium 884 mg
McDonald’s Hamburger – Calories 250, Fat 9 grams, Carbs 31 grams, Protein 12 grams, Sodium 520 mg
Now this match is closer. Port Of Subs packs a bigger punch calorie and carb-wise, but McDonald’s is sadly lacking in protein, especially considering that left hook of 31 grams of carbs. I'd buy two McD’s hamburgers and toss the buns. That’s if you can stomach the taste of their beef patties by themselves. At least the McDonald’s choice has less sodium and we’re not counting fat grams, are we.
Port Of Subs No. 8 Turkey – Calories 315, Fat 4 grams, Carbs 47 grams, Protein 21 grams, Sodium 1233 mg (that’s one salty turkey)
McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets 4 Piece – Calories 170, Fat 10 grams, Carbs 10 grams, Protein 10 grams, Sodium 450 mg
I’m sorry Port Of Subs but McDonald’s is a better choice all the way around. You could eat two orders of the Chicken McNuggets before hitting the turkey sandwich’s numbers.
Port Of Subs No. 9 Peppered Pastrami – Calories 293, Fat 3 grams, Carbs 44 grams, Protein 17 grams, Sodium 708 mg
McDonald’s Honey Mustard Wrap (grilled) – Calories 260, Fat 9 grams, Carbs 27 grams, Protein 14 grams, Sodium 800 mg
Mickey D’s has 17 grams less carbs. I’ll take it.
Port Of Subs No. 10 Roasted Chicken Breast – Calories 304, Fat 3 grams, Carbs 44 grams, Protein 24 grams, Sodium 1130 mg
McDonald’s 6 Piece Chicken McNuggets – Calories 250, Fat 15 grams, Carbs 15 grams, Protein 15 grams, Sodium 670 mg
McDonald’s has 29 grams less carbs, 54 less calories, and nearly half the sodium. But I suppose there are plenty of low fat dieters that will jump at the Port Of Subs chicken because it has 12 grams less fat even though it has more calories. (Yes, that’s sarcasm in my voice).
Are you still with me? Can you take three more rounds? Huh, huh?
Port Of Subs No. 18 Roast Beef and Turkey – Calories 315, Fat 4 grams, Carbs 45 grams, Protein 22 grams, Sodium 1059 mg
McDonald’s Chipolte BBQ Snack Wrap (grilled) – Calories 260, Fat 8 grams, Carbs 28 grams, Protein 18 grams, Sodium 820 mg
Whammo! Micky D wins this one across the board.
Port Of Subs No. 14 Smoked Ham – Calories 301, Fat 4 grams, Carbs 44 grams, Protein 18 grams, Sodium 1184 mg
McDonald’s Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with Grilled Chicken – Calories 260, Fat 9 grams, Carbs 12 grams, Protein 33 grams, Sodium 1010 mg
We have a winner on the protein and carb front with McD’s 33 grams of protein and only 12 grams of carbs versus POS’s measly 18 grams of protein and a whopping 44 grams of carbs.
Port Of Subs No. 6 Vegetarian without Cheese or Avocado (NO Cheese or Avocado! YUCK!)– Calories 238, Fat 2 grams (lowest overall in fat-anyone for dry skin and hair and whacked out hormones), Carbs 44 grams (how about high blood sugar and a fat butt?), Protein 7 grams (choice lowest in protein - no bodybuilders eating here), Sodium 1343 mg (the winner as HIGHEST in the sodium department over all choices-what a loser!)
McDonald’s Premium Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken – Calories 220 (lower than POS), Fat 6 grams (too close to care, actually too low in fat - where's that salad dressing?), Carbs 12 grams (32 carbs less), Protein 30 grams (even a bodybuilder would approve), Sodium 890 mg (453 mg less)
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! (Holds up Micky D’s bloody glove).
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Port Of Subs is on the mat because of his bread addiction. ("Would you like some sides of meat or vegetables with that loaf of bread, ma'am?")
Dieting? Eating out? Eat at McDonald’s. (Just don’t do it like Morgan Spurlock. Really Morgan, did you have to Super Size everything?)
(Salads listed are without dressing-add Newman’s Own Vinaigrette and you’ll add on 40 calories, Fat 3 grams, Carbs 4 grams, Protein 3 grams, Sodium 730 mg)