No, not that kind of tax day. This kind...

I've had seven hard driven, physically taxing workouts in the last ten days. And my muscles feel hard. Way harder than they did this time last year. Woo Hoo!
Yesterday I did a two hour lower body workout, 50 minutes was on the Rock N Roll Stepper, and the rest was six sets of squats, lunges, calf raises, and several of those sets were done on the uSurf. Doing squats, lunges, and calf raises on a shaking board makes them very challenging and effective.
I was planning a chest and back day today on The Bitch Sisters but it started snowing this morning. Most of yesterday and last night we had high winds with gusts past 60 mph. No, that's not unusual here in the high desert. Our winds are called Washoe Zephyrs and we also get dust devils which resemble small tornadoes. The spring like weather we enjoyed on the weekend has flown the coop and it's bitterly cold outside. I'll do an indoor chest and back instead. Time to pull out the BOSU.
A quick update on my The Cheat To Lose Diet adventures; I'm on week four and tomorrow is cheat day. Yeah! On the negative side I went down to 114.5 pounds earlier this week and now I'm back to 117 pounds this morning. So as of today, 28 days on Cheat To Lose has netted me a loss of 2.7 pounds since March 17th when I weighed in at 119.7 pounds. Not great, not fab, no big whoosh. But, oh how I love cheat days!
I'm aiming for 112 pounds by June 1st. We shall see...