It was one of those weekend's when nothing went as planned. You know, the kind of weekend that makes Monday morning look good.
It started out innocently enough. The weather was warm and Spring time made itself known with growing grass, buds on our apple tree, and wild flowers popping up in the desert. Saturday rolled by sweetly enough, I got all the laundry done, and even managed some reading. The evening came quietly enough.
Then Jerry went on Craig's List.
We've had good luck with Craig's List in the past. Bargains we found included my horse, our dog Dee Dee, and my Ford Club Wagon. Well, Jerry finally uncovered one of the flakes lurking out there in the choppy waters of the web. Some guy listed a play gym on Craig's List for free. It was big, all wood, included a climbing wall, and almost new but had blown over in one of our big windstorms and received minor damage. The people collected insurance money for a replacement and wanted someone to take the old one away. Jerry called and set up a pick up time on Sunday. We researched the gym online (it was a Costco model) and showed it to Bruno. Big mistake. Never let the kid in on anything until it's a sure thing.
Jerry hooked our horse trailer up to his work van and off we went happily looking forward to our little outing and conquest. Well, while we were parked in front of the flakes' house waiting, the party in question calls on our cell phone and says they changed their minds. Apparently they had a big fight the night before (we had a way better Saturday night than they did!) and the wife refused to get rid of it. Looks like she wanted to pocket the insurance money and make the husband fix the broken gym. Thoughtless to say the least.
Of course Bruno burst into tears when he found out he wasn't getting the gym.
An ice cream sandwich and promises of something better after our tax return arrives helped. Jerry promised to build him a rock climbing wall better than the one on the play gym we didn't get. I spent an hour researching plans for building one and materials for a small one look like a $50 investment. And Bruno already has a swing set and play house so he's happy to just get a climbing wall.
Whew. That wasn't all that happened to make me welcome a Monday but it was certainly enough.