a Sealed Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds on DVD,
and Sealed Cellulite Get Fit Stay Trim Workout on VHS.
I'm having too freaky a Friday. I'm in the mood to give something away.
I got up early enough, 6:30 am, but can't seem to find enough time to do everything I need to...people, namely my husband and son, keep throwing new things on my to-do list.
The good news is that I checked my bank balance and gasped. Our tax return was deposited today. Yeah! "Going shopping, I'm going shopping." ...does a little happy dance.
I went online and bought a piece of fitness equipment I've coveted since I first saw one of the first consumer models at (High End Retail Store Name Here.) But the original model sold at a price I'd never pay. I would not pay that much for a vehicle or a horse, for heaven's sake. Keep in mind I'm a cheap son of a shop-a-holic. (Other good news...we got two free pasture gates off of Craig's List today. We're expanding our fenced area in the front yard because of midget marauders but that's another story).
After about a year passed I found an affordable version of this coveted exercise equipment made by a brand I know and trust. Found by accident, this exercise Holy Grail was eligible for a discount I received by email. The online store who had it is one I trust and deal with often, but I held off buying it until I could research the technology to my satisfaction. After the verdict was in, all I could think was "I WANT THAT!"
So when the tax money came I pounced. I got a deal on this with a $200 markdown on the retail price AND I had a 15 percent off coupon AND I got FREE shipping at a retailer that doesn't offer free shipping often. Am I a wheeler-dealer bargain hunting shop-a-holic or what.
Here's the deal. If you read my ramblings this far you qualify to win a prize. IF you can guess what I bought. The prize package is all three of the sealed exercise videos and DVD pictured above. If you win I'll need a mailing address to send them to.
Here's your 10 clues:
Home Shopping Network
Marked Down $200
Jane Fonda
Today Show
Video Demonstration
If nobody guesses the right answer I'll default to saving the prize for another contest. Contest ends as soon as somebody answers correctly by email or commenting or I receive my new equipment and post a review about it.