Jerry said I should post this photo because it shows off my hard work. Over a decade of bicep, tricep, and shoulder workouts got me some decent guns.
Anyhow, we had one of those wacky weekends where Jerry says he's ready to go back to work so he can get some rest. (This is funny because he's in construction / remodeling and his work is physically demanding). We never got any rest this weekend, it was go, go, go.
Loading Up Our Two New Storage Shed Frames (One is still in boxes)
I even had a weight workout planned for Sunday afternoon but had to postpone because we went out gallavanting because we got a deal on two huge 10 x 20 foot storage shed frames. We have seven out buildings now - not including our myriad 'storage' vans - but they're not enough.
Back in 2003 we bought the contents of a ceramic shop including four kilns, a potters wheel, twenty 5 gallon buckets of slip (liquid clay), a large lot of mosaic supplies, and over 2000 ceramic molds. Right now our ceramic studio is in dire need of cleaning because Jerry moved out of his 'office' so Bruno could have his own bedroom. Most of his office - which was crammed full to the rafters - ended up in the studio. (I'll take a photo of this chaos before he moves it into the new sheds).
Bruno and I also took over sixty photos this weekend and I'll post some here this week. Here's a few... Now excuse me, I have to try to empty my endless laundry basket. Every time I empty it, it magically fills back up.
I Is Cute!
These are our three and four week old kittens...named Sugar, Pepper, Lightning McQueen, Tijuana, Bijou, Chaos, Willsee, and Thunder. (Yes, one looks Siamese. Momma Karma is half Siamese and Grand Daddy Jay is full blood).