This Friday October 31st is my birthday. It also happens to be Halloween and Nevada Day - the day Nevada joined the union in 1864 and became the 36th state. I'll be preoccupied through the weekend so I may not get a chance to blog again until Monday.
Back to the real significance of October 31st - it's my birthday. And in the tradition of David Letterman I bring you "5 reasons why it sucks to share your birthday with Halloween." Hey, I ain't a comedian.
5. Getting the same 5 Halloween birthday cards over and over...every year.
4. Being nicknamed "spook" and "witch" since birth. This gets old after age 12.
3. Everyone around you is too busy getting high on candy, or booze, or both, to notice it's your birthday.
2. You have to share center stage with 1000 cute trick or treaters, not to mention one million reveling Nevadans.
1. There's a shortage on the champagne and chocolate you crave for a birthday dinner. All the champagne was bought up for Nevada Day, all the chocolate for Halloween.