Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can You Say Joe Six Pack The Plumber Illegally Operates His $250,000 Plus Profit Business Three Times Fast?

Turns out this "Joe The Plumber" dude McCain holds up as the "Typical hard working American taxpayer" isn't even a licensed plumber. And this guy owes $1200 in back taxes! Hey, that's all illegal, isn't it?

It appears "Joe The Plumber," the average working Joe made famous in last night's presidential debates, who complained Obama's tax plan would not be beneficial to him, DOES NOT HAVE A LICENSE OR PAY HIS TAXES!

Oh, Joe, say it ain't so. You're a McCain-ward looking kinda guy, Joe Six Pack kinda Palin dude. And you're operating a business – that pulls in more income than the other 98 percent of us – without a license or paying all your taxes? Dude, my husband and I have a more typical small business that made under $40,000 last year together. We have a license. We're up on our taxes. What's your excuse?

McCain's gonna give tax breaks to more rich people who don't follow the rules? Why am I not surprised.

I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. I believe that's a deeply personal choice hopefully based on an educated investigation of all of the candidates, their positions on issues, and their qualifications. I am going to suggest you to do the basic research on both candidates before you commit.

I am supporting Barack Obama. While I respect John McCain for his military service, I fundamentally disagree with his politics and his plans. And his choice of a running mate mystifies me. Surely a more qualified and polished politician from the pool of possible choices would have made more sense. This isn't personal, I don't dislike McCain or Palin personally, it's just political. I'm a liberal democrat, I feel electing George W. Bush was a grave mistake and detrimental to this country, and McCain and Palin are like switching out Bush and Cheney with their political identical twins.

On the other hand, Barack Obama and Joe Biden appeal to me on many levels, not just politically. I'm not going to do a biography on them here, but I'd like to offer a few links to give readers the option of taking a closer look.

I've heard people complain they do not know what Barack Obama plans to do in office. They're certainly not looking very hard. On the Obama website he has a detailed plan on all areas for everyone to check out. To see for yourself click on Obama For America.

For an intimate look at the Obama family check out these photos at Huffington Post.

Instead of believing everything you hear in political ads of either candidate, check out the facts at Fact

And for fun and humorous political coverage check out these links:

Jib Jab

The Satirical Political Report

The Spoof