Please welcome guest blogger Matt Sison. Thanks for joining us, Matt!
Focus on genuine health for weight loss by Matt Sison, C.Ht.
Have you seen the show "The Biggest Loser," and wondered what a good fitness trainer can do for you?
"The Biggest Loser" is a television show that focuses on fitness trainers helping individuals that are well over a hundred pounds overweight. However, the great thing about this show is that it reminds of us of the hidden potential inside of us. A potential you may have forgotten about.
Let's do a little mental exercise :) right now. Use that ability to imagine, fantasize if you will, what a healthy fit body will do for you. Apart from just looking good for others, what other benefits of health come to the surface? Notice how in this state of mind, you have natural feelings already ingrained inside of you for your own personal GENUINE HEALTH.
That's what True Weight Loss is about - not trying to drastically restrict your diet to fit in a size zero designer jeans, or taking pills that dramatically throw off your homeostasis to become wafer thin like the models we see on television and magazines. You're not here to impress everyone! Instead, do it lovingly for you and instinctual wisdom will take care of the greater good.
Yes, we all want to look good physically, however, remember that you can do it in more natural means than what's been advertised through television and magazine commercials. You CAN look good naturally by simply guiding your focus toward genuine health! If you stay focused on genuine health you will have the energy to accomplish everything else that you want, and with more energy and zeal! But if you're willing to "look good" at the risk of damaging genuine health, then your body will eventually succumb and you will at some point start feeling run down, tired and lethargic.
You're not completely to blame as the media has greatly influenced our thoughts of the "ideal" body. Moreover, the media has applied mass hypnosis concepts to their advertising and in my opinion have become the greatest hypnotists ever. However, do not make this an excuse to justify negative eating habits. Because, ultimately, as an adult, it is your responsibility to be mindful of what you put in your body.
Now, I'm not saying you can't that ideal body, you may or may not, but if your attempts at getting there are at the risk of your genuine health - then you might want to heavily reconsider as the ramifications in the long run are simply not worth the wear and tear it will do to your body.
With that being said, let me remind you what the trainers on "The Biggest Loser" have reminded the contestants: FOCUS ON GENUINE HEALTH and weight loss will follow, naturally!
Use the success stories of the contestants on the show to teach you that once we you tap into that laser beam focus, you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to, and to get you started be sure to order our Self-Hypnosis Audio Program: Weight loss made simple.
But right now, make a commitment that your health is important enough for you to access and use that laser beam focus you were born with to create Genuine Health!

Matt Sison, C.Ht.
Matt was awarded an International commendation given only to hypnotists considered to be in the top 1 percent of the industry. Matt's successful Hypnosis Concepts and Techniques brought him a list of clients from all over United States and overseas for private sessions: That list includes Celebrities, Olympic athletes and Professional Athletes. Furthermore, he teaches advanced Hypnotherapy concepts and methods to therapists of all sorts. Before becoming a Hypnotherapist, Matt was a successful fitness trainer for over 9 years, certified by the International Sports Science Association. Recently, he collaborated with Fitness-Nutrition Expert, Rick Schaff - M.S.H.N, to produce an inspiring program for weight loss. Read more about it and listen to audio samples by visiting: Hypnosis weight loss cds.